Homeopathy for Lipoma
There are many things in the world which are not fully understood. One among them in the medical world is lipoma. Lipoma is a benign (non-malignant or non-cancerous) tumour of adipose tissue (fat). It is a soft, localised, well circumscribed, painless swelling located mainly in the subcutaneous tissues (i.e. just under the skin) of the head, neck, shoulders, hands, legs and back.
What is adipose tissue?Adipose
tissues are nothing but fat. It is a combined product (esterification)
of fatty acids (contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) and glycerin.
Humans are usually covered with adipose tissue as a blanket which gives
beauty and keeps the body warm and soft. The adipose tissue not only
functions as an insulating layer which prevents heat loss but also acts
as a reservoir and source of energy release with fat metabolism.
Nowadays, food is mostly prepared
with oil since it improves taste. Oils are very rich sources of fat.
Even though fat is essential for absorbing fat soluble vitamins vitamin
A, D, E and K, excess fat often causes high cholesterol level, obesity,
endocrine hormonal disorders, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart diseases,
etc., confirming the proverb, anything in excess makes waste.
Incidences – Even though lipoma can occur in all ages, it is more commonly seen in the third and fourth decade of life. Women suffer more than men;
and usually from single lipoma
than multiple lipomas. In the case of men, it is mostly multiple. The
multiple occurrence of lipoma is called Adiposa dolorosa which can run
in families. Childhood (congenital) lipomas are mostly inherited and
Common Sites – Lipoma can occur anywhere in the body. The common occurrence sites are fat depositing areas like nape of the neck, shoulder, back, trunk, buttocks, hips, thighs, arms, forearms and belly (abdomen muscles). Most of lipoma is subcutaneous, but it can also occur in deeper tissues like subserous (liver, lungs, heart, etc.), subsynovial (joints), submucous (oral, oesophagus, etc), subperitoneal (inside abdomen), intramuscular, etc.
CAUSES – Unknown. Many people relate the causative factor with eating fatty things and being obese, but nothing is true or scientific. They are sometimes supposed to run in the family.
SYMPTOMS – Except swelling or mass which causes cosmetic disfigurement, no other symptoms are usually seen.
Characteristics of lipoma:
- Usually it will be round or oval in shape with variable size
- It is freely movable and is not attached to the skin or deeper tissues
- It is smooth in surface, rubbery in consistency and slippery in the edges
- Their margins are well-defined and feel as if the swelling is enclosed in a capsule
- It grows very slowly.
is nil. It never gets malignant or cancerous unlike other tumours.
Infection and calcification (hardening) can occur in a constant pressure
area or movement area. Rarely, it causes a fatal condition by
complicating the functioning of the lungs. Lipoma can occur in the
breast, liver, digestive organs, oesophagus, etc., producing symptoms
according to the situation. Adiposis dolorosa or dercum’s disease is a
rare condition characterised by multiple painful lipomas. Lipomas may
rarely undergo sarcomatous changes to cause liposarcoma.
Diagnosis – Even though
lipoma can be confirmed by clinical examination with its texture, freely
movable nature, slippery edges and lack of attachment to adjacent
tissues, confirmation may be necessary with biopsy and
histo-pathological reports, to rule out other complications or diseases.
CT, MRI and soft tissue radiographs can give an idea about lipoma.
Cholesterol level is often found to be within normal limits, even though
lipoma is supposed to be a tumour of fatty tissue (deposition of fat).
TREATMENT – In general,
lipoma is left untreated because there is no known method of treating it
or because it is harmless. Doctors and patients opt for surgical
removal if there is a large or small single lipoma and if it disturbs
functioning. For small lipomas, nowadays, liposuction is often preferred
and followed to have minimal scarring. But most of large ones are
excised only with incisions. Even when removed, there can be
recurrences. Liposuction has more recurrence rate due to left residuals,
whereas in surgical incisional removal, since it is removed completely,
including the capsule, the recurrence rate is less.
Homeopathic Approach on lipoma –
Lipoma is a cosmetic illness. Does surgical excision cure the
condition? No. So, never go for surgical options to get it removed
unless it gives any persistent symptom due to localised pressure.
Usually surgical removal causes it to spread to other places for unknown
reasons. So surgeons never assure non-recurrence in the same or other
places.Some people think that the lipoma
is due to excess fat content of the body or obesity and so they keep on
doing exercise and diet restriction to reduce weight. Even after
reducing weight considerably, there won’t be any change in the lipoma.
Also, sometimes they are noticed with more visibility or prominence than
before, since they might have been in the fat.Even though nobody thinks of
Homeopathy for lipoma, considering it as a pure surgical disorder,
Homeopathy can treat lipoma. Like other systems of medicines, there is
no guarantee for complete cure in Homeopathy also. But Homeopathy
treatment can surely arrest new lipoma formation and continued growth of
existing lipomas. Also there will be reduction in size of the lipomas
to residuals i.e., swelling gets softened and flattened, so that
visibility can be reduced. Better results can be attained if treatment
is started earlier – just after diagnosis. If it is in initial stages,
it will disappear completely. The treatment procedure will be a slow
process. There is no other go for fast relief except surgery. In
Homeopathy, removal of lipoma by surgery is considered removal of the
effects of the disease and not removal of the cause or disease itself.
So there will be recurrence of the disease. Homeopathy treatment can
abort this tendency by improving the immune system.
Commonly prescribed Homeopathic
remedies for lipoma are – Baryta carb, Bryonia, Calc Ars, Calc carb,
Calc flour, Hepar sulph, Lapis alb, Nux vom, Phytolacco, Radium brom,
Silicea, Spigelia, Thuja, etc. These Medicines should be taken under the
advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.
Calcarea Carb:
Calcarea Carb is the one of the top constitutional Homeopathic
medicines Lipoma. Generally the person requiring Calcarea Carb is obese.
Various constitutional characters need to be verified before its use.
The first among these is the tendency to sweat excessively on the head.
The second is sensitivity to cold air. Last come the special demands in
eating habits like a craving for boiled eggs and indigestible things
like lime and chalk. Long-standing constipation and acidity may be found
associated with Lipoma in a few cases. If these constitutional symptoms
match the patient’s symptoms, Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb can
help in complete disappearance of Lipomas.
Sulphur:Sulphur is the next constitutional Homeopathic medicine that can prove extremely helpful in treating Lipomas. Sulphur is an equally powerful medicine like Calcarea Carb to treat Lipoma. But which medicine will suit which patient depends upon his or her constitution. Just like Calcarea Carb, Sulphur has unique constitutional symptoms for its use. An important constitutional feature for choosing Sulphur is extreme hot sensations in the body. The heat may be more marked in the palms, soles and head. The skin remains mostly dry and looks dirty. Some sort of skin trouble at present or in the past may be looked at while taking up the patient’s case. Another characteristic feature is a marked aversion to bathing. And In dietary habits, the patient may have a high demand for sweets.
Belladonna:Homeopathic medicine Belladonna is beneficial when the Lipoma is painful. The pain may worsen on touching the lump. Here, Belladonna will help in providing relief from pain and also dissolving the Lipoma.
Thuja:Thuja is a Homeopathic medicine that is of great help in treating abnormal growth originating anywhere in the body. Thuja possesses a powerful ability to help in complete dissipation of fatty accumulations. If a person with Lipomas has high blood cholesterol levels, the use of Homeopathic medicine Thuja is again very beneficial.
The treatment procedure will be a slow process. There is no other go for fast relief except surgery
Sulphur:Sulphur is the next constitutional Homeopathic medicine that can prove extremely helpful in treating Lipomas. Sulphur is an equally powerful medicine like Calcarea Carb to treat Lipoma. But which medicine will suit which patient depends upon his or her constitution. Just like Calcarea Carb, Sulphur has unique constitutional symptoms for its use. An important constitutional feature for choosing Sulphur is extreme hot sensations in the body. The heat may be more marked in the palms, soles and head. The skin remains mostly dry and looks dirty. Some sort of skin trouble at present or in the past may be looked at while taking up the patient’s case. Another characteristic feature is a marked aversion to bathing. And In dietary habits, the patient may have a high demand for sweets.
Belladonna:Homeopathic medicine Belladonna is beneficial when the Lipoma is painful. The pain may worsen on touching the lump. Here, Belladonna will help in providing relief from pain and also dissolving the Lipoma.
Thuja:Thuja is a Homeopathic medicine that is of great help in treating abnormal growth originating anywhere in the body. Thuja possesses a powerful ability to help in complete dissipation of fatty accumulations. If a person with Lipomas has high blood cholesterol levels, the use of Homeopathic medicine Thuja is again very beneficial.
The treatment procedure will be a slow process. There is no other go for fast relief except surgery