
Friday, April 17, 2020

Homeopathy remedies for Pneumonia

Homeopathy remedies for Pneumonia

 Pneumonia is an illness of the lungs and respiratory system in which the alveoli (microscopic air-filled sacs of the lung responsible for absorbing oxygen ( from the atmosphere) become inflamed and flooded with fluid. Pneumonia can result from a variety of causes, including withbacteriaviruses, or parasites. Pneumonia may also occur from chemical or physical injury to the lungs.

1.People with infectious pneumonia often have a cough that produces greenish or yellow sputum and a high that may be accompanied by
2. Shortness of breath is also common, as is pleuritic, a sharp or stabbing pain, either felt or worse during deep breaths or coughs.
3. People with pneumonia may, experience, or develop and clammy skin.
4.Other symptoms may includeloss of appetite, fatigue,blueness of the skin, nausea, vomiting, mood swings, and joint pains or.

5.In elderly people the manifestations of pneumonia may not be typical. Instead, they may develop new or worsening confusion or may experience unsteadiness leading to falls. Infants with pneumonia may have many of the symptoms above, but in many cases, they are simply sleepy or have decreased appetite.
Sometimes pneumonia can lead to additional complications. Complications are more frequently associated with bacterial pneumonia than with viral pneumonia. The most important complications include:

Respiratory and circulatory failure

Because pneumonia affects the lungs, often people with pneumonia have difficulty breathing, and it may not be possible for them to breathe well enough to stay alive without support.
Pneumonia can also cause respiratory failure by triggering (ARDS), which results from a combination of infection and inflammatory response
Sepsis and septic shock are potential complications of pneumonia

Pleural effusion, empyema, and abscess

Occasionally, microorganisms infecting the lung will cause fluid ( pleural effusion to build up in the space that surrounds the lung (pleural cavity). If the microorganisms themselves are present in the pleural cavity, the fluid collection is called an empyema.

Remedies- Homeopathy
1. Aconite. [Acon]
Aconite is indicated in the first stage of pneumonia, because it corresponds more closely to the symptoms usually found in that stage. It should not, however, be used in this or any disease in the first or any stage unless the symptoms call for it. The symptoms are these: High fever proceeded by a distinct chill; the pulse is full, hard and tense; a history of exposure may also be taken into consideration; dry, cold winds. The skin is hot and dry, without moisture upon it; there is a hard, dry, teasing and painful cough; there may be some expectoration present, if so it is watery, serous and frothy, may be blood tinged, but not thick. Thick expectoration indicates that exudation is commencing, and then Aconite is no longer the remedy. There is pain also with Aconite, which is poorly borne. With these symptoms there is great restlessness, tossing about, anxiety and perhaps fear; of death. It will strengthen confidence in remedies to see Aconite act in these cases. Veratrum viride in some is similar to Aconite in some particulars, but it is easily distinguished; there is a full rapid pulse and a great deal of arterial excitement; the eyes are glistening and there is a red streak down through the centre of the tongue. It is, perhaps more often indicated at the commencement of pneumonia than is Aconite. A great indication for Aconite in pulmonary congestions is suddenness ;of onset, and especially so if it occurs in young and plethoric persons who are full of life and vigor; for it is per-eminently in such patients that congestions, when appearing at all, appear suddenly.

2. Ferrum phosphoricum. [Ferr-p] 
This, like Aconite, is a remedy for the first stage before exudation takes place, and, like Aconite, if there be any expectoration it is thin, watery and blood streaked. It is a useful remedy for violent congestions of the lungs, whether appearing at the onset of the diseases or during its course, which would show that the inflammatory action was extending; it thus corresponds to what are termed secondary pneumonias, especially in the aged and debilitated. There is high fever, oppressed and hurried breathing, and bloody expectoration, very little thirst; there are extensive rales, and perhaps less of that extreme restlessness and anxiety that characterizes Aconite.

3. Iodine. [Iod] 
This remedy is one both for the first and second stage of pneumonia, especially for the croupous form. It has high fever and restlessness like aconite, and there is tendency to rapid extension of the hepatization. There is a decided cough and great difficulty in breathing, as if the chest would not expand; the sputum is blood streaked. Iodine may also be a remedy in the later stages when resolution does not progress, the lung breaking down with hectic and suppurative symptoms.

4. Veratrum viride. [Verat] 
In violent congestions about the chest preceding pneumonia Veratrum viride may be the remedy, and thus it is seem that its use is more in the beginning of the disease, and especially where there is great arterial excitement, dyspnoea, chest oppression and stomach symptoms of nausea and vomiting; the engorgement is profound, and here it greatly resembles Sanguinaria; but it differs from that drug, in that it is of ;little use after hepatization has taken place. There is high fever, violent action of the heart, the pulse is full, hard and rapid, and the tongue has a red streak down the center; this latter symptom is a characteristic keynote of the drug. The air cells at the bottom of the lobes are filling up with frothy mucus. the pulse will indicate, it being full and hard. Hard, quick and small indicates Aconite. Strike out anxiety and alarm and insert an ugly delirium with a deeply flushed, bloated face and headache and you have veratrum viride. One must beware not to encourage cardiac depression with this remedy.

5. Bryonia [Bry]
Bryonia is the remedy for pneumonia; it furnishes a better pathological picture of the disease than any other, and it comes in after Aconite, Ferrum phosphoricum and Veratrum viride. The fever continues, but the skin is not as hot and the patient not as restless as in Aconite. the cough of Bryonia is looser and more moist than that of Aconite, and there are usually sharp stitching pleuritic pains, the cough of Bryonia is also hard and dry at times and the sputum is scanty and rust colored, so typical of pneumonia. There may be circumscribed redness of the cheeks, slight delirium and apathy; the tongue will most likely be dry, and the patient will most likely be dry, and the patient will want to keep perfectly quiet. It is a right-sided remedy and attacks the parenchyma of the lung, and is perhaps more strongly indicated in the croupous form of pneumonia. The patient dreads to cough and holds his breath to prevent it on account of the pain it causes; it seems as though the chest walls would fly to pieces. The pains in the chest, besides being worse by motion and breathing, are relieved by lying on the right or painful side, because this lessens the motions ;of that side. Coughs which hurt distant parts of the body call for Bryonia. Phosphorus most commonly follows Bryonia in pneumonia, and is complementary 

6. Kali muriaticum. [Kali-m]
Clinical experience has proved that this drug in alternation with Ferrum phosphoricum constitutes a treatment of pneumonia which has been very successful in many hands. The symptoms calling for Kali muriaticum are very meager; it is given simply because there is a fibrinous exudation in the lung substance. There is a white, viscid expectoration and the tongue is coated white. It is better suited to the second stage.

7. Phosphorus [Phos] 
Phosphorus is "the great mogul of lobar pneumonia." It should be remembered that Phosphorus is not, like Bryonia, the remedy when the lungs are completely hepatized, although it is one of the few drugs which have been known to produce hepatization. When bronchial symptoms are present it is the remedy, and cerebral symptoms during pneumonia often yield better to Phosphorus than to Belladonna. There is cough; with pain under sternum, as if something were torn loose; there is pressure across the upper part of the chest and constriction of the larynx; there is pressure across the upper part of the chest and constriction of the larynx; there are mucous rales, labored breathing, sputa yellowish mucus, with blood streaks therein, or rust colored, as under Bryonia. After Phosphorus, Hepar sulphur. naturally follows as the exudate begins to often; it is the remedy of the third stage, the fever is; of a low character.

8. Antimonium tartaricum. [Ant-t]
This drug is especially indicated in pneumonia and pleuro-pneumonia at the stage of resolution. There are fine moist rales heard all over the hepatized portion of the lungs; these are different from the Ipecac rales; they are fine, while those of Ipecac are coarse. With Antimonium tartaricum there is great oppression of breathing, worse towards morning, compelling the patient to sit up to breath. There are also sharp, stitching pains and high fever, as under Bryonia, and it, perhaps, more closely corresponds to the catarrhal form than it does to the croupous. Bilious symptoms, if present, do not contra-indicate, as there are many of these in its pathogenesis. There is one peculiar symptom, the patient feels sure that the next cough will raise the mucus, but it does not. When there is deficient reaction, as in the aged or; in very young children, this remedy is particularly indicated.

9. Kali carbonicum [Kali-c]
Kali carb is, perhaps, more similar to Bryonia than any drug in the symptom of sharp, stitching pains in the chest. These are worse by motion, but, unlike Bryonia they come whether the patient moves or not, and are more in the lower part of the right lung. In pneumonia with intense dyspnoea and a great deal of mucus on the chest, which, like in all of the Kalis, is raised with difficulty, wheezing and whistling breathing, Kali carbonicum is the remedy, especially if the cough be tormenting. It comes in with benefit ofttimes where Antimonium tartaricum and Ipecac have failed to raise the expectoration.

10. Sulphur [Sulph]
Sulphur is a remedy to be used in any stage of pneumonia. It will prevent, if given in the beginning, if the symptoms indicate it. It will prevent hepatization and cause imperfect and slow resolution to react. When the case has a typhoid tendency and the lung and the lung tends to break down, where there are rales, muco-purulent expectoration slow speech, dry tongue and symptoms of hectic, Sulphur is the remedy. Weakness and faintness are characteristic symptoms. Its field is especially in neglected pneumonias in psoric constitutions, with tendency to develop into tuberculosis. In purulent expectoration Sanguinaria is the better remedy, especially where it is offensive even to the patient himself. If the lung be hepatized, the patient at night restless and feverish, ulceration threatened, and there is no tendency to recuperation then one may depend upon Sulphur. Lycopodium is also; a most useful remedy in delayed or partial resolution. There is tightness across the chest, aching over lungs, general weakness. Hughes says it is the best remedy where the case threatens to run into acute phthisis.