Nobel laureates: Homeopathy medicine of future.
In a remarkable interview published in Science magazine of December 24, 2010, (1) Professor Luc Montagnier, has expressed support for the often maligned and misunderstood medical specialty of homeopathic medicine. Especially, principle of Dynamisation or serial dilution to achieve potency of medicine.
Although homeopathy has persisted for 200+ years throughout the world and has been the leading alternative treatment method
used by physicians in Europe and India, (2) most conventional
physicians and scientists have expressed skepticism about its efficacy
due to the extremely small doses of medicines used.
Dr. Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, has surprised the scientific community with his strong support for homeopathic medicine. Montagnier’s research (and other of many of his colleagues) has verified that electromagnetic signals of the original medicine remains in the water and has dramatic biological effects.
Montagnier’s new research is investigating the electromagnetic waves that he says emanate from the highly diluted DNA of various pathogens. Montagnier asserts, “What
we have found is that DNA produces structural changes in water, which
persist at very high dilutions, and which lead to resonant
electromagnetic signals that we can measure. Not all DNA produces
signals that we can detect with our device. The high-intensity signals
come from bacterial and viral DNA.”
Montagnier’s new research evokes memories one of the most sensational stories in French science, often referred to as the ‘Benveniste affair’
A highly respected immunologist Dr. Jacques Benveniste., who died in
2004, conducted a study which was replicated in three other university
laboratories and that was published in Nature(19). Benveniste and other
researchers used extremely diluted doses of substances that created an effect on a type of white blood cell called basophils.
Although Benveniste’s work was supposedly debunked, (20) Montagnier considers Benveniste a “modern Galileo”
who was far ahead of his day and time and who was attacked for
investigating a medical and scientific subject that orthodoxy had
mistakenly overlooked and even demonized. A related topic is the
phenomenon, claimed by Jacques Benveniste’s colleague Yolène Thomas and
by others to be well established experimentally, known as “memory of water.”
If valid (high dilution nano structure
memory), this would be of greater significance than homeopathy itself,
and it attests to the limited vision of the modern scientific community
that, far from hastening to test such claims, the only response has been to dismiss them out of hand. (21) comments Brian David Josephson (Nobel Prize in 1973),
who is an emeritus professor of Cambridge University in England, he was
also asked by New Scientist editors how he became an advocate of
unconventional ideas. He responded: I went to a conference where the
French immunologist Jacques Benveniste was talking for the first time
about his discovery that water has a ‘memory’ of compounds that were
once dissolved in it — which might explain how homeopathy works. His
findings provoked irrationally strong reactions from scientists, and I
was struck by how badly he was treated. (22) Josephson went on to describe how many scientists today suffer from “pathological disbelief;” that is, they maintain an unscientific attitude that is embodied by the statement “even if it were true I wouldn’t believe it.“
Montagnier: “I can’t say that
homeopathy is right in everything. What I can say now is that the high
dilutions are right. High dilutions of something are not nothing. They
are water structures which mimic the original molecules. I am told that
some people have reproduced Benveniste’s results, but they are afraid to
publish it because of the intellectual terror from people who don’t
understand it.”
Enserink M, Newsmaker Interview: Luc Montagnier, French Nobelist Escapes
“Intellectual Terror” to Pursue Radical Ideas in China. Science 24
December 2010: Vol. 330 no. 6012 p. 1732. DOI:
10.1126/science.330.6012.1732 (2) Ullman D. Homeopathic Medicine:
Europe’s #1 Alternative for Doctors.
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Nobel laureate gives homeopathy a boost. The Australian. July 5, 2010.
(19) Davenas E, Beauvais F, Amara J, et al. (June 1988). “Human
basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE”.
Nature 333 (6176): 816-8. (20) Maddox J (June 1988). “Can a Greek
tragedy be avoided?”. Nature 333 (6176): 795-7. (21) Josephson, B. D.,
Letter, New Scientist, November 1, 1997. (22) George A. Lone Voices
special: Take nobody’s word for it. New Scientist. December 9, 2006.
(23) Personal communication. Brian Josephson to Dana Ullman. January 5,
2011. (24) Chikramane PS, Suresh AK, Bellare JR, and Govind S. Extreme
homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate
perspective. Homeopathy. Volume 99, Issue 4, October 2010, 231-242. (25)
Human and Experimental Toxicology, July 2010: To access free copies of
these articles, see: (26)