Clinician's Quick Guide to Dermatological Complaints
Author : Dr. Roshni Shah, BHMS
i found this article very effective and i really like to thanks dr roshni for her work
The list of medicines in the repertory is very large but without sound
knowledge of each Homoeopathic medicine it becomes burden to the minds
of prescribing homoeopath.
Here the CAPITAL letter medicines have higher marking then the italics one
- Abscess:
Abscess:ANTHR, ARN, CALC-I, CALC-S, CALEN, HEP, LACHMERC, PHOS, SILAbsorption of pus: LACHAcute:HEP, MERC, SIL, anac,arn, calc-s, myris, nit-ac, rhus-t,Sulph, tarent-cBurning: ANTHR, ARS, TARENT-C, pyrogChronic:HEP, asaf, calc-f, calc-s, carb-c, iod, merc, nit-ac, pyrg,SulphDeep: calc-sDischarge:Acrid:ARS, CAUST, asaf, carb-v, cham,clem, hep, kali-Iod, lyc, merc, nat-c, petroBlack: sulphBland: PULS, calc, hep, lach, merc, sil, sulphBloody: ASAF, HEP, ars, carb-v, caust, lycFetid: ASAF, CARB-V, HEP, KREOSGelatinious: silGray: ambra, ars, caust, silGreenish: MERC, asaf, arn, caust, pulsSour smelling: hep, mercSuppressed: HEPThick: calc-sil, pulsThin: asaf, caust, lyc, merc, sil, sulphWatery: ASAFYellowish: CALC-S, HEP, PULSForeign bodies to promote elimination of: MYRIS, SILGangrenous: LACHHastern: HEP, SILOrgens, of internal: LACHReccurent: arn,pyrog, sulph,syphSlow developing: merc
Acne :
Bilateral: ARNICAForhead:CARB-AN,CARB-S,CARB-V,CAUSTI,HEP,NUX- V, PSOR,RHUS-T, SEP, SIL, SULPHLips: sul-iNose: CAUSTI, ars-br, sulphRosacea:Bluish : lach, sulphIn groups: CAUSTINose, on: CAUSTI, psor
Valgaris:Chin: hydro, viol-t
Blood boil:CROT-H, PHOS, anthr, bell, iod, lach,led, mur-ac,nat-m, silSmall, blood boil: silBlue: anthrCrops of: calc-sChildren, disposition to: calc-sGreenish, pus: secInjured places: dulc,silLarge: apis,hep,lach,lyc,nit-acMenses, at: mercPeriodical: ARS, iod, lyc, merc, sulphReccurent tendency: arn, calc-s, sulphSmall: ARN, KALI-I, fl-acid, lycSpring, in: crot-h, lachSummer, in: cal-s
- Impetigo :-
Impetigo : AN, ECHIFace:ANT-C, cic, con, crot-t, dul, graph, hep, kali-s, lyc, merc,nit-ac, rhus-t, violt-tForhead: merc, rhus-t, violt-tHead: MERC, ant-c, caust, iris, petr, violt-tHead, margin of hair: nat-mLips: ant-c, ars, echiLips, around: ant-c, ars
Therapeutics of pyoderma
Antim crud :-
- Eruption forming thick, heavy, yellow crusts, with burning.
- Eruption about face
- Modalities:-
- <bathing the parts
- >in open air
Anthracinum: -
- Hemorrhages, black, thick, tar-like, rapidly decomposing from any orifice.
- Cellular tissue edematous and indurate.
- Ulceration, sloughing and intolerable burning.
- Black and blue blister.
- Dissecting wound. Insect sting.
- Succession of boils.
- Character of discharge:- ichorus, putrid and horribly offensive.
Apis mell:-
- Diffuse inflammation of the cellular tissue, ending in their destruction.
- Stinging, burning pains in incipient abscess.
- Modalities:-
- < warmth covering
- >cold application
Arnica: -
- Causation:- mechanical injury, falls, blow, concussion, contusion.
- Itching, burning, eruption of small pimples.
- Crops of small boils.
- Hot, hard, shining swelling.
- Priking pain and dull stitches in the part.
- Acne indurate characterized by symmetry in distribution.
- Modalities:- < least touch.
Arsenicum album:-
- Itching, burning, swellings, oedema, eruption, papular, dry, rough, scaly, worse cold and scratching.
- Malignant pustules.
- Character of discharge:- scanty, putrid, dark and offensive with cadaverous odour.
- Modalities:-
- <cold in general
- < touch
- >from warmth
- Used in 1 st stage before pus formation takes place.
- Pressure, burning and stinging pain.
- Uniform, smooth, shinning scarlet redness.
- Character of discharge: - scanty, cheesy, and flocculent.
- Modalities: - > warm room
Hepar sulph:-
- Causation:- suppressed eruption, gonorrhea and syphilis, eruption after mercurialism.
- Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates.
- Ulcers with bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese.
- Putrid ulcers, surrounded by little pimples.
- Throbbing and beating in abscess.
- Pus- scanty, bloody, corroding, smelling like old cheese.
- Modalities:-
- < at night
- < by exposure to cold.
- >Warm covering
- Causation:- bad effect of poison, wounds.
- Hot perspiration, bluish, purplish appearance.
- Character of discharge:- ichorous and offensive.
- Modalities:-
- < heat
- < extreme of temperature
- < pressure and constriction
- >with appearance of discharge
- >cold application
Mercurius: -
- Slowly suppurating abscess.
- Burning redness of the skin with prickling and tingling sensation
- Hard, hot inflammatory swelling, pressing from within outward. Pus copious, bloody, corroding, thin, and watery but scanty.
- In impetigo- moist scab, with excoriation of the scalp and destruction of the hair, yellowish scabs on face esp. mouth, with foetid discharge.
Silicea: -
- Causation:- vaccination, suppressed foot sweat.
- Controls suppurative process, reduces excessive suppuration to moderate limits.
- Burning, cutting, pricking, or pulsative.
- Pus- copious or scanty, bloody, brownish, corroding, gelatinous, gray or greenish, putrid, thin or yellow.
- Promotes granulation and cicatrization.
- Modalities:-
- <cold
- >warm
- CHAM, HEP, MERC, PULS, RHUS-T, SIL, anac, apis,
- arn, ars, asaf, aur, bar-m, calc, dulc, gels, kali-s, nit-
- ac, plb, staph, sulph
Tendency to:
- CHAM, SIL, asaf, bar-c, bor, hep, merc, nit-ac,
- petr, puls, sulph
Therapeutics of Dermatitis
Hepar sulph :-
- Burning itching of body, with white vesicles after scratching.
- Chapped skin with deep cracks on hands and feet.
- Spreads by means of new eruption appearing just above the old one.
- Very sensitive to touch even cant bears the touch of cloths.
- Moist, itch like eruption on hands with rhagades with tendency to suppurate.
- Vesicular or pastular eruption with yellowish brownish crust and offensive discharge.
- Modalities:-
- <night
- <Warmth of bed
Rhus tox :-
- Vesicular eruptions with tendency to scale formation.
- Vesicles are yellow, from left to right, with much swelling, inflammation, burning, itching and stinging.
- Modalities:-
- < night
- < Cold wet rainy weather
- >dry weather
- >warm application
- Itching esp. during night, sensation as if ants were crawling over the skin.
- Itching humid spots on genitals, mostly on scrotum with sweating, driving to despair.
- Modalities:-
- < night
- >warmth covering
Herpes zoster:
- canth, caust, cist, clem, graph, hep, kali-bi, kali-
- ch, lach, petr, sep, sil, sulph, thuja, vario
Chronic: nat-m, rhus-t
Neuralgic pains, persisting after herpes: mez, rhus-t
Therapeutics of Herpes zoster
Arsenicum alb:-
- Confluent herpetic eruption with intense burning of the blisters.
- Dry and parchment like skin.
- Marked prostration and lassitude.
- Modalities: -
- <after midnight
- <from cold of any kind
- >from warmth
Iris vers:-
- Herpes following gastric derangement.
- Esp. on right side of body, fine eruption, showing black points after scratching with great itching.
- Modality:- < night
- Herpes zoster following intercostals or supraorbital nerves with sharp stitching, lightening like pains, sometimes boring, which leave the part numb.
- Vesicles from a brownish scab, blotches on forearm becoming hard after scratching.
- Neuralgic pain remains even after disappearance of herpes.
- Modalities:-
- <in bed
- < touch
Rananculus bulb :-
- Herpes zoster supraorbitalis and intercostalis with sharp stitching pain.
- Vessels filled with a thin, acrid fluid, burning, itching vesicles in clusters.
- Modalities:-
- < touch
- <motion
- <change of temperature
Rhus tox:-
- Right sided affection, with incessant itching, burning, tingling, alternating with pains in chest and dysenteric stool.
- Herpes on hairy part, more annoying after perspiration.
- Modalities: - < in winter
Keloids: CARC, GRAPH, SIL, bad, calen, caust, fl-ac, iod, thiosin
Therapeutics of keloid
Graphites: -
- Rough, hard, persistent dryness of skin.
- Early stage of keloid.
- Burning and stinging pain.
- Modalities:-
- < night
- <warmth of bed
- >open air
A resolvent, externally and internally, for dissolving scar tissues.
Palms, on: GRAPH, HEP, LYC, calc-c, coral, med, petr, phos
Nails, of: SEP, graph
Tongue, of: SEP, graph, mur-ac
Therapeutics of Psoriasis
Arsenicum album:-
- Skin has white pasty look, with black eruption.
- Itching, burning, oedema, eruption, papular, dry, rough, scaly scratching.
- Psoriasis with burning and restlessness.
- Icy coldness of body.
Arsenicum iod:-
- Psoriasis diffusa. Dry , scaly,itching.
- Marked exfoliation of skin in large scales, leaving a raw exuding surface beneath.
- Modality:- <washing
Graphites :-
- Psoriasis diffusa.
- Rough, hard, persistent dryness of skin.
- Eruptions moist, lids red and margins covered with scales and crusts
- Eruption esp. on palms- between the fingers and toes, upon the ears.
- Psoriasis of nails. Nails are brittle, crumbling and deformed, thick and crippled.
Kali sulph :-
- Psoriasis inveterata.
- Burning, itching, papular eruption.
- Seborric psoriasis with soreness of the skin.
- Modalities:-
- < heated room
- < evening
- >cool open air
- Psoriasis diffusa.
- Psoriasis with violent itching, fissured eruption.
- Skin becomes thick and indurated, dry, shrunken, esp. palms.
- Modality:- < warm
Petroleum: -
- Psoriasis inveterata.
- Skin dry, constricted, very sensitive, rough and cracked, leathery.
- Psoriasis of hands esp. on tip of fingers. Thick, greenish crusts, burning and itching, redness, raw, cracks bleed easily.
- Modalities:-
- < in winter
- >In summer
- Murphy's Repertory
- Kent 's Repertory
- Pocket manual of Materia Medica by William Boericke
- Prisma by Frans Vermeulen
- Homoeopathic therapeutics by Samuel Lilienthal
- Select your remedy by Raibishambar Das