
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Using Homeopathy Remedies in Sports & Sports medicine

Homeopathy remedies for sports

 During athletic training, development of stamina and skill can be encouraged by a constitutional remedy?chosen by an experienced homeopath to fit the individual?and help the body work efficiently. Remedies listed here may help prevent and ease the aches and pains of physical exertion, and are useful as first aid for injuries. If any pain or injury seems serious, a medical practitioner should be consulted.trials of homeopathy have considered the effects on sports injuries, such as ankle sprains, muscle strains and muscle soreness after exercise, while others have homed in on the kinds of health problems many athletes are prone to, including upper respiratory tract infections, influenza, hay fever and cramps.

 reasons for athletes to choose homeopathic medicines
  • There are no harmful side effects
  • They are safe to use in all cases, and equally effective in babies, old people and pregnant women
  • Because of the degree of dilution, they will not show up in any drug testing procedures, so there is no need to check whether any of the ingredients are on a banned list
  • They cost less than  prescription medicines
  • Unlike conventional medicines, they can be kept for later use, with often only a few tablets from a bottle being needed for each episode of treatment
  • They are NOT tested on animals – all homeopathic medicines are tested through systematic trials with healthy human volunteers
  • They work with rather than against the body’s own repair mechanisms
  • They have been used effectively, in all parts of the world, for over 200 years
  • They appear to speed up the healing process and get you back to training and performing more quickly
  • An increasing amount of high-quality scientific research demonstrates that homeopathic medicines really do work

common homeopathic remedies used by athletes
Arnica montana ( made from the plant also known as leopard’s bane) This is the first remedy that users of homeopathy think of for any kind of injury. The list of symptoms which have been successfully treated by arnica include:
  • Bruising
  • Shock (dazed, cold, fainting, confusion)
Ruta graveolens (made from the plant also known as rue)
  • Injuries to the periosteum, eg bruised shins
  • Sprained ankles, bursitis
  • Stiffness in the joints that improves with movement and warmth but is worse if too much activity is undertaken and in cold, damp conditions
Rhus tox (made from the poison ivy plant)
  • Plantar fasciitis, tendinitis
  • Stiffness which is worse on first movement and in the cold but improves with continued movement and with warmth
Hypericum (the homeopathic use of the St John’s wort plant)
  • Injuries to parts that are rich in nerves and hence tend to be very painful, eg coccyx, fingers and toes
Ledum (made from the marsh tea plant)
  • Bruises that do not respond to arnica
  • Black eyes
  • Injuries that feel cold to the touch but are also better for application of cold packs
Calendula (made from the marigold plant)
  • Used externally to aid healing of wounds, cuts and abrasions. Has antiseptic properties
Symphytum (made from the plant also known to herbalists as knitbone)
  • To aid and speed the healing of fractures
Traumeel (a combination of 14 homeopathic remedies in low strengths – 3x-6x – which can be used internally or externally, as a cream)
  • Traumas such as sprains and bruises with their resulting pain, inflammation and swelling
1. Arnica montana [Arn]
Homeopathic Arnica is helpful for bruising, tissue-damage, shock, and soreness. If taken shortly after an injury occurs, both pain and swelling may be reduced, and healing can take place more quickly and efficiently. Conditions needing Arnica are usually worse from touch and heat. For sprains or deeper injuries that require days or weeks to heal, another remedy may follow Arnica. (Some athletes take Arnica "preventively" before a workout, to reduce the tendency toward soreness. Gels and ointments containing the herbal form or very low dilutions may be soothing to sore muscles.)

2. Bellis perennis [Bell Per]
This remedy is often indicated for injuries resulting from collisions, falls, and twisting or wrenching motions that occur in active sports. It is especially indicated for bruising injuries involving the abdomen, trunk, and pelvis or deeper body areas. Bellis perennis may also be given for bruising, sprains, or strains when Arnica has been tried without significant result. Aggravation from soaking, or from wet applications, is another indication for this remedy.

3. Hypericum [Hyper]
Injuries to nerve-rich parts of the body (smashed fingertips or toes, a blow to the back, a fall on the tailbone, etc.) often are relieved by this remedy. Shooting pains and muscle cramping may be felt around the injured area.

4. Ledum palustre [Ledum Pal]
This remedy is indicated for sprains and other injuries with pain and puffy swelling that are greatly relieved by ice, cold soaks, or cold applications. Ankles injured in the past that swell from overuse may also be helped with Ledum.

5. Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus Tox]
This remedy is very useful for limbering up after overuse of joints and muscles. The area feels extremely stiff and painful on initial movement, improving as motion continues. Warm applications and hot baths or showers also bring relief. Rhus tox is usually indicated for injuries in later stages, after acute inflammation and swelling have passed.

6. Ruta graveolens [Ruta G]
This remedy is indicated when overuse of muscles and tendons leads to remarkable stiffness. Injuries involving tendons, ligaments, and periosteum (the tissue that covers the bones) are likely to respond. It should be considered for injuries of elbows, wrists, and knees that feel stiff and sore and are slow to heal. Repeated injury or overuse that has led to thickening or even hardened growths on connective tissues, may also be helped with Ruta.

7. Sarcolactic acid [Sarc Acid]
This remedy is sometimes used to ease muscular soreness and fatigue caused by overexertion. It may also help to relieve the cramps or spasms that occur after intense exercise.

Homeopathy Dosage Directions
Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used.

Dosages for medicines are as follows
Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient.
If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy.

Homeopathy used by some famous sports person for more you read on