Homeopathy for Melasma/Chloasma Tretment
A flawless complexion is every woman’s dream & desire irrespective of their age. Any change in appearance of her skin during any period of life becomes a major cause of anxiety to her. Skin pigmentation conditions can be a problem for all women with brown skin – especially people of Asian, African, Latin or Native American backgrounds. While the natural pigmentation in brown skin provides many advantages – sun protection and slowed signs of aging – it is also more highly susceptible to skin discolorations. Sometimes the cells that contain the melanin pigment are damaged or over stimulated. When this happens, the affected cells may begin to produce too much or too little melanin. Too much melanin causes darker spots or patches, while too little causes lighter spots or patches. These lighter or darker spots appear on the surface of the skin, and can be unsightly. A patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on face and may result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy and during the administration of estrogen containing oral contraceptives.It is generallly found on sun-exposed areas of the face. Melasma often fades over several months after stopping oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy(HRT) or after delivering a child. It may return with additional pregnancies or use of these medications. The patches gradually fade over many months. In some people, the discoloration never entirely disappears. However, this condition develops spontaneously in some women who are neither pregnant, taking oral contraceptives, nor HRT medications.
It is a skin pigmentation disorder that results from functional
problems with cells that produce and contain the melanin pigment. This
dysfunction results in the appearance of irregular brown or
grayish-brown marks on facial skin. In melasma, the dark spots and
patches usually affect the nose, cheeks, forehead, upper lip and chin in
three different patterns.
It is sometimes referred to as the “mask of pregnancy” because it occurs commonly during pregnancy and in women who take oral contraceptive pills.
People living in areas of intense and prolonged sunlight (Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Carribean) are more susceptible to developing melasma.When melasma affects women due to pregnancy, it may resolve within a few months after delivery and treatment may not be necessary. There are, however, many cases in which the disorder persists indefinitely. Even when treated successfully, melasma often recurs, especially when the skin is exposed to the sunlight.
For all individuals with melasma, it’s imperative to wear a broad-spectrum (UVA plus UVB) sunscreen daily.
- Avoid the sun when possible, and wear protective eyewear, caps, hats and clothing.
- When melasma develops in response to hormone treatment, either oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy, patients should consult with their physicians to discuss discontinuation of the hormones.
Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Women with brown skin, particularly those of African and Latino descent, have a high incidence of hypertension, diabetes and heart disease and consequently take medications for those medical problems.
These medications can cause various types of allergic reactions that frequently lead to hyperpigmentation and dark spots or patches on the skin. There are four primary types of medication reactions that can lead to hyperpigmentation:
- Fixed drug eruptions
- Photosensitivity reactions
- Drug-induced hyperpigmentation
- Drug eruptions with secondary post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
- A fixed drug eruption is a round, dark patch or eruption that results from a reaction to a drug (usually a prescription medication). This type of reaction leaves a grey-blue, round patch on the skin. The round patch is usually fixed to one spot will appear in this same location within 24 hours of each dose taken.
- Photosensitivity reactions occur as a result of a direct interaction between the sun and a medication that you are taking. In the case of a photosensitive reaction, brown or blue-grey patches will develop in areas of the skin exposed to the sun, including the face, tops of the ears, V of the neck, and outside of the arms.
- Drug-induced hyperpigmentation is hyperpigmentation (dark patches) caused by a reaction between a component of the medication and your skin. The pigmentation often occurs on the face, especially around the mouth. Other parts of the body may be affected as well.
- Secondary post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation occurs when dark marks remain in an area after a primary allergic rash has been resolved.
Melasma is a very common skin disorder. Though it can affect anyone, young women with brownish skin tones are at greatest risk. Chloasma is especially common in women aged 20-40. It is more common in dark skins than in fair skins.Melasma is often associated with the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. It is especially common in pregnant women, women who are taking oral contraceptives (“the pill”), and women taking hormone replacement therapy during menopause. Sun exposure is also a strong risk factor for melasma. It is particularly common in tropical climates. Melasma develops due to a combination of genetic, hormonal and sun related factors
Melasma has been referred to as the mask of pregnancy because it often develops during pregnancy. Because of melasma’s relation to pregnancy and oral contraceptives, it is thought that estrogen contributes to its development in predisposed persons. Estrogen is not essential to the development of melasma, however, as men may also be affected. A factor that does seem to be essential to the development of melasma is sunlight.Both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) are believed to contribute to the formation of melasma in predisposed persons.
It may develop in association with menopause, hormonal imbalance and ovarian disorders.
Melasma may also be triggered by a medication called Dilantin (phenytoin).
It is thought that female sex hormones causes melanocytes or the pigment-producing cells to produce and deposit excess pigments.
Chloasma usually affects women but occasionally is seen in young men who use after-shave lotions, scented soaps, and other toiletries.
Chloasma is more pronounced during the summer months as a result of sun exposure. It usually fades a few months after delivery. Repeated pregnancies, however, can intensify the pigmentation.
Chloasma also occurs as a side-effect of taking contraceptive pills and injected depot contraceptive preparations. It may also be noticed in apparently healthy, normal, non-pregnant women where it is presumed to be due to some mild and harmless hormonal imbalance.
Sun exposure, following the use of deodorant soaps, scented toiletries, and various cosmetics can also produce this mottled pigmentation. This is called a phototoxic reaction and is due to ultraviolet radiation being absorbed by the chemical substance on the skin.
Deficiency of Folic Acid during pregnancy can also lead to development of Melasma.
during pregnancy is relatively common. Sometimes it is called the “mask
of pregnancy.” The dark patches typically last until the pregnancy
ends. Despite the strong connection to hormones, no one knows exactly
what causes the skin discoloration.
factors that make it more likely that a person will get melasma include
using medications that make you sensitive to the sun
(photosensitizing). These can include some cosmetics and medicines used
to treat ovarian or thyroid problems. If you are already susceptible to
melasma, exposure to the sun increases your risk. For example, women who
are pregnant or who take a hormone medication and avoid the sun are
less likely to develop melasma than are those who spend a lot of time in
the sun.
Tan, dark brown patches
Irregular in shape
These patches usually develop on the upper cheek, upper lip and forehead.
Picture of Chloasms, Melasma
Pigmentation seen on cheeks and nose.
Pigmentation seen on cheeks and nose.
The dark patches often appear on both sides of the face in a nearly identical pattern. The darker-colored patches of skin can be any shade, from tan to deep brown.Rarely, these dark patches may appear on other sun-exposed areas of the body.
The dark patches often appear on both sides of the face in a nearly identical pattern.The darker-colored patches of skin can be any shade, from tan to deep brown.Rarely, these dark patches may appear on other sun-exposed areas of the body.
Melasma doesn’t cause any other symptoms besides skin discoloration but may be of great cosmetic concern.
- Diagnosis is simply done by skin examination.
- Doctor may use a special lamp [Wood’s lamp] that gives off ultraviolet light; it allows the doctor to see patterns and depth of skin discoloration more clearly.
- Medical history will help to determine any factors that may have caused the disorder
Conventional Treatment
Creams containing tretinoin, kojic acid, and azelaic acid have been
shown to improve the appearance of melasma. Occasionally, doctor may
recommend chemical peels or topical steroid creams. In severe cases, laser treatments can be used to remove the dark pigment.
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/suceptability) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.
Reportorial rubrics:
[Kent] skin, discoloration, brown, liver spot
[Kent] skin, discoloration, brown, chloasma
[Murphy] skin, chloasma
[Boericke] skin, chloasma, liver spots, moth patches
[Boenninghausen’s] Skin, Spots, Liver (brown, liver-colored, chloasma)
Sulphur, Lycopodium clavatum, Sepia offincinalis, Thuja occidentalis, Argenticum nitricum, Cadmium sulphuratum, Copaiva offincinalis, Guarana, Caulophyllum, Thalictroides, Plumbum metallicum, Curare.
Homeopathic Remedies:
Skin affection after local medication. Old looking. Spotted face. Skin dry, rough, wrinkled, scaly; Itching, violently at night. Scrofulous diathesis. Liver spots. Unbreakable itching, especially from warmth. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affection.
Lycopodium Clavatum
Grayish-yellow discoloration of the face, with blue circles around the eyes. Brown spot on face and nose. Carbo nitrogenoid constitution. Craves everything warm.
Sepia Offincinalis
Chloasma; yellow spots [moth spots] the on the face, and a yellow saddle across the upper part of cheeks and nose. Suited to patient with having dark hair, rigid fibre. Ailments during pregnancy.
Thuja Occidentalis
Dry skin with brown spot. Hydrogenoid constitution. skin looks dirty. Face, pale, waxy, shiny; dark under eyes; spiderlets on.
Argenticum Nitricum
Face looks sunken, old, pale and bluish. Brown liver spot; irregular blotches. Skin is brown, tense and hard. A prematurely aged look. Irregular blotchesCadmium sulphuratum
Chloasma, yellowish stains on nose and cheeks; worse from exposure to sun and wind.
Copaiva Offincinalis
Brown spot; circumscribed, lenticular patches with itching. Mottled appearance.
Chloasma on temples and arms. intellectual excitement; uncontrollable sleepiness.
Caulophyllum Thalictroides
Discoloration of skin in women with menstrual and uterine disorders.
Plumbum metallicum
Yellow, corpse like dark brown liver spots; cheeks sunken. Skin of face is greasy, shiny. Face pale cachetic.
Curare Red face. Dirty looking skin. Melasma.
some tips
- Avoiding the sun and using sunscreen are key to preventing melasma.
- Avoid irritating the facial skin- No strong soaps or abrasive cleaners – use only a mild soap or cleanser for washing.
- Increase intake of foods high in folic acid, dark green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, asparagus, broccoli, potatoes, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.