
Monday, July 1, 2019

Homeopathy Remedies for Celiac disease - Gluten intolerance

Homeopathic Remedies For Celiac/Gluten Intolerance

Coeliac Disease (or celiac) disease is a disease of small intestines. This is a disease of the immune system that affects the absorption of essential nutrients from the small intestines. The small intestines abnormally react to gluten (a certain type of proteins) and produce the symptoms. Gluten is a protein that may potentially lead to problems such as Coeliac disease, dermatitis, autism, IBS, eczema, etc.
It is a disorder of small intestine in which a person has an immune reaction to eating Gluten. The delicate linings of the small intestines get damaged in response to the reaction of gluten, which leads to the symptoms.

 Gluten is a protein found mainly in wheat, barley, oat, and rye. Gluten is found in any food prepared from such cereals, including pasta, cakes, cereals, most types of bread, biscuits and certain types of sauces. It may be noted that wheat allergy and Coeliac disease (due to gluten hypersensitive) are two different conditions.Most beers, which are made from barley, so they contain gluten.

The precise cause of celiac disease isn't known.
When the body's immune system overreacts to gluten in food, the immune reaction damages the tiny, hair-like projections (villi) that line the small intestine. Villi absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from the food you eat. Normally, villi resemble the deep pile of a plush carpet, on a microscopic scale. The damage resulting from celiac disease makes the inner surface of the small intestine appear more like a tile floor. As a result your body is unable to absorb nutrients necessary for health and growth.
A study done by Mayo Clinic and the National Institutes of Health estimates that about 1 in 141 people in the U.S. have celiac disease, although the disease often goes undiagnosed. Celiac disease is most common in Caucasians.
Some gene changes (mutations) appear to increase the risk of developing the disease. But having those gene mutations doesn't mean you'll get celiac disease — meaning other factors must be involved.
Sometimes celiac disease is triggered — or becomes active for the first time — after surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, viral infection or severe emotional stress

Since the linings of the small intestines get damages in response to gluten allergy, the inflamed intestines produce symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating of the abdomen. Also, there is lack of absorption of essential components such as vitamins, minerals, which leads to loss of weight, lethargic feeling, and other related symptoms.

The signs and symptoms of celiac disease can vary greatly.
Although the classic signs are diarrhea and weight loss, most people with celiac disease experience few or no digestive signs or symptoms. Only about one-third of people diagnosed with celiac disease experience diarrhea, and about half have weight loss.
Twenty percent of people with celiac disease have constipation, and 10 percent are obese.
In addition to digestive problems, other signs and symptoms of celiac disease include:
  • Anemia, usually resulting from iron deficiency
  • Loss of bone density (osteoporosis) or softening of bone (osteomalacia)
  • Itchy, blistery skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)
  • Damage to dental enamel
  • Headaches and fatigue
  • Nervous system injury, including numbness and tingling in the feet and hands, and possible problems with balance
  • Joint pain
  • Reduced functioning of the spleen (hyposplenism)
  • Acid reflux and heartburn


As many as 75 percent of children with celiac disease are overweight or obese. Digestive signs and symptoms are experienced by 20 to 30 percent of children with the condition although the precise signs and symptoms differ by age.
In infants, typical signs and symptoms of celiac disease include:
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Swollen belly
  • Pain
  • Failure to thrive or weight loss
Older children may experience:
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Short stature
  • Delayed puberty
  • Neurologic symptoms, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disability, headaches and lack of muscle coordination

Some babies may show skin rash due to gluten sensitivity. Many times, some patients may not have any symptoms. The symptoms may disappear once patient omits gluten in the diet, by following gluten-free diet. Infants Soon after introducing solid food containing gluten, the baby may fail to grow or gain weight. As food is not absorbed properly, the stools may be pale, bulky and offensive smell.

The abdomen may be swollen and the baby may have repeated vomiting. The symptoms of coeliac disease in children may be similar to those in infants. In addition, poor absorption of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients results in anemia and poor growth in children.
Anemia (low hemoglobin) in spite of eating well should make a doctor think of Coeliac disease. Adults: The signs and symptoms of coeliac disease in adults vary from person to person. Generally, the most common symptoms observed are diarrhea and weight loss. However, some people diagnosed with coeliac disease may have constipation and are found to be obese.
Patients may present with symptoms of indigestion, bloating of abdomen, mild abdominal pain and loss of appetite. In addition to these digestive symptoms, other symptoms include Anemia, headache, fatigue, itchy blisters on the skin (often called as dermatitis herpetiformis), numbness and tingling in feet and hands, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, damage to dental enamel, joint pain and acid reflux or heartburn.

Persons with celiac disease should follow a life-long gluten free diet, strictly avoiding wheat, rye, and barley proteins. A gluten free diet allows the intestine to heal and improves gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea, constipation, excess gas, and bloating. Strictly following this diet also help prevent conditions that may be caused by long-term untreated celiac disease. Such as lymphoma (a cancer of the lymph tissue) and osteoporosis (the chronic loss of bone mass).The foods to avoid are wheat, rye, and barley, as well as all food products made from these grains. To stay healthy the patients must follow this gluten free dist for the rest of his or her life because eating even a small amount of gluten can lead to damage of the small intestine. Many grocery stores now carry a variety of gluten free bread and pasta products, and thus people with celiac disease can enjoy a well balanced diet with a wide variety of foods. In some patients additional complications may develop as a result of the celiac disease, in which case further treatment may be required. For example, if a patient develops malnutrition, then he or she will require treatment with nutritional supplements.

Homeopathy approch-
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat celiac disease symptoms but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several medicines are available for celiac disease symptoms treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensation, modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are some specific head homeopathic remedies which are quite helpful in the treatment of celiac disease symptoms:
Lycopodium, Carbo Veg, Arsenic Album, Silicea, Nux vomica, Bryonia, Sulphur, Calcaria Phos, Natrum Mur, Mag Carb and many other medicines..
All of these remedies can be used for much less extreme situations.

Arsenicum album - 

Burning sensations and symptoms. Thin, runny nose. Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea - burning in abdomen and rectum. Feels like ate something tainted or bad.

Itching and dry skin.

Carbo Vegetabilis - Spacey and tired. Head feels heavy and constricted. Runny nose, wheezing and cough. Bloated, gassy, cramping, rumbling abdomen. 

Colocynthis - Irritable. Frontal headache. Sharp, cutting abdominal pain, makes person bend over - better with pressure.

Jelly like stools.

- For any situation where there is a histamine or allergic reaction, helpful for skin, respiratory and sinus responses. 

Lycopodium - Congested nose. Fullness and bloating of abdomen. Gas and rumbling stomach. Hives and itching skin. 

Natrum Mur - Severe headaches, migraines. Runny nose, congestion, sneezing. Pain in abdomen, constipation. Dry, itching skin.

Nux Vomica
- Headache in occiput or over eyes. Stuffed up nose, worse at night, runnier during day, sneezing. Nausea and indigestion. Alternating constipation and diarrhea.