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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Homeopathy is effective For Acne Rosacea

Homeopathy for Acne Rosacea

 Rosacea is a skin disease that affects the middle third of the face, causing persistent redness over the areas of the face and nose that normally blush -- mainly the forehead, the chin and the lower half of the nose. The tiny blood vessels in these areas enlarge (dilate) and become more visible through the skin, appearing like tiny red lines (called telangiectasias). Pimples can occur in rosacea that resemble teenage acne. In fact, rosacea is frequently mistaken for acne and is also referred to as acne rosacea.
Is rosacea like acne
  • Frequent flushing of your face, similar to blushing. This is often the first symptom and may be the only symptom for months or years before anything else develops.
  • Redness (erythema) of parts of the face. This can look similar to sunburn.
  • Small lumpy red spots (papules) and small cysts (pustules) on your face. The spots and cysts look similar to acne. These may come and go in some cases but, in others, remain long-term unless treated.
  • Tiny blood vessels visible on your face. This is also called telangectasia. They can sometimes become quite prominent on your face.
  • Eye symptoms (also called ocular rosacea) occur in about half of cases but are often mild. They can include:
    • A feeling of something in your eye.
    • Burning, stinging or itchy eyes.
    • Dryness.
    • Sensitivity to light.
    • Eyelid problems such as cysts, styes or eyelid inflammation (blepharitis).
    Inflammation and infection of the front of your eye (the cornea) is an uncommon but serious complication that can affect your vision. See a doctor urgently if you develop eye pain or visual problems.
  • Thickening of the skin occurs in some cases. The most well-known example of this is an unsightly, bumpy nose (called a rhinophyma). This is uncommon and usually only occurs in men.
Rosacea is basically different than acne. Unlike common acne, rosacea is not primarily a plague of teenagers, but occurs most often in adults (ages 30 to 50), especially those with fair skin. Different than acne, there are no blackheads or whiteheads in rosacea.
Rosacea strikes both sexes. It tends to be more frequent in women but more severe in men.
The cause of rosacea is unknown. Rosacea is more common in people who blush easily. Furthermore, rosacea tends to affect the "blush" areas of the face. Emotional factors (stress, fear, anxiety, embarrassment, etc.) may trigger blushing and aggravate rosacea. A flare-up can be caused by changes in the weather like strong winds or a change in the humidity. Sun exposure generally aggravates rosacea.
The exact cause is not known. A number of factors may be involved. However, none of these factors has definitely been proven to be the cause. For example:
  • Tiny blood vessels under the affected skin may become abnormal or leaky.
  • Sun damage.
  • A tiny mite called Demodex folliculorum may be involved. It lives harmlessly on the skin of many people but has been found in higher numbers in those with rosacea.
  • Abnormal immune reactions in the skin, which lead to inflammation.
  • Genetics may also be involved as rosacea may run in some families.
Long-term use of steroid creams on the face can cause a condition identical to rosacea. This used to be quite common. However, the danger of overusing steroid creams is now well known and this is now an uncommon problem.
Rosacea is not contagious and therefore cannot be spread from one person to another person.
A mite sometimes found in hair follicles may play a role in the development of rosacea. The bacteria Heliobacter pylori (that is associated with stomach ulcers) and medications like vasodilators (that cause blood vessels to widen) have also been thought possibly to bring out rosacea.
signs and symptoms of rosacea
Rosacea typically causes inflammation of the skin of the face, particularly the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. When rosacea first develops, it may appear, then disappear, and then reappear. However, in time the skin fails to return to its normal color and the enlarged blood vessels and pimples arrive. Rosacea rarely reverses itself. It lasts for years and, if untreated, it will worsen. Rosacea does not cause the blackheads and whiteheads that are in common acne.

Untreated rosacea can cause a disfiguring nose condition called rhinophyma (ryno- fee-ma), literally growth of the nose, characterized by a bulbous, enlarged red nose and puffy cheeks (like the old comedian W.C. Fields). There may also be thick bumps on the lower half of the nose and the nearby cheek areas. Rhinophyma occurs mainly in men. Severe rhinophyma can require surgical repair.
What happens to the eyes?Another complication of advanced rosacea affects the eyes. About half of all people with rosacea feel burning and grittiness of the eyes (conjunctivitis). If this is not treated, a serious complication that can damage the cornea, called rosacea keratitis, may impair vision.
How is rosacea cured
Rosacea cannot be cured but it can usually be controlled with the proper, regular treatment.
What about using acne medicine?
Over-the-counter medications for acne can be a hazard; they can irritate the skin of rosacea

Treatment involves both oral and topical medicines. Oral antibiotics (such as tetracycline) are commonly prescribed; the dose may be initially high and then be tapered to maintenance levels.
A topical (skin) antibiotic cream such as metronidazole (Metrocream) is useful to reduces the inflammation and the redness. Other topical antibiotic creams include erythomycin and clindamycin (Cleocin).
Short-term topical cortisone (steroid) preparations of the right strength may also be used to reduce local inflammation. Some doctors are trying tretinoin (Retin-A) or isotretoin (Accutane), prescription medications also used for acne, or permethrin (Elimite) cream, which is used for the mites that cause scabies.
What should be avoided?Smoking, food (such as spicy food) and drink (such as hot beverages and alcoholic drinks) that can cause flushing should be avoided.
Exposure to sunlight and to extreme hot and cold temperatures should be limited. That will also help relieve symptoms of rosacea.
Potent cortisone medications on the face should be avoided because they can promote widening of the tiny blood vessels of the face.

How should I care for the skin of my face?Rubbing the face tends to irritate the reddened skin. Some cosmetics and hair sprays may also aggravate redness and swelling.
Facial products such as soap, moisturizers and sunscreens should be free of alcohol or other irritating ingredients. Moisturizers should be applied very gently after any topical medication has dried. When going outdoors, sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher are needed.

Homeopathy treatment - Homeopathy always i had seen best in working for this condition it can help to cure not only but recurrence factor also  reduce after using Homeopathy .

Br eruption on face acne rosacea---Aars brom, kreosote,eugeron, carbo ani, phorinum,sulph

Phatak—psorinum,radium brom

Bn---kali bi ,caust,RHUS TOX,bufo

 Agaricus muscarius is an excellent homeopathic medicine for acne rosacea . There is circumscribed redness of skin of face with itching and burning sensation. The skin is cold. The exciting cause in this medicine is exposure to cold air. Another medicine Belladona also works well in this condition and the presenting symptom of this medicine is red, flushed skin of face. The skin appears very shiny and is very hot to touch

.Psorinum is an excellent homeopathic medicine when acne are present. The skin looks very dirty and the condition is worse from coffee intake. When pus is present in the pimples medicine Silicea works very well. Medicine Eugenia Jambos works in cases of simple and indurated/hardened acne. The acne and surrounding area is painful.

  Carbo vegetabilis works well as a homeopathic cure for rosacea where the facial skin appears blue, marbled and is very cold with cold sweat. Carbo veg is a very common household homeopathic medicine used very often in treating gas problems ; it is one of the most effective home remedies for acne Rosacea.  Another medicine Lachesis mutus also gives good results where the skin appears purplish blue and is very hot making it a differentiating point from above medicine.

 Hydocotyle asciatica is wonderful medicine when there is growth of connective tissue over skin making it thickened and hardened. Another medicine Sarsaparilla officinalis also gives good results when the condition is worse in summer. Thuja occidentalis is also an effective medicine for this and intake of tea makes the condition worse in this medicine.

 Euphrasia officinalis holds good promise in giving natural relief for acne rosacea where the eyes are red, hot, Itching and watering..
Nat Mur - very often i found this remedy work wonderfully in many cases of acne rosecea whr more mental pic invlved depression due to bad looks and sadness.

Note: When exposure to sun excites the condition Cantharis vesicatoria is good medicine. Bovista lycoperdon medicine can give good results when excessive cosmetic use is cause. When excessive use of alcohol or spices arouses this condition medicine Nux Vomica works effectively. Silicea happens to be one of the best homeopathic remedies for cystic acne. The above mentioned homeopathic remedies for acne rosacea should only be used after consulting a qualified homeopathic doctor .

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