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Friday, December 4, 2015

Homeopathy for common skin infections in infants

Homeopathy for common skin infections  in infants

The first month babies require lot of adaptation by the baby as well as the parents. After spending 9 months in a safe, warm atmosphere of mother’s womb, the baby faces the world for the first time. The baby is not yet adapted to the outside environment. It takes some time to get adjusted to the external conditions. During this phase the skin of the baby, which is very delicate faces a few issues. The skin of the infant shows signs of irritation in the form of rashes, redness and eruptions.
The skin infections in the infants are enough to make the parents tense and anxious. Today in this blog, we will discuss about the common skin infections seen in infants and use of homeopathy remedies .

 Cradle cap or Seborrheic Dermatitis is characterized by formation of thick yellowish or whitish greasy scales on the scalp of the infant. Sometimes it may spread to ears and face also.Seborrhoeic dermatitis occurs in adult and infantile forms. In babies it is often known as cradle cap because it affects the scalp, although it may also affect the nappy area. The adult form usually affects the face and scalp.
This condition is not contagious and it does not itch. Sometimes it is mistaken for infantile eczema but the differentiating point between the two is that the Infantile Eczema gives rise to itch while the Cradle Cap is a non-itchy eruption.
Cradle Cap is generally a self limiting condition. Maintain good scalp hygiene by washing the scalp with mild shampoo is recommended and it is beneficial. One should consult the doctor if the condition worsens and if the infection spreads to the nearby regions.

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory scaling disease, which causes flaking of the skin. It mainly affects those parts of the skin which are rich in sebaceous glands like the scalp, sides of the nose, eyebrows, eyelids, behind the ears, groins etc…
The childhood version of this skin disorder is known as cradle cap. This usually occurs in babies younger than 3 months.
Seborrhoeic dermatitis occurs more commonly in men than in women and especially between the age of 30 to 60 years.

Nobody knows for sure what causes this inflammatory disorder of the skin. The cause could also be different in different people. Most doctors believe that cradle cap occurs in babies due to the hormonal effects passed from the mother to the child. Seborrheic dermatitis is also linked with hormonal changes.
Some doctors feel that that seborrhoea is caused by an organism known as PITYROSPORUM OVALE infecting the sebaceous glands in our skin. But it is not yet proven for sure.
This skin disorder can also occur due to other factors like emotional or physical stress, certain illnesses, weather changes etc….
Dandruff of the scalp causes scaling of the skin without redness whereas seborrheic dermatitis appears to have both scaling along with redness of the scalp. This is common in people who have oily skin or hair. Sometimes this is also seen in people who have acne problems or psoriasis.
In severe dermatitis there may be yellow - red papules along the hairline or behind the ears. The patient may even have irritation on the conjunctiva due to the dermatitis. But Seborrheic dermatitis does not cause hair loss.
As stated earlier a person may develop this dermatitis due to emotional or physical stress. A patient recovering from a heart attack or heart surgery could develop this skin inflammation. Patients suffering from some immune disorder are also prone to this problem.
This skin disorder is also linked to certain types of nervous system diseases like Parkinson's disease. How they are linked we still don't know.

Sometimes this seborrheic dermatitis may clear on its own without any treatment but it can recur at any point in the person's life again especially if it was caused by stress in the first place. Most of the time the correct Homoeopathic treatment is required to remove the inflammatory process which is going on in the skin causing the scaling and redness.
There are several shampoos available in the market for this disorder. However they are very temporary in action and have a lot of chemicals that eventually damage the hair roots and texture. Some physicians even prescribe certain steroid based products like Hydrocortisone. Though this will suppress the scaling and redness, it is not a cure and has its own list of side-effects especially when used on children.
The best way to treat seborrheic dermatitis and cradle cap is the Homoeopathic way. In Homoeopathy we treat the patient on the basis of his or her symptoms. The appearance of the seborrheic dermatitis is also important. Taking all these things into account we treat the patient as a whole with the correct homoeopathic remedy. Here are a few remedies which have proven extremely effective in this skin disorder.

This remedy is characterized by intense itching of the skin and chilliness. The patient feels worse by the heat of the bed. The skin itches and appears red. These eruptions then become secondarily infected and form thick crusts with pus underneath them. Warm water worsens the skin problems. The skin swells after itching and becomes very painful.
This remedy is also very effective for children who suffer from cradle cap and this type of skin disorder.
Mezereum will help clear the skin up and remove this skin disorder.

This is another remedy used effectively in treating cases of cradle cap and this kind of dermatitis. Here the itching gets worse in the evening and at night. The areas affected are mostly around the eyelids, face, folds of the joints. These eruptions feel better by warmth contrary to the other remedies. The skin appears dry, scaly and looks like eczema. The Kreosote patient feels worse with cold water and bathing and much better by warmth.
Kreosote  will give great relief and gradually cure this skin disorder.

This is another remedy where the patient says that he feels better by warm water. Though there is intense itching and redness the patient says that the itching reduces when he applies hot water. Here the skin has a marked tendency to form scales especially in the hairy parts of the body.
These individuals are worse when exposed to damp, cold weather. They also complain of joint pains which are worse on initial movement but better when moving constantly.
Rhustox will help not only cure the skin but also the joint pains.

 Infantile Eczema:
This is the most common skin condition seen in infants. The Infantile Eczema presents itself with dry and itchy skin mostly on the cheeks and fold of the joints.
Infantile eczema develops due to the dryness of the skin. It gets worsened in winter as the skin becomes dry in winter. Almost, all infants suffer from this condition and most of the time Infantile Eczema is self limiting. It subsides once the baby is adapted to the external environment. The doctor may advise to apply a good quality baby moisturizer or baby oil on the skin to prevent the dryness of the skin.
some useful Homeopathy medicine for it
Eczema is often linked with other allergic conditions so I like to find out as much as possible about any other medical problems in the child or his family and I also go into as much detail as possible about the pregnancy, birth and early life of the child.
The choice of homeopathic treatment is a wide one as there are many remedies, which affect the skin, and a variety of treatment models which can be used. One of the most successful ways is to prescribe the constitutional remedy for the child, that is the remedy that fits the overall person, not just the local skin symptoms. Examples of remedies commonly used in this way include many well known homeopathic treatments such as Sulphur, Calc carb and Arsenicum album.SulphurItchy, dry, red skin, especially in bed or
after a bath. Scratching leads to burning and smarting.Rhus toxBlistered skin, particularly the wrists. Worse
in damp conditions. Very itchy.PetroleumSkin erupts with yellow crusts. Worse at
night.GraphitesSkin cracked and weepy.

 Diaper rash:
It is a kind of dermatitis characterized by formation of bright red rashes and patches on the buttocks of the infant. It is caused by irritation of the skin because of the soiled diaper or constant friction of the extremely delicate skin with the cloth of the diaper. An infant suffering from diaper rash may show irritability and crying especially while changing the diaper. It is advisable to keep the bottoms of the baby dry and putting loads of mild baby powder around the bottoms of the baby. Sometimes, mother takes a long time in changing the soiled diaper. This causes the delicate skin of the baby to come with contact with ammonia gas produced by urine or harmful bacterias of stools of the baby.
It is advisable to change the diaper as soon as it is soiled by the baby. If the diaper rash does not subside for many days and it starts oozing out the pus, a pediatrician should be consulted without wasting much time.
These are the five common skin infections seen in infants.Nappy rash can interrupt the peaceful routine of an otherwise carefree baby, and it won’t do much for your quality of life, either. Babies have this knack for making their problems your problems, and if your baby has nappy rash, you have it too.

During the first two to three years of life, just about every parent on the planet gets a share of the nappy-rash experience, thankfully nearly 50% of all nappy rashes go away by themselves but what about the other 50% ? These can last longer or even become more chronic. This rash starts in the groin area but can also spread all over the body. It may occur anywhere, where the skin comes in contact with bacteria.

The skin of babies delivered by caesarian section is sterile at birth, but it begins to pick up micro-organisms immediately. The skin of babies born in the usual way acquires skin bacteria even earlier, during the very process of birth. Bacteria are always present in the mother’s birth canal, and some of them inevitably rub off on the infant.

Some micro-organisms, are transferred to an infant’s skin by the simple act of touching or holding with dirty hands. Infected or dirty bed linen or unhygienic conditions in hospital and home; like using used towels, hair brush, comb, clothes not washed properly all contribute to the rash. An infants skin is very fine and delicate and it tends to catch infection very fast.

Initially a tiny acne rash appears on the part which is primarily infected. They look like small prickly heat type of rash which may disappear by cleaning the infant regularly. At times this rash refuses to disappear on its own and since the parents are very anxious about it they immediately start applying local chemical skin medicines. Certain infants respond to this treatment and the rash might disappear or might get temporarily suppressed, to come back again as soon as local applications are stopped.

Now plenty of things can happen when nappy rash is treated by local chemical medicines or strong internal medicines.
The rash may disappear for good.
The rash may be temporarily suppressed to come back again with the same intensity or more.
Rash may not disappear but the infant as a whole will react badly to this therapy and develop more rash.
The rash will disappear, but some other ailments like cough, cold, diarrhoea and vomiting might develop. This in homoeopathic language is called suppression.
Experience has shown us that time and again nappy rash if suppressed turns into a chronic rash creating a lot of problems for the child.

As we all know an infant’s skin as well as his body is so delicate that strong medicines like antibiotics should be avoided for the first few months of the infant’s life. Homoeopathic medicines have worked very well in skin conditions and children react to them most favourably.

Give it some air
The oldest advice is sometimes still the best. Give your baby’s bottom some air", says Ann Price, educational co-ordinator for the National Academy of Nannies, Inc., in Denver, Colorado. Simply take the baby’s diaper off and lay him on his chest, with the face turned to one side and on towels underlaid with a waterproof sheet. Leave your baby that way for as long as you’re there to keep an eye on him. Air helps in the natural breathing and healing of the skin.

Blow-dry your baby
Keeping the diaper area clean and dry promotes healing but drying with a towel can irritate sensitive skin. Try a blow dryer. Dry the area with a hair dryer set on ‘low’ which avoids abrasion to wet skin.
Give the cloth nappy a vinegar rinse –
Adding vinegar to the final rinse when washing a nappy will bring the pH of the cloth nappy into line with that of the baby’s skin. It has been noticed that nappy rash enzymes are most active in a high pH environment, which often exist in a cloth nappy after washing. Add 1 ounce of vinegar to about 3 ½ liters of water during the final rinse.

Initially the rash appears like one or two small red pimples. They are spread all over the body or in the groins. If the pimples are due to local infection give a few doses of "BELLADONNA  Within a few days the pimples will disappear.

If the pimples came in clusters then give "ARNICA 

Some infants have a dry rough looking skin with rash on any part of the body and the child feels very uncomfortable and keeps on crying, specially so when bathed. He feels comfortable in a cool room. His palms, feet and head are very warm to touch. "SULPHUR IODIDE 6",

RHUS TOX " - When there are multiple water blisters in the groins, in between the toes, fingers, elbow and behind the knees. The child is extremely restless because of severe itching. The child keeps quiet only when gentle rubbing is done with a thin cloth on the affected area. This remedy is very helpful if the eruptions are due to letting the child remain in wet nappies for a long period of time. Rhus Tox  till the rash disappear
Initially a few scaly eruptions appear, surrounded by small vesicles which cause a lot of burning and itching making the child very uncomfortable and cranky. If not treated correctly they multiply very fast. The hair gets entangled due to thick discharge from the eruptions. After a week or so a crust is formed on the scalp beneath which there is pus. Due to pus there might be fever. "MEZEREUM 30", 5 pills four times a day will help. If the condition s not treated soon then child might develop a few glands in the back of his neck and hair loss also take place.


This is another very common skin condition seen in the newborn babies. Milia is characterized by very tiny, white elevations on the skin mostly around the nose, chin and cheeks. Milia is a self limiting condition and do not require any treatment. Washing the baby’s face with warm water and mild soap is recommended to prevent the secondary infections.Homeopathy can get rid you easily with THUJA ,NIT ACID ,ANT CRUD.

 Oral Thrush:
 Oral thrush is also called as Oral Candidasis. It presents itself in the form of whitish or creamy patch inside the oral cavity of the infant. It may be seen on the tongue, inner side of the cheeks and palate of the baby. Oral Thrush is a type of a fungal infection. It is a very common condition seen in infants.
Due to Oral Thrush the baby is unable to swallow the milk and this may lead to refusal of feeds. It is advisable to consult the doctor for the treatment of Oral Thrush.Homeopathy has best approch i had seen many cases let me tell you Merc COR and Merc Sol Single doses can get rid you with oral thrus,
anather is ARS ALB Arsenicum ..... mouth; thrush (whitish flakes),

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