Beautifying Skin & Hair with Homeopathy Dr Ajay Yadav
Today in the fast moving world of competition, it has become extremely important to be presentable so as to get noticed or one will get swayed away in the crowd. This presentation demands hard work and talent but outer persona have to be appealing to give confidence. But with so much stress, our “skin which is a mirror of our mind” also reflects it. People come up with so many problems like Acne, Pigmentation, Eczema, Psoriasis, Hairfall, Scar marks etc.
For all above
complaints, conventional medicine does give relief but many times
patients faces reccurrence. For this Homoeopathy has a tremendous scope
as it not only considers the disease from the diagnosis point of view
but will go the root of disease, finding the underlying cause and treat
man as a whole.

Moving ahead, we have
cosmetic problems like acne, scar,blemishes, keloids after surgery or
accidents which at times are responsible for giving the person an
inferiority complex and can make him withdraw from society .To save him
from this, cosmetic surgery is certainly an option but not affordable by
all. Here homeopathy comes to his rescue and can help him come out of
his shell and live a free life. For such problems we have medicines like
– Berberis, Echnicea, Calendula etc.

Acne is a skin
condition, which has plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), inflamed
pimples (pustules), and deeper lumps (nodules). Acne occurs on the
face, as well as the neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms.
Although most teenagers get some form of acne, adults in their 20’s,
30’s, 40’s, or even older, can develop acne. Often, acne clears up after
several years, even without treatment. Acne can be disfiguring and
upsetting to the patient. Untreated acne can leave permanent scars.
Control of acne is an ongoing process. All acne treatments work by
preventing new acne breakouts. Existing blemishes usually not heal on
their own. Occasionally, an acne-like rash can be due to another cause
such as make-up or lotions, or from oral medication. It is important to
to provide an updated history of what you are using on your skin or
taking internally.
A detailed and comprehensive homeopathic treatment of acne scars starts with causes of scarring, types of scars can help people to get rid of this situation.
Burns, which could be
due to acid, fire or some chemicals, one of the problems, which is
rising in society because of, increase in number of accidents. Immediate
treatment with homoeopathic medicine along with auxillary line of
treatment saves much damage. Later for correction of disfigurement
homeopathy can be of help through medicines known for bad effects of
burns. Medicines like cantharis, Urtica urens are of great help.

Warts, molluscum, moles,
skin tags, are few of the complaints for which pepople rush to
dermatologists .the treatment offered is cauterization which removes
these overgrowths but leaving chances of reoccurrence. cautery usually
leaves ugly scars also & of course the chances of regrowth are very
high. Homoeopathy can not only remove these overgrowths but finish this
tendency once and for all.
infection,offensive sweat, fungal infection, whitlow of foot are other
complaints to mention for which homoeopathy has treatment to offer.
When we come hair
problems of hair lustreless hair ,early greying ,eczema of scalp,allergy
to hair colour, hairfall after childbirth ill effects of bleaching
,dying,perming. Straightning with chemicals are few of the problems to
mention out of many which people face nowadays cause being so many
chemicals in shampoos, conditioners, gels and other hair products which
are a must do for these youngsters. We have vast number of drugs to
offer for these disorders as well which can check hairfall and greying
if taken at an early stage. Homoeopathic medicines like arnica hairoil,
jaborandi tincture are useful.
Dandruff, these days
every third person is facing this problem. Cause could vary from
improper hygiene or diet to allergy, hormonal imbalance to emotional
stress. If along with diet correction and hygiene, homoeopathic medicine
is also administrated one can easily let his or her hair down at party
next evening without the fear of white flakes falling on shoulders.
Dandruff occurs when the scalp shed dead epidermal cells in large clumps. Dandruff scales appears dry, white or greyish, appearing small, with unsighty patches sp. on top of the head.
Dandruff occurs when the scalp shed dead epidermal cells in large clumps. Dandruff scales appears dry, white or greyish, appearing small, with unsighty patches sp. on top of the head.
Scalp replenishes
themselves in a pattern similar to that of hair but more rapidly.the
skin of the head renew itself about once a month. Dead scalp cells are
constantly being pushed from the deepest layer of the epidermis to the
skin surface, where they gradually die. Usually the scalp shed them in a
nearly invisible way but for some unknown way, cell turn over sometimes
become usually rapid and dead cells are shed as the visible flakes
called dandruff.
Alopecia (hair fall) is an autoimmune disease resulting in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. In this disease, immune system cells attacks the rapidly growing cells in the hair follicles that make the hair. The affected hair follicle becomes small and drastically hair production is delayed. Fortunately, the stem cells that continuously supplying the follicles with new cells does not seem to be targeted. So, the follicles always have the potential to regrow hair.
Alopecia (hair fall) is an autoimmune disease resulting in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. In this disease, immune system cells attacks the rapidly growing cells in the hair follicles that make the hair. The affected hair follicle becomes small and drastically hair production is delayed. Fortunately, the stem cells that continuously supplying the follicles with new cells does not seem to be targeted. So, the follicles always have the potential to regrow hair.
Hair fall usually starts
with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp and can
progress to total scalp hair loss or body hair loss.
So, to conclude for the treatment of cosmetic problems external application has an immense role to playbut along with it we have to administrer internal medicine the constititional medicine which will correct the economy from within and balance the system.
The science of
Homeopathy has earned its place in today’s medical world as a leading
therapeutic contender and not only as an alternative mode of treatment.
You can depend on Homeopathy as a first-line of treatment for a gamut
of cosmetic conditions.So, to conclude for the treatment of cosmetic problems external application has an immense role to playbut along with it we have to administrer internal medicine the constititional medicine which will correct the economy from within and balance the system.