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Friday, August 21, 2015

Homeopathy Remedies for Pre Menstrual Syndrome

Homeopathy Remedies for P.M.S ( Pre Menstrual Syndrome)

Pre Menstrual syndrome (PMS) is the term used to describe a group of physical or behavioral changes that some women go through before their menstrual periods begin every month. PMS can produce discomfort in different parts of the body and cause unpleasant emotional feelings.
PMS is a recurrent set of physical and/or behavioural symptoms that occurs 7-14 days before a period and negatively impacts some aspect of a woman’s life
There have been over 150 (seriously!) symptoms of PMS identified. Some of the most common include:

·         For reasons that remain unclear, these physical discomforts or mood changes begin at various times near the end of the menstrual cycle and usually disappear after a woman has begun her menstrual period. They reappear at about the same time each month.
·          The degree of discomfort from PMS varies with each individual. Most women with PMS have symptoms that cause a mild or moderate degree of distress. In about 10 percent of all women with PMS, symptoms may be severe.
·         PMS can have a major impact on a woman's life. On the job or at home, a woman may not be able to function as well when symptoms occur. Problems caused by PMS may trigger marital and family conflicts. A woman may become less outgoing socially and avoid friends when symptoms occur.
Low energy
Mood changes – anger, crying, irritability, anxiety, depression, bitchiness
Food cravings
Low sex drive
Breast tenderness
Digestive upset – constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas
Difficulty sleeping
·         Women who have PMS can be helped. Education is the most important step in understanding this condition. Certain treatments can be useful in some women. A number of changes that cause various degrees of discomfort have been found in women with PMS:
·         Physical Changes - bloating, weight gain, breast soreness, abdominal swelling, headache, clumsiness, constipation, swollen hands and feet, and fatigue.

Hormone Imbalances in PMS

The relationship between estrogen and progesterone is one of the most important hormone balances in a woman’s body. Imbalance in estrogen and progesterone levels is thought to be the primary cause of PMS.
Estrogen is produced throughout the month by the ovaries, adrenal glands and fat cells. It main action is growth – growth of breast tissue in puberty, and growth of the endometrial lining in the uterus during menstrual cycles.
Progesterone is produced during the second half of the menstrual cycle – after ovulation – by the ovaries.  Progesterone helps to balance the effects of estrogen and prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy.
A too high estrogen level, or a too low progesterone level is thought to be the most likely cause of PMS symptoms in most women. This state, commonly called “estrogen dominance” is the most common hormone imbalance in women between the ages of 15 and 50. Estrogen dominance is becoming more common in North America due to increasing exposure to xenoestrogens (chemicals in our environment that mimic estrogen), high rates of obesity, decreased ability of our livers to detoxify and overwhelming amounts of stress.
The important thing to remember with PMS and hormone balance is that it is the relationship and balance of estrogen and progesterone that leads to symptoms. You may have normal levels of estrogen, but if your progesterone is low you will still experience symptoms. Progesterone levels are low in women who do not ovulate, and in those with significant stress (your body will convert progesterone into cortisol, leaving you deficient in much-needed progesterone)

1. Lachesis [Lach]
Intense hot flashes with red or purplish flushing, palpitations, and feelings of pressure, congestion, and constriction may indicate a need for this remedy. Tight clothing around the neck and waist may be impossible to tolerate. A woman needing Lachesis is often very talkative, with strong emotions (often including jealousy and suspicion) a "pressure-cooker" needing an outlet both physically and emotionally.

2. Lilium tigrinum [Lil Tig]
A woman likely to respond to this remedy feels hurried, anxious, and very emotional with a tendency to fly into rages and make other people "walk on eggs." She often has a sensation of tightness in her chest, and a feeling as if her pelvic organs are pressing out, which can make her feel a need to sit a lot or cross her legs.

3. Natrum muriaticum [Nat Mur]
A woman who needs this remedy may seem reserved, but has strong emotions that she keeps inside. She often feels deep grief and may dwell on the loss of happy times from the past or brood about hurts and disappointments. During PMS, she can have mood swings accompanied by backaches or migraines. A person who needs this remedy usually craves salt, and feels worse from being in the sun.

4. Pulsatilla [Puls]
A person who needs this remedy is usually soft and emotional, with changeable moods and a tendency toward tears. Women are very attached to their families and find it hard to bear the thought of the children growing up and leaving home. They usually feel deeply insecure about getting older. A fondness for desserts and butter can often lead to weight problems. Changeable moods, irregular periods, queasy feelings, alternating heat and chills, and lack of thirst are common. Aggravation from stuffy rooms and improvement in open air may confirm the choice of Pulsatilla.

5. Sepia [Sep]
This remedy can be helpful if a woman’s periods are sometimes late and scanty, but heavy and flooding at other times. Her pelvic organs can feel weak and sagging, and she may have a craving for vinegar or sour foods. Women who need this remedy usually feel dragged-out and weary, with an irritable detachment regarding family members, and a loss of interest in daily tasks. Exercise, especially dancing, may brighten up the woman’s mood and improve her energy.

6. Ignatia [Ign]
Ignatia is often helpful for emotional ups and downs occurring during PMS. The woman will be very sensitive, but may try to hide her feelings seeming guarded and defensive, moody, or hysterical. Headaches, muscle spasms, and menstrual cramps can occur, along with irregular periods. A heavy feeling in the chest, a tendency to sigh and yawn, and sudden outbursts of tears or laughter are strong indications for Ignatia.

7. Graphites [Graph]
A woman who is chilly, pale, and sluggish with trouble concentrating and a tendency toward weight gain during or after periods is likely to respond to this remedy. Hot flushing and sweats at night are often seen. A person who needs this remedy may also have a tendency toward skin problems with oozing cracked eruptions, and be very slow to become alert when waking in the morning.

8. Staphysagria [Staph]
A person who needs this remedy usually seems mild-mannered, shy, and accommodating, but has many suppressed emotions. Women around the time of PMS may become depressed, or have outbursts of unaccustomed rage (even throwing or breaking things). Many people needing Staphysagria have deferred to a spouse for many years, or have experienced abuse in childhood.

9. Sulphur [Sulph]
This remedy is often helpful for hot flashes and flushing during Pre Menstrual syndrome, when the woman wakes in the early morning hours and throws the covers off. She may be very anxious, weep a lot, and worry excessively about her health. A person needing Sulphur often is mentally active (or even eccentric), inclined toward messy habits, and usually feels worse from warmth.

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