
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ayurvedic Tridosha and Homeopathy

Ayurvedic Tridosha and Homeopathy



Galen (131 AD) thought that humours were formed in the body, rather than ingested, he believed that different foods had varying potential to be acted upon by the body to produce different humours. Warm foods, for example, tended to produce yellow bile, while cold foods tended to produce phlegm. Seasons of the year, periods of life, geographic regions and occupations also influenced the nature of the humours formed.
The imbalance of humours, or "dyscrasia", was thought to be the direct cause of all diseases. Health was associated with a balance of humours, or eucrasia.
When the chilli pepper was first introduced to Europe in the sixteenth century, dieticians disputed whether it was hot or cold.
Most medicines and remedies (often common herbs and foods) used in Ayurveda are also used in Unani. The four humours are: Phlegm (Balgham), Blood (Dam), Yellow bile (Safra) and Black bile (Sauda - hard and black substance).
The three doshas and the 25 Gunas also correspond closely to the Tibetan System.
Wikipedia: The four humours, their corresponding elements, seasons and sites of formation, and resulting temperaments...
Ancient name
Ancient characteristics
warm & moist
courageous, hopeful, amorous
Yellow bile
Gall bladder
warm & dry
easily angered, bad tempered
Black bile
cold & dry
despondent, sleepless, irritable
cold & moist
calm, unemotional
Humerism in Homeopathy

The study of the humours may seem better confined to the history of Alchemy but they are actually used quite often in the older Homeopathic literature.
There are references in Hering's guiding symtoms e.g. Aurum: Choleric and quarrelsome. or again, Head giddy, full, hot. Melancholy. In Allens Keynotes: Aurum: Sanguine, ruddy people, with black hair and eyes, lively, restless, anxious about the future. The fact that the two authors seem to disagree does imply that there is a degree of latitude in the "system"!
Hahnemann used temperamental portraits of the constitution to compare the healthy state with the negative changes brought on by diseases.
1. Sycosis: The Hydrogenoid Constitution is characterised by an excess of Hydrogen
    and consequently of water in the blood and tissues.

"If the patient states, that he feels worse in cold, or damp weather, and in the rain, then I know that I have to choose among the remedies which are similar to his disease, such only as contain a greater percentage of a combination of O with C and H, consequently produce more heat and diminish the influence of the water."
2. Syphilis: The Oxygenoid is characterised by an excess of Oxygen,
    or, at least, by an exaggerated influence of Oxygen on the organism.

"The oxygenoid tends to an excess of oxygen and consequently exaggerates breaking down of hydro-carbons, nitrogenoids and albuminous tissues and bones. We see this in syphilis and its analogue in medicine - Mercury.
Speaking generally on the remedies for the Oxygenoid constitution, Grauvogl says, that on account of too active an influence of Oxygen on the body this seeks its remedies mainly in the Carbon an Nitrogen series which prevent the oxidation of tissues.
They are worse when dryness is changing to humidity, before storms, before and during tempestuous winds and better when it begins to rain or snow and the electric equilibrium is restored.
3. Psora: The Carbo-nitrogenoid Constitution is characterised by an excess of Carbon and Nitrogen.
"This constitution is characterised by insufficient oxygenation and the diseases it produces are called diseases of retarded nutrition. This makes for increased liability to disease and perverted nutrition."
Ref: J. H. Clarke on Von Grauvol:
An article by David Little at States:
"The phlegmatic, leuco-phlegmatic temperament as well as the lymphatic and hydrogenoid constitution is ruled by the same element (water). These constitutions are reflected in a group of well-proven remedies."
He discusses some of these in detail: Aloe, Asterias, Calcera, Dulc, Nat Carb, Puls and Thuja.
Also, check out: Synthesis/Generals/Constitution, where you can find "constitutional" remedies for -carbo-nitrogenous, -hydrogenoid and so on. Under Generals/Complexion you can find -brown hair, -red hair ...

The Three Cosmic Elements

Benoytosh Bhattacharya: In the language of philosophy the three primordial elements air, fire, and water stand for the three Doshas - Vat, Pit and Kap.
In mythology the three elements are expressed in terms of deities namely, Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesvara. Bramha with the red colour, or colour of blood stand for the element of fire which is red, he is the creator of Pit, or heat in the body. Vishnu with his blue complexion stands for air. Vishnu is responsible for preservation even as air preserves life. Meheshvera with his white colour is the ement of water or phegm which is white. Mahesvera is the destoryer, even as cold kills by destroying heat.

The Doshas

Pitta (Fire and Water)
Those with a dominant Pitta dosha are quite opposite of those with Vatta. Pitta craves coolness and is actually aggravated by heat. As a result, those with Pitta skin are easily sunburned and have problems with inflammation, irritation, redness, etc. Pitta skin is fair, often with freckles and/or moles, and is known to emit a warm glow. Pitta skin requires great care and is prone to conditions such as rosacea, pigmentation issues, rashes, and is quite sensitive overall. Support the Pitta skin type with skin care products that help reduce inflammation, sooth, and help prevent redness and rosacea.

In the Charaka Samhita, Vatas are predominatly Air,
which governs movement, and have these characteristics (gunas) ...

Vatta (Air and Ether)
Those with a primarily Vatta dosha have skin that can be described as fine or delicate yet also dry and flaky. The skin is often thin and although these individuals are more susceptible to signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines, they’re also blessed with less acne and often that fine porcelain look coveted by many. Those with a Vatta skin type are also usually prone to exczema and other skin irritations common to sensitive skin and are drawn to warmth and light. Hydration is essential for this skin type as is consistent application of antioxidants, creams and specific oils that soothe and protect
  • Laghu (light),
  • Sheetoha (cold)
  • Rukshah (dry/oily)
  • Khar (rough)
  • Sar (tiny/penetrating/mobile)
  • kashaya (astringent)

Pittas are constitutionally Fire and Water, the fire element governs metabolism.

Pitta (Fire and Water)
Those with a dominant Pitta dosha are quite opposite of those with Vatta. Pitta craves coolness and is actually aggravated by heat. As a result, those with Pitta skin are easily sunburned and have problems with inflammation, irritation, redness, etc. Pitta skin is fair, often with freckles and/or moles, and is known to emit a warm glow. Pitta skin requires great care and is prone to conditions such as rosacea, pigmentation issues, rashes, and is quite sensitive overall. Support the Pitta skin type with skin care products that help reduce inflammation, sooth, and help prevent redness and rosacea.
  • Ushan/tikshnam (hot/burning/sharp)
  • Katu (pungent)
  • Dravalam (liquid/acidic)
  • Amal (sour)

Kaphas are Water and Earth, these elements give strength.

Kapha (Earth and Water)
Kapha skin is characterized by oiliness, large pores, and is often cool to the touch. As a result those with Kapha skin are often prone to acne and blackheads, but, also have the benefit of thicker skin which helps delay signs of aging along with skin that feels very soft to the touch. These individuals also often experience water retention too and, must cleanse very regularly to prevent breakouts as well as fungal infections.

  • Mridu (soft)
  • Snigdha (lubricating)
  • Madhura (sweet)
  • Sheetoha (cold)
Ayurvedic Doctors and Tibetan Monks undergo long years of training in the recognition of the symptoms. As in Acupuncture, Pulse Diagnosis is a developed to a very skillful level. In fact about 600 varieties of pulse are known. In ancient times any doctor who did not have proper knowledge of pulse was known as ANADI (The prefix "A" applies negation in Sanskrit!). As a simple guide, the pulse becomes fast with Air (Vata), jumpy with Fire (Pita) and slow with Water (Kapa).

Examples: Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies and the charactristics they help to balance:

Aconite (Acon) - Reduces kapha, vata and pitta.

  • Gunas: rukshaha (dry), tikshan (sharp) and laghu (light)
  • Rasas: tickta (bitter) and kathu (pungent)
Can we find these Gunas in the Aconite proovings?
    • Vata Dryness Leads to dry skin, chapping, eczema.
      Aconite has Dry hot skin. Burning sensations. Ailments from dry cold air.
    • Vata is Light and Quick. Impulsive. Restless.
      Aconite has the Vata Gunas of Restlessness and anxiety.
    • Pitta Sharpness results in a sharp mind and sharp speech. It turns to acidity.
      Aconite has sudden anxiety.
To be singificant the Guna should run through the whole remedy picture from the Physical to the Emotional to the Mental. Even beyond the level where the Sensation meets the body at the Marma points... the level of pure consciousness. The Sharpness Guna seems to do just this. Sharpness is expressed on every level. Tiskshan is expressed on every level.
Sankaran-ji has observed this phenemenon in many remedies. Read: "The Sensation in Homeopathy".
This gives us the possibility of a system of "25 Ayurvedic Guna" Homeopathy.
Properties of some Ayurvedic Remedies: (i.e. in tincture) (used allopathically)

Datura (Stram) - Reduces vata and kapha.

  • Gunas: laghu (light), rukshaha (dry)
  • Rasas: tickta (bitter), kathu (pungent)

Colchicum (Colch) - Reduces kapha and vata.

  • Gunas: laghu (light) and rukshaha (dry)
  • Rasas: tickta (bitter) and kathu (pungent)

Delphinium (Staph) - Reduces vata, pitta and kapha.

  • Gunas: laghu (light) and rukshaha (dry)
  • Rasas: kathu (pungent) and tickta (bitter)
When used Homeopathically and in potency, where a broader spectrum of action is revealed, Stram is V5K5, Colch is P5 and Staph is V5K5.

A preliminary study of the relationship of the Doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha to Homeopathic Remedies.

Method: Take three ficticious cases, each generalised using symptoms in large rubrics, to include as many remedies as possible to represent the main symptomatic action of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These were reportised as if it was a live case.
Plot the Sx v. Rx. The results are then compared [in brackets] with those suggested by Benoytosh Bhattacharya based on his detailed study and clinical experience of the action of each remedy.

Vata Symptom Rubrics in the Repertory - representing Air

Generalities; weakness enervation 
exhaustion prostration infirmity:       
Mind; abstraction of mind:          
Mind; absent-mindedness:           
Sleep; interrupted:                          
Generalities; restlessness
Generalities; anxiety
Mind; activity; general; hyper active:
Mind; impatience:
Mind; impulsive:
Generalities; coldness:
Generalities; wind draft sensation of; cold:
Aggravation afternoon
Results :Repetorisation of these symptoms suggest the most significant Vata plants might be:

Vata Plants.

hyos [V5,P5]
lyc [V5,P5]
stram [V5,K5]
ign [V5,P5]
thuj [V5,P5]
bell [V5,K5]
camph [V5,K5,P5]
staph [V5,k5]
op [V5,P5]
arn [V5,K5]
anac [V5,P5]
bry [V5,K5]
The values in brackets are those suggested by Bhattacharya, based on clinical experience.

Vata Minerals

phos [V5,P5]
sulph [V5,P5]
nat-m [V5,P5]
alum [V5,K5]
caust [V5,P5]
ph-ac [V5,P5]
bar-c [V5,K5]
ferr [V5,K5]
mag-c [V5,K5]
sul-ac [V5,P5]
zinc [V5,K5]
iod [V5,K5]

Pitta Symptoms in the Reperorty - Fire

Mind; censorious critical:
Mind; dictatorial domineering
Mind; time; passes too slowly appearing longer:
Mind; irritability:
Mind; anger irascibility: (see MIND; mortification; general:)
Mind; capriciousness: (see MIND; refuses:)
Generalities; blood; burning; night on waking:
Generalities; blood; 2circulation of; accelerated:
Generalities; heat; flushes of:
Aggravation, room, heated.
Aggravation, wine.

Pitta Plants

nux-v [P5,K5]
cham [V5,P5]
Puls [V5,P5]
Coff [P5]
croc [V5,P5,K5]
ran-b [P5]
Ip [P5]
thuj [V5,P5]
verat [P5]
cocc [P5]
chin [P5]
lil-t [P5]

Pitta Minerals

kali-c ant-c petr hep iod carb-v sil nit-ac aur carbn-s nat-cac graph kali-i
ars [P5,K5]
merc [P5,K5]
kali-c [P5,K5]
ant-c [P5,K5]
hep [P5]
carb-v [P5,K5]
sil [P5]
nit-m-ac [P5]
graph [P5]
kali-m [P5]
glon [P5]
irid [P5]

Kapha Symptoms in the Reperorty - Water

Mind; dullness sluggishness difficulty 
thinking and comprehending
Generalities; lassitude:
Mind; greed
Mind; avarice:
Sleep; rise; aversion to:
Sleep; sleepiness; morning:
Mind; ambition; loss of:
Generalities; obesity:
Aggravation, evening. 
Aggravation, dampness
Aggravation, sweets.

Kapha Plants

puls [V5,P5]
bry [V5,K5]
Con [V5,K5]
cycl [K5]
dulc [V5,K5]
arn [V5,K5]
dig [K5]
drosera [K5]

Kapha Minerals

nat-c [V5,K5]
petr [V5,K5]
ant-crud [P5,K5]
ant-ars [K5]
plat [K5]
am-m [V5,K5,P5]
calc-carb [K5]
calc-iod [K5]
osmium [K5]
radium [K5]
Pb [V5,K5]
selen [V5,K5]
N.B. Italic entries: For information only, not found in these rubrics.



The chosen rubrics overlap in some cases, e.g. where there is both Pita and Kapha action in the remedy. A second run could be made with more rigerous selection of rubrics, but these results were significant. A more thorough investigation should be made of each remedy using small rubrics.
There seems to be some ground for debate on the correspondence of the elements in the ancient systems:
Vatta = Air = Melancholic
Kapha = Water = Phlegmatic
Pitta = Fire = Sanguine
The last word, Kent - Lesser Writings - Temperaments ...
    "If the hair must be red to a distinguishing symptom, how red must it be to make it clearly indicated?"

Dedicated to the Bohdisattva, Pandita Benoytosh Bhattacharya [1897-1964]