Do join me for my 3 days workshop on clinical homeopathy in Bulgaria in sep 2012
The aim of this Incredible Workshop is teaching the CLINICAL APPROACH to cure difficult cases
Dr. A. Yadav and Dr. Kacker will present skin, endocrinology and psychiatric cases.
Dr. Marcelo Candegabe will present a mathematical approach to a paradigm of homeopathy: a phonetic code number as new parameter.
Compliance with the conditions of individuality and totality, the similarity is achieved by linking a key numeric phonetic properties of
Three (3) Days Workshop On Evidence / Clinical homeopathy at Hotel Sunrise, Golden Sands Resort, Varna, Bulgaria.
- Dr. Ajay Yadav
- Dr. Gaurav Kacker
- Dr. Marcelo Candegabe
For registration and detail please, contact Eliya Kostova, MD.
- Dr. Gaurav Kacker
- Dr. Marcelo Candegabe
For registration and detail please, contact Eliya Kostova, MD.
Contact number:
Email :
Skype: eliatelf
gTalk: substance and the patient.
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