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Biochemical parameters their role in assessment of risk for coronary heart disease
Some of the diseases preventing and complication pregnancy
Albuminuria in children
ALLEN, George
Some statistical facts concerning insanity
ALLEN, Henry Clay
The Vital Force Nosodes Notes on Sepia
Materia Medica Notes
Pyrogen – A clinical case Pyrogen
Tabacum : Some guiding symptoms
The dynamic element of the remedy ALVA, Benjamin
Presidential address
ARONS, Isidore
Present Status Of Radiation in the Treatment Of Malignant Conditions
ASHMEAD, Henry Graham
A Brief History of Homeopathy in Delaware County ASRANI, C. H.
Common GI Complaints
Bladder Troubles & Homoeopathy
BACH, Edward
Verbena Officinalis
Verbena Officinalis
Cichorium Intybus
Clematis Erecta Flora
Fundamental Consideration Of Disease and Cure
BALL, Stefan (The Edward Bach Centre)
Healing the Emotions
Biography : Dr Edward Bach BANERJEA, Subrata Kumar
Miasmatic prescribing Miasmatic weightage of medicines BANERJEE, B. N.
Prophylaxis Of Cholera
Cancerinic State
Bacillinum Vs Tuberculinum
Twenty First Century Homoeopathy
BARKER, J. Ellis
Skin & complexion
Garlic As Remedy
Natrum Mur Cases
Aluminium & Health
Cases of Abscess
You Can Save Lifes
Diet & Health
Bad Feet
How To Cure Carbuncles
Doctor As A Detective
Homoeopathy & Longevity
How They Keep Homoeopathy Alive
Proving Of Grape Fruit
Wise & Compassionate
Plight Of Perfectionist Sensitive Soul
Epilepsy Homoeopathic Perspective – I
Impersonal Sentimental Manager With Hypertension & Hyperthyroidism
Nosodes & Miasms -1
Nosodes & Miasms -2
Unproven Nosodes
Anxious Student
Living Potrait Of Medorrhinum
Plight Of Perfectionist Sensitive Soul
Wise & Compassionate
BASU, H. K. Lachrymation BATELLO, Celso Frenandes
Antioxidante effect in vitro of the homeopathic medicine BAYLIES, Le Baron B.
Clinical Cases -Diphtheria & Lyco
Pulsatilla In Malposition Of Foetus
BAYLY, Beddow
Danger of Modern Treatments – I
Danger Of Modern Treatments – II
Postoperative Chest Complications
BECKER, Jurgen
Dance Your Way To remedy
Application Of Homoeopathic Principles In The Treatment Of Mental States
A Proving of Medorrhinum Is There anything in Sulphur – DM ?
Clinical cases
Case of gravel
The Millwaukee adress at the American Institute of Homœopathy Hahnemannian Cure
GIT Endoscopy
BHATT, Shraddha
Case of Asthma BHATTACHERJEE, S. M.
Through The Magic Door
Ophthalmic Surgery BLUNT, Henry B.
Aconite BODMAN, Frank
Foresight Of Hahnemann BOENNINGHAUSEN, Clemens Maria Franz Von
A Contribution to the Judgement Concerning the Characteristic Value of Symptoms Brief Directions for Forming a Complete Image of a Disease BOERICKE, Charles C. Convallaria – A neglected heart remedy Homoeopathy In Spot Light Of Today BOERICKE, Garth William Homoeopathic Aspects Of Diabetic Case BOERICKE, William
The Development of Homoeopathy Differentiation between Melilotus, Glonoin and Belladonna
Hahnemann’s doctrine of Psora in the treatment of disease in children
The story of Boericke & Tafel
BOGER, Cyrus Maxwell
Convallaria Majalis
Philosophy and the Repertory
BOND, Wilbur K. Asthma Symposium Polio Aborted With Remedies Nitric Acid In Rectal Cancer BONNEWITZ, Orlando R. Von Fissure in Ano With Complications & Treatment BORLAND, Douglas Morris
Children’s types Emergencies of General Practice BOSE, N. C. Only A Potrait BRADFORD, Thomas Lindsley
Biography of Iseman von Korsakoff BRYANT, C. P. Vibrations and Teachings of Hahnemann Argentum Nitricum Pronounce Or Perish End Results Of Preventive Medicine & Modern Living BUCK, J. D. Octave In Nature & In Man As The Key To Psychology BURFORD, George Pyrogen BURGESS WEBSTER, Margaret
Pyrogen Pyrogen
BURNETT, Compton J.
Fifty Reasons For Being A Homoeopath -4 Fifty Reasons For Being A Homoeopath -5 Vaccinosis & Thuja -2 CAMPBELL, D. M. Case Reports CAMPBELL, Menzies J. Diet & Pyorrhoea CARLETON, Edmund Spasm Of Glottis & Verification Of Cinchona CARTIER, François Tuberculinum, Bacillinum, & Aviare CASAIS, Marcela N.
Love and sexuality in Platina, Sepia, Conium CASH, Nathan
Coccus Cacti In Cough CASTRO, Hilario Luna
Calcareum Therapy & Calcium Treatment Non Calculous Chronic Cholecystitis CAZALET, Sylvain
Old Disease Names Homeopathic Abbreviations Author Index History of the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women
Classical Homeopathy Online CHALONER, Lucy
Contagion In Public Schools & Its Prophylaxis CHAPMAN, Millie J.
Prenatal Medication CHATTERJEE, K.
Homoeopathy & Curability CHATTERJEE, Sujit
Mind Is The Mirror CHIMTHANAWALA, Kasim
Cases Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Queries & Solutions -6 Queries & Solutions -7 CHOWDHURI, Sachi Mohan
Proving Materia Medica -Disease
Law Of Similars & Law of Cure CLARKE, G. H.
CLARKE, John Henry
Repertory of Remedies for Toothache + Reversed Repertory
Formicum acidum
The power of infinitesimals recognised by non-homeopathic authorities This Changing World
News & Notes -2
News & Notes -3
News & Notes -6
News & Notes -7
News & Notes -8
News & Notes -9
News & Notes -10
News & Notes -11
News & Notes -12
Things Doing Better In France
Keynotes & Characteristics
Buttercups For Warts
More About Renaissance
Test Of A Homoeopath
Dictionary Of Domestic Medicine
Ignorance In High Places
Affinity Remedies By Radionic Test
Spirit of Materia Medica
Curative action Of Remedies In Organic Disease Of Heart
Homoeopathy In India
Original Communications
Crisis In Homoeopathy
Brain Mind & Intelligence
COOK, James Henry
Olive Oil As A Medicine Olives & Olive Oil COOPER, Robert Thomas
Cancer and cancer symptoms CRUTCHER, Howard Our surgical remedies
CUSTIS, J. B. Gregg
Hahnemannian Obstetrician DAFTARI
B C G Vaccination Integrated System Of Medicine DAS, N. C.
Pneumonia -1 Rheumatism Editorial – 1 Editorial – 2 Headache Repertory -1 Editorial – Wonders Of Homoeopathy Theridion Curassavicum Hahnemann Centennial Celebration Editorial – Problem Of Small Pox Vaccination Editorial – Study of Simile Principle Homoeopathic Bill Passed In U P Council Illness DAS, S. C.
Haemorrhage in Typhoid DAS, S. K.
Healing Mysteries Of The Vegetable Kingdom DASTUR, Burjor
Xerostomia In Gi Diseases DAVIS, Donald A.
Kali Family DAVIS, Elwood L.
Important Nosode DEMPSEY, Rev. J.
Garlic in Bowel Trouble DESAI, Bhavin
Fishy Case DEVRIENT The influence of Homœopathic remedies on dreams
Origin & growth of homeopathy in India
Cinchona Thuja Warts Or Vegetatieres DUDGEON, Robert Ellis
Similarities Between Hahnemann and Paracelsus DUNHAM, Carroll
The Dose in Drug Proving Weak Spot Chronic Diarrhoea DWIGHT, Stow T.
Dolor Homoeopathy Prurigo – Sulphur EATON, Charles Woodhull
The facts about Variolinum
Bursitis EDMONDS, W. A.
Moist Heat As Therapeutic Agent EHNY, Marius
Motive Of Things EMERSON, C. P.
Heart Disease ENGLE, Howard M.
Socialized Medicine EVANS, Hamilton L.
Relation Of Drugs To Pregnancy FARLEY, Robert H.
Rheumatic Fever & Cina Editorial -72nd Annual Meeting Editorial -Treatment Of Multiple Sclerosis FARRINGTON, Ernest Albert
Do Medicines Make Functional Changes? FARRINGTON, Harvey
Homœopathy is good for children
Renal calculi cured by the homœopathic remedy
Clinical confirmations of some of the lesser remedies Case Of Renal Calculi Graphites Patient First Homoeopathic Hospital & Clinic – 1 First Homoeopathic Hospital & Clinic – 2 FERGUSON, Donald R.
Homoeopathy Therapy In Neurocirculatory Asthenia FINCKE, Bernardt
The Principle of the least action Clinical cases with comment Alloeopoesis Or Varity Of Action In Crude & Potentiated Medicines FISHER, A. L. Some experience with Colchicum
An aggravation from Phosphorus
FOBES, Joseph
Resume Of Appendicitis FRYMANN, Viola M.
Substitution Therapy & Homoeopathy GANDHI, Nilaxi P.
Clinical Snapshot GAREY, Henry F.
Efficacy Of Vibrometer In Applying Vibratory Message In Aural Disease GATCHELL, Charles
Disease Products & Relations To Homoeopathy GEE, W. S. A case of hay fever
Constitutional symptoms GENIS, Jacob
Homoeopathy & Homoeopathists GHATAK, N. A case of prolapsus uteri GHOSH, J.
Homoeopathy Hahnemann Centennial Celebration Logical Foundation Of Science GOEL, N. O.
My Experiences With Nosodes GOSWAMI, B. K.
Pediatrics GRANT, A. R.
Operative Procedures GREEN, Arthur B.
Homoeopathy Public GREEN, Julia Minerva
Miasmatic Children & Homoeopathy Methods of studying Materia Medica
Zinc suppression in children
A case of myxoma and lymphatic Leukæmia
Relationship of the behavior of children to homœopathic prescribing
Glossary (antique medical instruments) GRIGGS, William B.
Celiac Disease Cured With Nosode GRIMMER, Arthur Hill
Homœopathic prophylaxis
Some clinical cases Hindrances To Homoeopathic Prescription Mental Diseases & Homoeopathy Relative Value Of Symptoms GUERNSEY, Henry Newell
The “Key-note” system
Uterine haemorrhage treated by internal remedies The genius of our remedies and the genius of disease compared
Clinical experience
Clinical cases
The keynote or characteristic indications of the materia medica
Bleeding from internal parts GUNAVANTE, S. M.
Applying Mat Med In Practice Homage To Hahnemanns Heritage GUNDLACH, J. G.
Sanicula GUPTA, Girish
Jaundice HAHNEMANN, Samuel
Doses of Hahnemann Taraxacum Chronic Diseases Nature & Homoeopathy Cure HAMILTON, Duchess of
Do You Believe In Vaccination HARIHARAN, Rama
Udaan HARLYN, Hitchcock
Homoeopathic Surgery HARRAP, George G.
White Sugar & Disease HARRIS Dorothy A
Mezereum & Ranunculus in Neuralgic Conditions HAYES, Royal Elmore Swift
Repertories : Boger’s especially
Law Repertories Outside The Routine Similia Similibus Curentur HAYNES, J. R.
Some confirmed symptoms
Nasal polypi cured with one dose of Aurum-m., 50M
Few Confirmed Symptoms HELLEDAY, Harald
How To Prove Value Of Homoeopathy HERING, Constantine
Sifting of drug symptoms
A clinical case
Why older schools of medicine reject homœopathy
Clinical Case Sanguinaria Canadensis Rejection Of Homoeopathy by Older Schools What is Similar HINDHEDE, M.
Hints For Vegetarians HODGKINS, Charles W.
Differentiation between Bryonia and Ranunculus bulbosus
Are Injections Necessary HOUGHTON, Henry C.
Aural Theraps HOYLE, Petrie
Profuse Menstruation Painful Menstruation Chronic Diarrhoeas -1 Menstruation & Flooding HOYNE, T. S.
Jottings HUMRANWALA, Parinaz
Acute Attack -Constitutional Or Acute Book Review IREDELL, C. E.
Colour & Cancer IVANTSOV, Vladislav
Dolichos pruriens: A Case Report
Hypertension Illustrative cases JAISOORYA, N. M.
Presidential Address JAL, Vasant N.
Obesity Health Hazard JERVIS, H. B. F.
Canine Distemper JONES, Charles E.
Treatment Of Pthisis JOUSSET, Pierre
Brights Disease KANE, Michael B.
Homeopathy in Reading, PA. KAPLOWE, J. L.
Homoeopathy & Orthodox Medicine KAPPES
Distemper Prevention & Treatment KASAD, K. N.
Homoeopathic Approach to the Problem Of Cancer -1 KENT, James Tyler
Homoeopathy : its fundamental principles outlined
Remedies Related to Pathological Tissue Changes
The Second Prescription Sabadilla
Higher use of primary branches in medical education
Natrum Sulph. in symptoms arising after an injury to the head
Cure of an ovarian tumor
The development and formation of the repertory
Management Of Displacements Without Mechanical Support Nitric Acid -1 Nitric Acid – 2 Earache In Children Zincum Cure Of Pelvic Tumour How I Became A Homoeopath Action Of Drugs As Opposed By Vital Force Proving Of Cenchris Contortrix How To Ensure Easy Death KERSHAW, J. Marphine
Treatment Of Meningocele, Encephalocele & Hydrencephalocele KIMBALL, S. A.
Case Of Epilepsy Was It The Beginning Of Puerperal Fever KING, J. C.
Viburnum in dysmenorrhœa
Iodine – 1 Iodine – 2 Iodum KNERR, Calvin Brobst
Some unknow facets and writing of Constantine Hering
Ignatia in diphtheria
Asthma & Its Natural Cure KORNDOERFER, Augustus
Clinical cases
Biography of E. A. Farrington
Asthma KUHU, Das
Herbert Roberts KULKARNI, Ajit
Emotional Stress, Cardiovascular response & Homoeopathy KUMAR, Dhawale
Understanding The language of Heart KUMAR, Nirdosh
Experience With Pyrogenium KUMAR, Prabir
Indigestion -7 KUMAR, Pravin
Allergy KURZ, Chris
Computer Repertories – A Comparison LABORIER, Bruno
The role of patients in Hahnemann’s patients’ diaries and publications
Salt & Constipation LAYTON, T. B.
Tonsil Operations LEAVITT, Sheldon
Years Progress In Obstetrics LEONARD, W. H.
Clinical Notes LINNELL, E. H.
Ophthalmic Therapeutics LIPPE, Adolph von
Drug proving Clinical reflections – 1
Cholera infantum
Intermittent fever
Discussion on the Classification of remedies Clinical Reflections – 2 LOCKIE, Andrew
First Aid
What is homeopathy LOTTENBACH, Franz
Miasmatic Classification of Homeopathic Remedies
Clinical Notes LUDLAM, Reuben
Homoeopathy & Public Health LUKMANI, M. E.
He Made A Revolution In Medicine LUTZE, Frederick H.
Six clinical cases
Euonymus Europæus
Surgical Shock MACFARLAN, Donald
Lachesis Reproving Of Agnus Castus MADAUS, G.
Phyto Analysis & Homoeopathy Biological Treatment of Disease -2 Biological Treatment of Disease -3 Biological Treatment of Disease -4 MAGEE, Russel Stuart
Problems Encountered in Thyroid Patients -3 MAHAPATRA, J. K.
Action Of Causticum In Warts MAHONY, Edward
Clinical Facts MAJUMDAR, P. C.
Cholera & Treatment MANN, Eugene L.
Nasal Surgery Use & Limitations MARCY, Erastus Edgerton
Homoeopathic theory and practice MARSDEN, B. A.
Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris Or Shepherds Purse MARSHALL, E. A.
Experiences With Friedman Test MASOOD, Mohammad
Lost Vision Restored MASTER, Farokh J.
Homoeopathic Health Centre Bombay From Masters File MATHER, Enoch
Echinacea Angustifolia -1 MATHUR, Vanita
Spot the Similimum – 1 Spot The Similimum – 2 MAZUMDAR, Jagruti
Puerperal Sepsis, Pyrogen MCCLATCHEY, Robert J.
An anectode of Carroll Dunham, M.D. MCLACHLAN, John
News & Notes -5 Elasticity Of Cardiac Muscle -1 News & Notes -4 Hints About Hearts -1 Hints About Heart -2 MCLAREN, D. C.
Beneficial Aggravations MCLAREN, K. A.
Case Report Boderline Heart Cases Homoeopathic Remedies In Exophthalmic Goitre MEHTA, Kamlesh
Sweet Bonsai Case MEHTA, Kishore
Hypertension With Anxiety State MEHTA, Nimish
Bacillinum Experiences & Study MEHTA, Nina
Seminar Of Becker MELVILLE, Messie
How I Help The Sick MENON, C. M.
Clinical Value Of Echocardiography Laughter the better Placebo MELVILLE, Messie
How I Help The Sick MILLER, M. Geoffroy
The Homeopathic Hospital at Neuilly in France, 1914-1916
MILLER, Robert Gibson
Hot and Cold Remedies MONEY, Leo Chiozza
Unnatural food MOORE, Thomas K.
Homoeopathic technique Ten Most Important Remedies in 50 Years of Practice Acute Mastoiditis Syndrome Is The Answer MORGAN, Fred B.
Streptococcus Meningitis Recovery MORGAN, John C.
Study Of Homoeopathy MORRIS, William
Causes Of Increase In Melancholia MORRISON
Clinical cases MUNCY, William M.
Modified Iridotasis Operation In Glaucoma NAGAR, Rashmi
Involuntary Bowel Movements Book Reviews NASH, Eugene Beauharnais
The science of symptomatology
How shall we teach Materia Medica and Therapeutics
How to take the case and find the similimum Organon – Discussion
Cholera Infantum – Two cases NASH, W. B.
Clinics NELL, A. M.
Sycosis Hahnemanii ORME, F. H.
Biliousness PAINE, N.
Psychiatry & Homoeopathic Medical Colleges PARDEE, Emily V.
Sectional Address In Paedology PARIKH, Asmita
Intravenous Pyelography PARIKH, Mahesh
Psychological Considerations In Asthma PARTHASARATHY, Vishpala
MD Who Ruled With An Iron band Gird Up Your Guts Open Book Bronchial Asthma -Choking Syndrome PATRICK, W. S.
Human Behaviour & Homoeopathy PAWASKAR, Navin
Homoeopathy In Paediatrics PAYNE, A. M. M.
Influenza Today PEASE, G. M.
Erysipelas PERKINS, D. C.
PERKINS, Charles W.
Roentgenometric Pelvimetry PHATAK, S.R.
PHELAN, Richard A.
Inaugural Dissertation on Therapeutics
Typhoid- Chronic Parisitic Disease PLATA, Carlos
Observations On Some Of Axioms Aphorisms & Rules Of Homoeopathy PODOLSKI, Edward
Using Digitalis To The Best Advantage POMPILLI, G.
Clinical Case PRESTON, Mahlon
Case Of Syphilis PRICE, Erika
About Homeopathy Guidelines for taking Homeopathic Remedies Homeopathic Remedies for First Aid Emergencies The Homeopathic Treatment of Menopause The Homeopathic Treatment of Gulf War Illness Remarks and a remedy for Skin Problems
Homeopathic Remedy Guide for: Workers, Union Members… Homeopathy’s Alternative to Disease and Death in the Capitalist “Health Care” System PRIESTMAN, Kathleen
Fears – 1 Fears – 2 PULFORD, Alfred
Leucorrhoea Clinical Uses Of Digitalis Little Jokes On Surgeon PULFORD, D.
Land Of Free & Home Of Brave Correspondence Principle & Homoeopathy RABE, Rudolph Frederick
Dogs Skunks & Coughs Editorial -Homoeopathy & Ultrasonics Routinism in Prescribing Scientific Practice Of Orthodox Therapeutics Remedy As A Art Remedy Selection As A Art RAISBECK, Milton J.
Management Of Chronic Congestive Heart Failure RAO, K. J.
Striving For The Similimum Face of Phase Tuberculinum RASTOGI, R. S.
Clinical Testimony On Diabetes Homoeopathy & Little Ones RAY, B. B.
Psychopathic disturbances & Polychrests REED, W. L.
Surgical Cases RITTER, Hans
Cactus Grandiflorus ROBERTS, Herbert Alfred
Remedy Relationships Introduction to the Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book by T.F. Allen
The finding of the homoeopathic remedy in heart conditions
The chronic child
Hay Fever
Dealing with suppressions in children ROOD, Marion Belle
Prenatal Suppression Case ROSENBAUM, Paulo
Kent: homeopathic criticism and knowledge
Alfonso Masi-Elizalde
Lapis Lazuli, a proving
Cultura Homeopática – Outono 2003 ROWLAND, William D.
Postoperative Cataract Complications By Latent Infections ROY, C.
Potentization Dilution & Attenuation ROYAL, George
Study Of Echinacea Angustifolia Echinacea Angustifolia RUSHMORE, Edward
Cases From Practice SANKARAN, Rajan
Ringworm Seminar SANYAL, D.
Practical Suggestion in Homoeopathic Therapeutics SANYAL, I. B.
Reply To A Letter SARKAR, B. K.
Disease – 1 Disease – 2 All India Homoeopathic Convention Welcome Address Editorial Nitric Acid in Rectal Cancer SAWYER, E. W.
High Potencies & Morbid Growths SCHEEL, Helmuth
Copper As Food & Medicine SCHLEY, J.
Early Operation In Pleurisy With Effusion SCHMIDT, Pierre
Original Communications Little doses – Big results! Homoeopathy for animals
Remedies for the emergency kit Hering’s law of cure SCHMIDT, Roger
Hering’s law of cure SEHGAL, Yogesh
Peculiar Fascination SHABIR, Shabnam
Effect Of Homoeopathy In Activity of Alpha Amylase SHAH, Bhavana
Silent Attacker SHAH, Hitesh
Homoeopathy In Paediatrics SHEPHERD, Dorothy
Colitis – 1 Colitis – 2 Cure Of Backward Child Troubles Of Change Of Life Homoeopathy In Dentistry SHERBINO, George W.
Meningitis- Belladonna Infantile Haemorrhage Of Bowels Dysmenorrhoea Obstetrical Cases Clinical verifications
Clinical cases
Vaginismus SHINEE, Samuel
Hyperacidity SHROFF, M. M.
GIT Radiology SKINNER, Thomas
Sarcoma In Infant Cured Without Surgery SMITH, A. Dwight
Homœopathy in obstetrics and Gynæcology
SMITH, Alan E.
Homœopathy in the teething child
SMITH, C. Carlton
Some bed-side notes SMITH, Gerard
Headache In Children
SMITH, G. Kent
How To Protect Homoeopathic Materia Medica
SMITH, Taylor
Caladium & Cigarettes
Show Me Your Tongue
Recognize You Little One
2nd Proving of Propranolol 30 ch.
Pathogenesis of Brucella melitensis and Melitococcinum
Methods of proving and mental symptoms
Unintentional Provings
Additions to Kent’s repertory SPALDING, Ray W.
Clinical Cases
Prevention of Constipation
STAR, Nathan
Encephalitis Lethargica
STEARNS, Guy Beckley
Homoeopathy Of Aural Theraps
STEWART, Thomas M.
STUMPF, Elmer H.
Clinical Experiences With Vinyl Ether
Clinical notes
Do You Repertorize
Do You Repertorize
Scientific Clinician
TALBOT, Israel Tisdale
Medical Education In Homoeopathic Hospitals & Colleges Of United States
Mental & Nervous Disease
TAMBE, Sanjay
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Argentum Nitricum Synopsis
A Review and Brief Comparison of the Leading Repertory / Materia Medica Software Programs
TEETS, Charles E.
Treatment Of Chronic Rhinitis By Homoeopath
THOMAS, William Dulaney
Massage In Treatment Of Nasal stenosis
Experience Speaks
TIENES, Alfred
Purpose & Functions Of Tonsils
History Of Homoeopathy – 1
History Of Homoeopathy – 2
Warts Case
Ruta Graveolens TOOKER, Robert N.
TYLER, Margaret
Pointers to the common remedies
Mini repertory of the common cold On prescribing Concerning homœopathy for children Cholera Infantum
Administering remedies
Nasal Diseases
Editorial – Prophylaxis
Ear Troubles & Important Remedies
On Burnet & Dunham
More Little Cases -1
Sunstroke & Remedies
Phosphoric Acid
Ocimum Canum
Little Case
Gastric & Duodenal Irritation
Drugs For Vomiting
More Little Cases -2
Homoeopathy & the War
Lac Caninum
Fear & Anxiety Remedies
Learning Homoeopathy
How not to do it
Pointers to some hayfever remedies Repertorising Homœopathy in the nursery
Extracts and case reports
Tarentula Cubensis
Case reports and extracts from Tyler’s Homœopathy
Hahnemann’s conception of chronic disease UNDERHILL, Eugene
Common Cold
Homoeopathy in Obstetrics
Carbo Animalis
More About Diet
Therapy In Syphilis
Prescribing For Nursing Infants
Philosophy In Practice
Editorial -Achilles Heel Of Homoeopathy
Presidents Message -2
Communications -11
Reversible Pathology
Editorial – Direct Approach
Perfectionist Touchy Doll
Weak Fragile, But Bold Front
Magic Of China In Warts
Human Side Of Gastric Ulcer
Pruritus Ani
UPPAL, Monty
Angioneurotic Odema Case
Drug Induced Arthritis
VAISHNAV Vijay & Daxa
Articles on Homeopathy VAN BAUN, William W.
Children & Albuminuria
VAKIL, Prakash
Tuberculinum Bovinum
Encounter With Schizophrenic
Carcinosin Book Picture
VILLERS, Alexander
Homoeopathic Treatment Of Tabes & Pseudo Tabes
History Of Homoeopathy In Germany
Homeopathy, a system to regain harmony
Asthma A Personal Experience
Calcarea Renalis Phosphorica
Recurrent Proof Of Value Of Similia
Homoeopathic Treatment of Asthma & Allergies
WARD, Florence Nightingale
Twilight Sleep WARD, James William
Taking the history of the case WEIR, John
Repertorising WELLS, P. P.
Neurasthenia & Treatment
Dysmenorrhoea With Anaemia
Work Of An Artist
Cases cured by metals WHITLING, L.
Cases From Note Book
Lapis Albus
Cures by a Schoolmaster -3
WILCOX, Sidney F.
Awkward Gait Of Children
Puerperal Insanity
WILSON, Harold
Study & Correction Of Heterophoria
Theoretical & Practical Philosophy In Medicine
Articles on Homeopathy
Treatment Of Complex Rectal Fistulae
Aristolochia Clematis
WOOD, George Bacon
Tables of weights and measures. Apothecaries’ weight. WOODBURY, Benjamin Collins
Hyperthyroidism & Homoeopathy
The direction of symptoms in the progress of cure WOODVINE, D. G.
Suggestion In Treatment Of Constriction Of Oesophagus
WOODS, Harold Fergie
Do Our Remedies Need Reproving
Twelve Most Useful Acute Remedies
Eczema & Graphites
Homoeopathy In Exanthemata
The way of Homoeopathy in the exanthemata
Homeopathic remedies related to music
Inside out
Problems confronting one when first attempting to prescribe homœopathically
Studies in the scope of Stannum
Results with unusual remedies
Homœopathic equivalents of endocrinological remedies in pediatrics
Dot and carry one
YINGLING, William A.
Materia Medica study
The single dose YOUNG, W. W.
Isopathy & Homoeopathy Their Relationship
Echinacea Locally
Homoeopathy Of Neurasthenia
2. LINKS :
A. MoodGym ( Delivering cognitive behaviour therapy for preventing depression)
MoodGYM is a free, interactive, internet-based program designed to prevent and decrease symptoms of depression using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques. It aims to teach you how you can feel less stressed, depressed and anxious, and better able to cope with your life
B. Homeopathy Blogs & Web Sites
Avilian- Scientific Researches in Homeopathy
वक्त बदला और होम्योपैथिक प्रैकिटिक्स करने के तरीकों में भी काफ़ी बदलाव दिखा । मैटेरिया मेडिका मे लगातार समावेश होती हुयी होम्योपैथी औषधियों से चिकित्सकों के मार्ग को कठिन बना दिया । हर लक्षण को याद कर पाना क्या वाकई मे इतना आसान है , फ़िर लक्षण की तुलना अन्य लक्षणॊं से करना , ग्रेडिगं बनाना अब मैन्युली इतना आसान नही दिखता । साफ़्टवेएर के प्रयोग से न सिर्फ़ प्रिसक्राइबिगं मे एक धार आ जाती है बल्कि औषधि के सेल्कशन की प्रक्रिया भी आसान हो जाती है । मार्केट मे कई साफ़्टवेएर हैं .लेकिन मेरी दृष्टि मे रडार, होम्योपैथ क्लासिक , मैक , कारा और होम्यो एक्यूट आदि प्रमुख हैं । सब की अपनी अच्छाईयाँ और कमियाँ भी है । नीचे इन साफ़्टवेएर के डेमो के डाऊनलोड लिंक दिये हैं और एक तुलनत्मक आध्यान भी ।
इस पेज को लगातार अपडेट करने का प्रयास रहेगा , अत: समय-२ पर इस पेज से गुजरते रहें ।
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Mercurius is a modern repertorization and materia medica software for homeopathic practitioners, providing you the highest quality information on which you can base your prescriptions.
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The Classic version 8.0 is chiefly a product for the practicing classical Homoeopath. It contains more than 300 books covering a wide range of Homoeopathic subjects spread across 1 lakh pages ( 100000 pages ) . It has an easy and user-friendly interface. Key features of Classic 8.0 include ‘Quik Repertorisation’, ‘Intelligent Search’,’Advanced search options’, ‘Confirmation of symptom’ ,’Quick Search’, ‘Creation of Custom repertories’ ,‘Group symptoms’ and many more.
Features :
Homeopathy Pro is a professional computer program for those who practice classical homeopathy. It combines the advantages of time-proved case taking methods with advanced features of up-to-the-minute software. Take case notes in a friendly, convenient environment
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AtamA is an entry level homeopathy software from ‘Anahata Software’. It is a standard repertorisation software with limited features. Some of these features are:
The same goes for Boericke’s materia medica. The full version has more than 700 medicines and even these do not cover all the new remedies in vogue. So a software with 100 medicines to refer may be useful for students but not for a practicing homeopath.
Again my rating for this software is Zero.
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Homeopathy Study Room
Biochemical parameters their role in assessment of risk for coronary heart disease
Some of the diseases preventing and complication pregnancy
Albuminuria in children
ALLEN, George
Some statistical facts concerning insanity
ALLEN, Henry Clay
The Vital Force Nosodes Notes on Sepia
Materia Medica Notes
Pyrogen – A clinical case Pyrogen
Tabacum : Some guiding symptoms
The dynamic element of the remedy ALVA, Benjamin
Presidential address
ARONS, Isidore
Present Status Of Radiation in the Treatment Of Malignant Conditions
ASHMEAD, Henry Graham
A Brief History of Homeopathy in Delaware County ASRANI, C. H.
Common GI Complaints
Bladder Troubles & Homoeopathy
BACH, Edward
Verbena Officinalis
Verbena Officinalis
Cichorium Intybus
Clematis Erecta Flora
Fundamental Consideration Of Disease and Cure
BALL, Stefan (The Edward Bach Centre)
Healing the Emotions
Biography : Dr Edward Bach BANERJEA, Subrata Kumar
Miasmatic prescribing Miasmatic weightage of medicines BANERJEE, B. N.
Prophylaxis Of Cholera
Cancerinic State
Bacillinum Vs Tuberculinum
Twenty First Century Homoeopathy
BARKER, J. Ellis
Skin & complexion
Garlic As Remedy
Natrum Mur Cases
Aluminium & Health
Cases of Abscess
You Can Save Lifes
Diet & Health
Bad Feet
How To Cure Carbuncles
Doctor As A Detective
Homoeopathy & Longevity
How They Keep Homoeopathy Alive
Proving Of Grape Fruit
Wise & Compassionate
Plight Of Perfectionist Sensitive Soul
Epilepsy Homoeopathic Perspective – I
Impersonal Sentimental Manager With Hypertension & Hyperthyroidism
Nosodes & Miasms -1
Nosodes & Miasms -2
Unproven Nosodes
Anxious Student
Living Potrait Of Medorrhinum
Plight Of Perfectionist Sensitive Soul
Wise & Compassionate
BASU, H. K. Lachrymation BATELLO, Celso Frenandes
Antioxidante effect in vitro of the homeopathic medicine BAYLIES, Le Baron B.
Clinical Cases -Diphtheria & Lyco
Pulsatilla In Malposition Of Foetus
BAYLY, Beddow
Danger of Modern Treatments – I
Danger Of Modern Treatments – II
Postoperative Chest Complications
BECKER, Jurgen
Dance Your Way To remedy
Application Of Homoeopathic Principles In The Treatment Of Mental States
A Proving of Medorrhinum Is There anything in Sulphur – DM ?
Clinical cases
Case of gravel
The Millwaukee adress at the American Institute of Homœopathy Hahnemannian Cure
GIT Endoscopy
BHATT, Shraddha
Case of Asthma BHATTACHERJEE, S. M.
Through The Magic Door
Ophthalmic Surgery BLUNT, Henry B.
Aconite BODMAN, Frank
Foresight Of Hahnemann BOENNINGHAUSEN, Clemens Maria Franz Von
A Contribution to the Judgement Concerning the Characteristic Value of Symptoms Brief Directions for Forming a Complete Image of a Disease BOERICKE, Charles C. Convallaria – A neglected heart remedy Homoeopathy In Spot Light Of Today BOERICKE, Garth William Homoeopathic Aspects Of Diabetic Case BOERICKE, William
The Development of Homoeopathy Differentiation between Melilotus, Glonoin and Belladonna
Hahnemann’s doctrine of Psora in the treatment of disease in children
The story of Boericke & Tafel
BOGER, Cyrus Maxwell
Convallaria Majalis
Philosophy and the Repertory
BOND, Wilbur K. Asthma Symposium Polio Aborted With Remedies Nitric Acid In Rectal Cancer BONNEWITZ, Orlando R. Von Fissure in Ano With Complications & Treatment BORLAND, Douglas Morris
Children’s types Emergencies of General Practice BOSE, N. C. Only A Potrait BRADFORD, Thomas Lindsley
Biography of Iseman von Korsakoff BRYANT, C. P. Vibrations and Teachings of Hahnemann Argentum Nitricum Pronounce Or Perish End Results Of Preventive Medicine & Modern Living BUCK, J. D. Octave In Nature & In Man As The Key To Psychology BURFORD, George Pyrogen BURGESS WEBSTER, Margaret
Pyrogen Pyrogen
BURNETT, Compton J.
Fifty Reasons For Being A Homoeopath -4 Fifty Reasons For Being A Homoeopath -5 Vaccinosis & Thuja -2 CAMPBELL, D. M. Case Reports CAMPBELL, Menzies J. Diet & Pyorrhoea CARLETON, Edmund Spasm Of Glottis & Verification Of Cinchona CARTIER, François Tuberculinum, Bacillinum, & Aviare CASAIS, Marcela N.
Love and sexuality in Platina, Sepia, Conium CASH, Nathan
Coccus Cacti In Cough CASTRO, Hilario Luna
Calcareum Therapy & Calcium Treatment Non Calculous Chronic Cholecystitis CAZALET, Sylvain
Old Disease Names Homeopathic Abbreviations Author Index History of the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women
Classical Homeopathy Online CHALONER, Lucy
Contagion In Public Schools & Its Prophylaxis CHAPMAN, Millie J.
Prenatal Medication CHATTERJEE, K.
Homoeopathy & Curability CHATTERJEE, Sujit
Mind Is The Mirror CHIMTHANAWALA, Kasim
Cases Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Queries & Solutions -6 Queries & Solutions -7 CHOWDHURI, Sachi Mohan
Proving Materia Medica -Disease
Law Of Similars & Law of Cure CLARKE, G. H.
CLARKE, John Henry
Repertory of Remedies for Toothache + Reversed Repertory
Formicum acidum
The power of infinitesimals recognised by non-homeopathic authorities This Changing World
News & Notes -2
News & Notes -3
News & Notes -6
News & Notes -7
News & Notes -8
News & Notes -9
News & Notes -10
News & Notes -11
News & Notes -12
Things Doing Better In France
Keynotes & Characteristics
Buttercups For Warts
More About Renaissance
Test Of A Homoeopath
Dictionary Of Domestic Medicine
Ignorance In High Places
Affinity Remedies By Radionic Test
Spirit of Materia Medica
Curative action Of Remedies In Organic Disease Of Heart
Homoeopathy In India
Original Communications
Crisis In Homoeopathy
Brain Mind & Intelligence
COOK, James Henry
Olive Oil As A Medicine Olives & Olive Oil COOPER, Robert Thomas
Cancer and cancer symptoms CRUTCHER, Howard Our surgical remedies
CUSTIS, J. B. Gregg
Hahnemannian Obstetrician DAFTARI
B C G Vaccination Integrated System Of Medicine DAS, N. C.
Pneumonia -1 Rheumatism Editorial – 1 Editorial – 2 Headache Repertory -1 Editorial – Wonders Of Homoeopathy Theridion Curassavicum Hahnemann Centennial Celebration Editorial – Problem Of Small Pox Vaccination Editorial – Study of Simile Principle Homoeopathic Bill Passed In U P Council Illness DAS, S. C.
Haemorrhage in Typhoid DAS, S. K.
Healing Mysteries Of The Vegetable Kingdom DASTUR, Burjor
Xerostomia In Gi Diseases DAVIS, Donald A.
Kali Family DAVIS, Elwood L.
Important Nosode DEMPSEY, Rev. J.
Garlic in Bowel Trouble DESAI, Bhavin
Fishy Case DEVRIENT The influence of Homœopathic remedies on dreams
Origin & growth of homeopathy in India
Cinchona Thuja Warts Or Vegetatieres DUDGEON, Robert Ellis
Similarities Between Hahnemann and Paracelsus DUNHAM, Carroll
The Dose in Drug Proving Weak Spot Chronic Diarrhoea DWIGHT, Stow T.
Dolor Homoeopathy Prurigo – Sulphur EATON, Charles Woodhull
The facts about Variolinum
Bursitis EDMONDS, W. A.
Moist Heat As Therapeutic Agent EHNY, Marius
Motive Of Things EMERSON, C. P.
Heart Disease ENGLE, Howard M.
Socialized Medicine EVANS, Hamilton L.
Relation Of Drugs To Pregnancy FARLEY, Robert H.
Rheumatic Fever & Cina Editorial -72nd Annual Meeting Editorial -Treatment Of Multiple Sclerosis FARRINGTON, Ernest Albert
Do Medicines Make Functional Changes? FARRINGTON, Harvey
Homœopathy is good for children
Renal calculi cured by the homœopathic remedy
Clinical confirmations of some of the lesser remedies Case Of Renal Calculi Graphites Patient First Homoeopathic Hospital & Clinic – 1 First Homoeopathic Hospital & Clinic – 2 FERGUSON, Donald R.
Homoeopathy Therapy In Neurocirculatory Asthenia FINCKE, Bernardt
The Principle of the least action Clinical cases with comment Alloeopoesis Or Varity Of Action In Crude & Potentiated Medicines FISHER, A. L. Some experience with Colchicum
An aggravation from Phosphorus
FOBES, Joseph
Resume Of Appendicitis FRYMANN, Viola M.
Substitution Therapy & Homoeopathy GANDHI, Nilaxi P.
Clinical Snapshot GAREY, Henry F.
Efficacy Of Vibrometer In Applying Vibratory Message In Aural Disease GATCHELL, Charles
Disease Products & Relations To Homoeopathy GEE, W. S. A case of hay fever
Constitutional symptoms GENIS, Jacob
Homoeopathy & Homoeopathists GHATAK, N. A case of prolapsus uteri GHOSH, J.
Homoeopathy Hahnemann Centennial Celebration Logical Foundation Of Science GOEL, N. O.
My Experiences With Nosodes GOSWAMI, B. K.
Pediatrics GRANT, A. R.
Operative Procedures GREEN, Arthur B.
Homoeopathy Public GREEN, Julia Minerva
Miasmatic Children & Homoeopathy Methods of studying Materia Medica
Zinc suppression in children
A case of myxoma and lymphatic Leukæmia
Relationship of the behavior of children to homœopathic prescribing
Glossary (antique medical instruments) GRIGGS, William B.
Celiac Disease Cured With Nosode GRIMMER, Arthur Hill
Homœopathic prophylaxis
Some clinical cases Hindrances To Homoeopathic Prescription Mental Diseases & Homoeopathy Relative Value Of Symptoms GUERNSEY, Henry Newell
The “Key-note” system
Uterine haemorrhage treated by internal remedies The genius of our remedies and the genius of disease compared
Clinical experience
Clinical cases
The keynote or characteristic indications of the materia medica
Bleeding from internal parts GUNAVANTE, S. M.
Applying Mat Med In Practice Homage To Hahnemanns Heritage GUNDLACH, J. G.
Sanicula GUPTA, Girish
Jaundice HAHNEMANN, Samuel
Doses of Hahnemann Taraxacum Chronic Diseases Nature & Homoeopathy Cure HAMILTON, Duchess of
Do You Believe In Vaccination HARIHARAN, Rama
Udaan HARLYN, Hitchcock
Homoeopathic Surgery HARRAP, George G.
White Sugar & Disease HARRIS Dorothy A
Mezereum & Ranunculus in Neuralgic Conditions HAYES, Royal Elmore Swift
Repertories : Boger’s especially
Law Repertories Outside The Routine Similia Similibus Curentur HAYNES, J. R.
Some confirmed symptoms
Nasal polypi cured with one dose of Aurum-m., 50M
Few Confirmed Symptoms HELLEDAY, Harald
How To Prove Value Of Homoeopathy HERING, Constantine
Sifting of drug symptoms
A clinical case
Why older schools of medicine reject homœopathy
Clinical Case Sanguinaria Canadensis Rejection Of Homoeopathy by Older Schools What is Similar HINDHEDE, M.
Hints For Vegetarians HODGKINS, Charles W.
Differentiation between Bryonia and Ranunculus bulbosus
Are Injections Necessary HOUGHTON, Henry C.
Aural Theraps HOYLE, Petrie
Profuse Menstruation Painful Menstruation Chronic Diarrhoeas -1 Menstruation & Flooding HOYNE, T. S.
Jottings HUMRANWALA, Parinaz
Acute Attack -Constitutional Or Acute Book Review IREDELL, C. E.
Colour & Cancer IVANTSOV, Vladislav
Dolichos pruriens: A Case Report
Hypertension Illustrative cases JAISOORYA, N. M.
Presidential Address JAL, Vasant N.
Obesity Health Hazard JERVIS, H. B. F.
Canine Distemper JONES, Charles E.
Treatment Of Pthisis JOUSSET, Pierre
Brights Disease KANE, Michael B.
Homeopathy in Reading, PA. KAPLOWE, J. L.
Homoeopathy & Orthodox Medicine KAPPES
Distemper Prevention & Treatment KASAD, K. N.
Homoeopathic Approach to the Problem Of Cancer -1 KENT, James Tyler
Homoeopathy : its fundamental principles outlined
Remedies Related to Pathological Tissue Changes
The Second Prescription Sabadilla
Higher use of primary branches in medical education
Natrum Sulph. in symptoms arising after an injury to the head
Cure of an ovarian tumor
The development and formation of the repertory
Management Of Displacements Without Mechanical Support Nitric Acid -1 Nitric Acid – 2 Earache In Children Zincum Cure Of Pelvic Tumour How I Became A Homoeopath Action Of Drugs As Opposed By Vital Force Proving Of Cenchris Contortrix How To Ensure Easy Death KERSHAW, J. Marphine
Treatment Of Meningocele, Encephalocele & Hydrencephalocele KIMBALL, S. A.
Case Of Epilepsy Was It The Beginning Of Puerperal Fever KING, J. C.
Viburnum in dysmenorrhœa
Iodine – 1 Iodine – 2 Iodum KNERR, Calvin Brobst
Some unknow facets and writing of Constantine Hering
Ignatia in diphtheria
Asthma & Its Natural Cure KORNDOERFER, Augustus
Clinical cases
Biography of E. A. Farrington
Asthma KUHU, Das
Herbert Roberts KULKARNI, Ajit
Emotional Stress, Cardiovascular response & Homoeopathy KUMAR, Dhawale
Understanding The language of Heart KUMAR, Nirdosh
Experience With Pyrogenium KUMAR, Prabir
Indigestion -7 KUMAR, Pravin
Allergy KURZ, Chris
Computer Repertories – A Comparison LABORIER, Bruno
The role of patients in Hahnemann’s patients’ diaries and publications
Salt & Constipation LAYTON, T. B.
Tonsil Operations LEAVITT, Sheldon
Years Progress In Obstetrics LEONARD, W. H.
Clinical Notes LINNELL, E. H.
Ophthalmic Therapeutics LIPPE, Adolph von
Drug proving Clinical reflections – 1
Cholera infantum
Intermittent fever
Discussion on the Classification of remedies Clinical Reflections – 2 LOCKIE, Andrew
First Aid
What is homeopathy LOTTENBACH, Franz
Miasmatic Classification of Homeopathic Remedies
Clinical Notes LUDLAM, Reuben
Homoeopathy & Public Health LUKMANI, M. E.
He Made A Revolution In Medicine LUTZE, Frederick H.
Six clinical cases
Euonymus Europæus
Surgical Shock MACFARLAN, Donald
Lachesis Reproving Of Agnus Castus MADAUS, G.
Phyto Analysis & Homoeopathy Biological Treatment of Disease -2 Biological Treatment of Disease -3 Biological Treatment of Disease -4 MAGEE, Russel Stuart
Problems Encountered in Thyroid Patients -3 MAHAPATRA, J. K.
Action Of Causticum In Warts MAHONY, Edward
Clinical Facts MAJUMDAR, P. C.
Cholera & Treatment MANN, Eugene L.
Nasal Surgery Use & Limitations MARCY, Erastus Edgerton
Homoeopathic theory and practice MARSDEN, B. A.
Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris Or Shepherds Purse MARSHALL, E. A.
Experiences With Friedman Test MASOOD, Mohammad
Lost Vision Restored MASTER, Farokh J.
Homoeopathic Health Centre Bombay From Masters File MATHER, Enoch
Echinacea Angustifolia -1 MATHUR, Vanita
Spot the Similimum – 1 Spot The Similimum – 2 MAZUMDAR, Jagruti
Puerperal Sepsis, Pyrogen MCCLATCHEY, Robert J.
An anectode of Carroll Dunham, M.D. MCLACHLAN, John
News & Notes -5 Elasticity Of Cardiac Muscle -1 News & Notes -4 Hints About Hearts -1 Hints About Heart -2 MCLAREN, D. C.
Beneficial Aggravations MCLAREN, K. A.
Case Report Boderline Heart Cases Homoeopathic Remedies In Exophthalmic Goitre MEHTA, Kamlesh
Sweet Bonsai Case MEHTA, Kishore
Hypertension With Anxiety State MEHTA, Nimish
Bacillinum Experiences & Study MEHTA, Nina
Seminar Of Becker MELVILLE, Messie
How I Help The Sick MENON, C. M.
Clinical Value Of Echocardiography Laughter the better Placebo MELVILLE, Messie
How I Help The Sick MILLER, M. Geoffroy
The Homeopathic Hospital at Neuilly in France, 1914-1916
MILLER, Robert Gibson
Hot and Cold Remedies MONEY, Leo Chiozza
Unnatural food MOORE, Thomas K.
Homoeopathic technique Ten Most Important Remedies in 50 Years of Practice Acute Mastoiditis Syndrome Is The Answer MORGAN, Fred B.
Streptococcus Meningitis Recovery MORGAN, John C.
Study Of Homoeopathy MORRIS, William
Causes Of Increase In Melancholia MORRISON
Clinical cases MUNCY, William M.
Modified Iridotasis Operation In Glaucoma NAGAR, Rashmi
Involuntary Bowel Movements Book Reviews NASH, Eugene Beauharnais
The science of symptomatology
How shall we teach Materia Medica and Therapeutics
How to take the case and find the similimum Organon – Discussion
Cholera Infantum – Two cases NASH, W. B.
Clinics NELL, A. M.
Sycosis Hahnemanii ORME, F. H.
Biliousness PAINE, N.
Psychiatry & Homoeopathic Medical Colleges PARDEE, Emily V.
Sectional Address In Paedology PARIKH, Asmita
Intravenous Pyelography PARIKH, Mahesh
Psychological Considerations In Asthma PARTHASARATHY, Vishpala
MD Who Ruled With An Iron band Gird Up Your Guts Open Book Bronchial Asthma -Choking Syndrome PATRICK, W. S.
Human Behaviour & Homoeopathy PAWASKAR, Navin
Homoeopathy In Paediatrics PAYNE, A. M. M.
Influenza Today PEASE, G. M.
Erysipelas PERKINS, D. C.
PERKINS, Charles W.
Roentgenometric Pelvimetry PHATAK, S.R.
PHELAN, Richard A.
Inaugural Dissertation on Therapeutics
Typhoid- Chronic Parisitic Disease PLATA, Carlos
Observations On Some Of Axioms Aphorisms & Rules Of Homoeopathy PODOLSKI, Edward
Using Digitalis To The Best Advantage POMPILLI, G.
Clinical Case PRESTON, Mahlon
Case Of Syphilis PRICE, Erika
About Homeopathy Guidelines for taking Homeopathic Remedies Homeopathic Remedies for First Aid Emergencies The Homeopathic Treatment of Menopause The Homeopathic Treatment of Gulf War Illness Remarks and a remedy for Skin Problems
Homeopathic Remedy Guide for: Workers, Union Members… Homeopathy’s Alternative to Disease and Death in the Capitalist “Health Care” System PRIESTMAN, Kathleen
Fears – 1 Fears – 2 PULFORD, Alfred
Leucorrhoea Clinical Uses Of Digitalis Little Jokes On Surgeon PULFORD, D.
Land Of Free & Home Of Brave Correspondence Principle & Homoeopathy RABE, Rudolph Frederick
Dogs Skunks & Coughs Editorial -Homoeopathy & Ultrasonics Routinism in Prescribing Scientific Practice Of Orthodox Therapeutics Remedy As A Art Remedy Selection As A Art RAISBECK, Milton J.
Management Of Chronic Congestive Heart Failure RAO, K. J.
Striving For The Similimum Face of Phase Tuberculinum RASTOGI, R. S.
Clinical Testimony On Diabetes Homoeopathy & Little Ones RAY, B. B.
Psychopathic disturbances & Polychrests REED, W. L.
Surgical Cases RITTER, Hans
Cactus Grandiflorus ROBERTS, Herbert Alfred
Remedy Relationships Introduction to the Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book by T.F. Allen
The finding of the homoeopathic remedy in heart conditions
The chronic child
Hay Fever
Dealing with suppressions in children ROOD, Marion Belle
Prenatal Suppression Case ROSENBAUM, Paulo
Kent: homeopathic criticism and knowledge
Alfonso Masi-Elizalde
Lapis Lazuli, a proving
Cultura Homeopática – Outono 2003 ROWLAND, William D.
Postoperative Cataract Complications By Latent Infections ROY, C.
Potentization Dilution & Attenuation ROYAL, George
Study Of Echinacea Angustifolia Echinacea Angustifolia RUSHMORE, Edward
Cases From Practice SANKARAN, Rajan
Ringworm Seminar SANYAL, D.
Practical Suggestion in Homoeopathic Therapeutics SANYAL, I. B.
Reply To A Letter SARKAR, B. K.
Disease – 1 Disease – 2 All India Homoeopathic Convention Welcome Address Editorial Nitric Acid in Rectal Cancer SAWYER, E. W.
High Potencies & Morbid Growths SCHEEL, Helmuth
Copper As Food & Medicine SCHLEY, J.
Early Operation In Pleurisy With Effusion SCHMIDT, Pierre
Original Communications Little doses – Big results! Homoeopathy for animals
Remedies for the emergency kit Hering’s law of cure SCHMIDT, Roger
Hering’s law of cure SEHGAL, Yogesh
Peculiar Fascination SHABIR, Shabnam
Effect Of Homoeopathy In Activity of Alpha Amylase SHAH, Bhavana
Silent Attacker SHAH, Hitesh
Homoeopathy In Paediatrics SHEPHERD, Dorothy
Colitis – 1 Colitis – 2 Cure Of Backward Child Troubles Of Change Of Life Homoeopathy In Dentistry SHERBINO, George W.
Meningitis- Belladonna Infantile Haemorrhage Of Bowels Dysmenorrhoea Obstetrical Cases Clinical verifications
Clinical cases
Vaginismus SHINEE, Samuel
Hyperacidity SHROFF, M. M.
GIT Radiology SKINNER, Thomas
Sarcoma In Infant Cured Without Surgery SMITH, A. Dwight
Homœopathy in obstetrics and Gynæcology
SMITH, Alan E.
Homœopathy in the teething child
SMITH, C. Carlton
Some bed-side notes SMITH, Gerard
Headache In Children
SMITH, G. Kent
How To Protect Homoeopathic Materia Medica
SMITH, Taylor
Caladium & Cigarettes
Show Me Your Tongue
Recognize You Little One
2nd Proving of Propranolol 30 ch.
Pathogenesis of Brucella melitensis and Melitococcinum
Methods of proving and mental symptoms
Unintentional Provings
Additions to Kent’s repertory SPALDING, Ray W.
Clinical Cases
Prevention of Constipation
STAR, Nathan
Encephalitis Lethargica
STEARNS, Guy Beckley
Homoeopathy Of Aural Theraps
STEWART, Thomas M.
STUMPF, Elmer H.
Clinical Experiences With Vinyl Ether
Clinical notes
Do You Repertorize
Do You Repertorize
Scientific Clinician
TALBOT, Israel Tisdale
Medical Education In Homoeopathic Hospitals & Colleges Of United States
Mental & Nervous Disease
TAMBE, Sanjay
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Argentum Nitricum Synopsis
A Review and Brief Comparison of the Leading Repertory / Materia Medica Software Programs
TEETS, Charles E.
Treatment Of Chronic Rhinitis By Homoeopath
THOMAS, William Dulaney
Massage In Treatment Of Nasal stenosis
Experience Speaks
TIENES, Alfred
Purpose & Functions Of Tonsils
History Of Homoeopathy – 1
History Of Homoeopathy – 2
Warts Case
Ruta Graveolens TOOKER, Robert N.
TYLER, Margaret
Pointers to the common remedies
Mini repertory of the common cold On prescribing Concerning homœopathy for children Cholera Infantum
Administering remedies
Nasal Diseases
Editorial – Prophylaxis
Ear Troubles & Important Remedies
On Burnet & Dunham
More Little Cases -1
Sunstroke & Remedies
Phosphoric Acid
Ocimum Canum
Little Case
Gastric & Duodenal Irritation
Drugs For Vomiting
More Little Cases -2
Homoeopathy & the War
Lac Caninum
Fear & Anxiety Remedies
Learning Homoeopathy
How not to do it
Pointers to some hayfever remedies Repertorising Homœopathy in the nursery
Extracts and case reports
Tarentula Cubensis
Case reports and extracts from Tyler’s Homœopathy
Hahnemann’s conception of chronic disease UNDERHILL, Eugene
Common Cold
Homoeopathy in Obstetrics
Carbo Animalis
More About Diet
Therapy In Syphilis
Prescribing For Nursing Infants
Philosophy In Practice
Editorial -Achilles Heel Of Homoeopathy
Presidents Message -2
Communications -11
Reversible Pathology
Editorial – Direct Approach
Perfectionist Touchy Doll
Weak Fragile, But Bold Front
Magic Of China In Warts
Human Side Of Gastric Ulcer
Pruritus Ani
UPPAL, Monty
Angioneurotic Odema Case
Drug Induced Arthritis
VAISHNAV Vijay & Daxa
Articles on Homeopathy VAN BAUN, William W.
Children & Albuminuria
VAKIL, Prakash
Tuberculinum Bovinum
Encounter With Schizophrenic
Carcinosin Book Picture
VILLERS, Alexander
Homoeopathic Treatment Of Tabes & Pseudo Tabes
History Of Homoeopathy In Germany
Homeopathy, a system to regain harmony
Asthma A Personal Experience
Calcarea Renalis Phosphorica
Recurrent Proof Of Value Of Similia
Homoeopathic Treatment of Asthma & Allergies
WARD, Florence Nightingale
Twilight Sleep WARD, James William
Taking the history of the case WEIR, John
Repertorising WELLS, P. P.
Neurasthenia & Treatment
Dysmenorrhoea With Anaemia
Work Of An Artist
Cases cured by metals WHITLING, L.
Cases From Note Book
Lapis Albus
Cures by a Schoolmaster -3
WILCOX, Sidney F.
Awkward Gait Of Children
Puerperal Insanity
WILSON, Harold
Study & Correction Of Heterophoria
Theoretical & Practical Philosophy In Medicine
Articles on Homeopathy
Treatment Of Complex Rectal Fistulae
Aristolochia Clematis
WOOD, George Bacon
Tables of weights and measures. Apothecaries’ weight. WOODBURY, Benjamin Collins
Hyperthyroidism & Homoeopathy
The direction of symptoms in the progress of cure WOODVINE, D. G.
Suggestion In Treatment Of Constriction Of Oesophagus
WOODS, Harold Fergie
Do Our Remedies Need Reproving
Twelve Most Useful Acute Remedies
Eczema & Graphites
Homoeopathy In Exanthemata
The way of Homoeopathy in the exanthemata
Homeopathic remedies related to music
Inside out
Problems confronting one when first attempting to prescribe homœopathically
Studies in the scope of Stannum
Results with unusual remedies
Homœopathic equivalents of endocrinological remedies in pediatrics
Dot and carry one
YINGLING, William A.
Materia Medica study
The single dose YOUNG, W. W.
Isopathy & Homoeopathy Their Relationship
Echinacea Locally
Homoeopathy Of Neurasthenia
2. LINKS :
A. MoodGym ( Delivering cognitive behaviour therapy for preventing depression)
MoodGYM is a free, interactive, internet-based program designed to prevent and decrease symptoms of depression using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques. It aims to teach you how you can feel less stressed, depressed and anxious, and better able to cope with your life
B. Homeopathy Blogs & Web Sites
- Jo Rodes Homeopathy
- Up Date News on Homeopathic and Alternative Medicines
- Vital Patterns
- Dr. Joe’s Natural Medicine
- The C.A.M. Report
- Ask Dr. Luc
- H-Blog
- Dr Quack
- John Sherman
- Dr Sayed Ahmad
- Bob Leckridge
- Woo-Woo homeopathy
- Pankaj Oudhia
- NCH Research
- Phoenix homeopathy
- Jan Scholten
- Dana Ullman
- David Norton
- Jayshri Joshi
- Dr Devendra
- The C.A.M. Report
- Joy Lucas
- Sue young Homeopathy
- Amit Agarwal
- Dr Luc De Schepper
- Dr Vithoulkas.
- homeopathyworldwide
- mirandacastro
- GoodScience
- Dr Brian Kaplan
- Dr David Little
- National Center for Complementary & Alt Med
- Homeopathy Research Institute
- Homeopathy Wikipedia
- Homeopathy4health
- Free to choose health
- Laughing my socks off …..
- Skin Cancer- Herbal approach
- Dr. J. Rozencwajg
- Homeopathy Elements Weblog
- The International Foundation for Integrative Homeopathy
- Hahnemann College for Heilkunst
- homeopathy for women
- Central Council Of Research In Homeopathy
- Irish Homeopaths
- Resonance School of Homeopathy’s Forum
- Resonance School Of Homeopathy
- Dr Mukhtar Ahmad
- Dr Sashikant
Avilian- Scientific Researches in Homeopathy
वक्त बदला और होम्योपैथिक प्रैकिटिक्स करने के तरीकों में भी काफ़ी बदलाव दिखा । मैटेरिया मेडिका मे लगातार समावेश होती हुयी होम्योपैथी औषधियों से चिकित्सकों के मार्ग को कठिन बना दिया । हर लक्षण को याद कर पाना क्या वाकई मे इतना आसान है , फ़िर लक्षण की तुलना अन्य लक्षणॊं से करना , ग्रेडिगं बनाना अब मैन्युली इतना आसान नही दिखता । साफ़्टवेएर के प्रयोग से न सिर्फ़ प्रिसक्राइबिगं मे एक धार आ जाती है बल्कि औषधि के सेल्कशन की प्रक्रिया भी आसान हो जाती है । मार्केट मे कई साफ़्टवेएर हैं .लेकिन मेरी दृष्टि मे रडार, होम्योपैथ क्लासिक , मैक , कारा और होम्यो एक्यूट आदि प्रमुख हैं । सब की अपनी अच्छाईयाँ और कमियाँ भी है । नीचे इन साफ़्टवेएर के डेमो के डाऊनलोड लिंक दिये हैं और एक तुलनत्मक आध्यान भी ।
इस पेज को लगातार अपडेट करने का प्रयास रहेगा , अत: समय-२ पर इस पेज से गुजरते रहें ।
1. RADAR :-
For more than 20 years RADAR helps homeopaths all over the world with their daily practice. RADAR is an easy to use and powerful tool at the same time – special modules add functionality for a variety of homeopathic techniques.
Radar 10 offers a great leap forward by giving easier access to more information than ever. It comes with the "Synthesis Treasure Edition". Here are the features of this new Radar version:
- The Concepts Finder Translate the language of your patient into the language of the Repertory. Use the Concepts Finder to add symptoms to your repertorization.
- Radar Free Notes Download the latest seminar notes, videos, … Upload your personal notes to exchange with other homeopaths.
- Live Update Automaticaclly upgrades you, free of chanrge, to Radar program updates, Synthesis Update Logfiles, Free Notes, etc.
- Improved Multimedia
200 new remedy pictures and 205 new sound clips. Visualize more remedies than ever before, listen to masters in homeopathy. - Improved families functions
Limit your analysis by selecting from different family groups or create your own groups. -
Luc De Schepper module
Select the most important symptoms of your patient into the pyramid of Dr. Luc and differentiate remedies on the basis of the core delusion.
- Ewald Stöteler module
Offers a new method for homoeopathic analysis and practice, using Hahnemann’s classification of diseases. - Two miasmatic approaches
The miasmatic analysis following Dr. Giampietro (Argentina) can be used with Radar 10 and Synthesis 9.2. Also, Sankaran’s miasmatic database has been updated for optimal use within Radar 10. - Two new clinical files
Radar 10 links to KENBO and to HomeoPlus, 2 clinical practice management files. -
Other miscellaneous improvements
Right mouse click on any remedy abbreviation in the repertory screen, now offers a choice of shortcuts, etc.
Since 1986, Kent Homeopathic Associates has been at the leading edge of homeopathic theory and technology. MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks, have transformed the way homeopathy is practiced around the world. Nearly all of the world’s great teachers prefer our software, and many of them serve on our design team.
MacRepertory is one of the most important repertorization tool. It makes it easy to quickly select rubrics and analyze a case, check the materia medica and to feel confident about your prescription.
ReferenceWorks is a rich analysis system based on a huge library of more than 800 volumes of materia medica, provings, journals and more.
To the free demo DVD , send a request to http://www.kenthomeopathic.com/trial-dvd.html
Mercurius is a modern repertorization and materia medica software for homeopathic practitioners, providing you the highest quality information on which you can base your prescriptions.
To date, Mercurius has users in 70 countries.
Download a FREE demo version of Mercurius homeopathic software and give it a try.
Mercurius demo (US server)
Mercurius demo (European server)
Why exactly Mercurius stands out of the crowd:
- Very affordable pricing. Check out the best deal in homeopathic softwares.
- Combines repertory, materia medica and the patient management system in a single piece of homeopathic software.
- Is the first homeopathic software in the world to release the latest Complete Repertory 2008.
See complete list of available repertories. - Features 100 000+ pages of spellchecked, corrected and unified Materia Medicae.
- Provides compensated repertory model for all supported repertories.
- Features outstanding searching capabilities for both repertory and materia medica. (see articles)
- Designed by people who have been working for years as computer professionals, yet also practice homeopathy – it has the best of both worlds.
- Built on modern technologies, combines ease of use and superior performance.
The Classic version 8.0 is chiefly a product for the practicing classical Homoeopath. It contains more than 300 books covering a wide range of Homoeopathic subjects spread across 1 lakh pages ( 100000 pages ) . It has an easy and user-friendly interface. Key features of Classic 8.0 include ‘Quik Repertorisation’, ‘Intelligent Search’,’Advanced search options’, ‘Confirmation of symptom’ ,’Quick Search’, ‘Creation of Custom repertories’ ,‘Group symptoms’ and many more.
Features :
- Quik Rep
A speedy Repertorisation module. View simultaneous Repertorisation table, apply Symptom options , Remedy options and Repertorisation strategies from the same screen. - Intelligent Search Rubric hunting and Recording
made simple and easy. Simplified meanings of complex words provided
through ‘Word Meanings’. Improves your knowledge of rubrics, helps you
to consider symptoms which you would have otherwise missed through:
- Cross references
- Themes
- Similar words
- Synonyms - Advanced search options
Normal, Essential and Vital words to improve your search criteria, ensuring accurate and complete results .
Inclusion of – American / British English, Singular / Plural words in search results thereby not missing out on any results. - Confirmation of symptom
Confirm the authenticity of symptom and its remedy (ies) of a repertory from the basic materia medica source books. Understand the context of the symptom and how exactly it has been manifested in the source books. - Quick Search
This feature enables the user for a Quick View / Search / and Record of a rubric by accessing specific chapters and rubrics directly . - Create Customised Repertory like ‘User repertory’ which provides a faster and easier access to all the symptoms commonly observed by the user in his practice, ‘Combined symptom Repertory’ where you can combine two or more symptoms to save it as a combined symptom repertory, and ‘Materia Medica Repertory’ which allows you to create a repertory from the materia medica symptoms.
- Group symptoms
Analyse symptoms based on Groups.Learn more about remedies by creating ‘group symptoms’ of specific groups Make statistical remedy and symptom analysis a feature significant to researchers. - Symptom(s) forwarding
Forward symptoms from previous cases to new or current cases, thereby saving time on re-repertorisation. - Rubrics Related
Thousands of Cross-references, Themes, Synonyms, Similar words, and Word meaning for rubrics. Accessible from all the modules wherever the rubrics are present . - Remedy Related
Keynotes, Basic Materia Medicae, Drug property and Drug relations accessible from all the modules wherever the remedies are available. - Interlinked feature
All modules are interlinked intelligently making it possible to jump from one module to
another without having to close any module. - New Modules ‘Links Tresorie’ and ‘Hompath Assist’ available with Classic 8.
Homeopathy Pro is a professional computer program for those who practice classical homeopathy. It combines the advantages of time-proved case taking methods with advanced features of up-to-the-minute software. Take case notes in a friendly, convenient environment
enjoy most natural repertory search
get correct results from Repertories by recognized authors
read Мateria Medica to feel confident about your prescription. All this will help save your time and preserve quality of your work.
However I feel the limitations of this software as it’s limited to kent & Bonneinghausen’s repertory only. But for the newcomers in homeopathy it may be helpful.
My rating for this software is Zero
To download the free trial version , click HERE .
AtamA is an entry level homeopathy software from ‘Anahata Software’. It is a standard repertorisation software with limited features. Some of these features are:
Basic repertorisation using Kent’s abridged repertory with about 10,000 symptoms.
The numerical and totality based results are given with the facility to weigh the symptoms.
The materia medica given for reference is Boericke’s abridged materia medica with 100 medicines.
Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine is provided as a reference book for philosophy.
The same goes for Boericke’s materia medica. The full version has more than 700 medicines and even these do not cover all the new remedies in vogue. So a software with 100 medicines to refer may be useful for students but not for a practicing homeopath.
Again my rating for this software is Zero.
To download the demo & for more details and recent changes visit the Anahata website.
Good citations of books. But some popular books are missing.