
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Homeopathy For Acne & Acne Scars

 Homeopathy For Acne & Acne Scars


The skin problems of the face are the first offender of a teenager’s personality causing physical and psychological stress. Teenage people feel pimples as a sign of adolescence and feel happy initially, but later get worried with its suffering. To get rid of it, teenagers often do mask their face with cream, lotions and makeup’s obstructing the breath of the facial skin. Hence adolescent age person often faces the facial complaint of pimples.  It also produces an inferiority complex to the person when he/she has marks over the face and makes them feel it as an effect of sin and a clear, smooth, fair and beautiful skin as a blessing

Acne is an inflammatory affection of the sebaceous glands. Most of the cases start around puberty. Appearing from age of twelfth to the eighteenth year and lasting from five to ten years if untreated. Inflammation and disease of the sebaceous glands is under the control of the endocrine system. The adolescent's personality is reduced as blackheads appear on their face. Usually seated on the face, chest, or back. Spread over the nose, cheeks, chest, forehead, temples, and back.Acne is a term commonly used for numerous pimples and complexion problems. Acne is only a skin problem and does not affect general health unless otherwise get complicated. Pimples are the mild form of Acne which is a sebaceous gland disorder, mostly occurring in teenage people due to hormonal changes. It may occur in children and adult rarely. The pimples usually subside after the age of 23. It is a superficial infection of the skin forming blisters (papules) which may vary in size, shape, colour, course and effects. Pimples usually occur on the face involving the neck, chest, back and upper arms sometimes. It is usually caused by the blockage of skin pores or obliterated inflamed duct of sebaceous glands in the skin. So pimples are a combination of dead skin cells, sebum and bacteria. It later involves sebaceous glands and hair roots or follicles.

Stages of Acne-  
Acne progresses as inflammatory red spots (papule), blackheads (comedones) or whiteheads, and if it gets deeper, produces boil-like lesions called nodules or cysts. Bacteria are the common culprit to all forms of pimples. Skin produces excess sebum (for lubrication) during hormonal changes or bacterial infection, which may be felt as oily material in the face. This excess sebum attracts dust and forms plug which closes the pores of the skin. After this lesion heals, scars will form as permanent marks of the pimples occurrence in the skin.
The preliminary stage of a pimple is the 
Comedone- Blackheads which are open and dark in colour. These are caused by blockage of pores and get their dark colour through skin debris containing excessive melanin pigment
Whiteheads are dangerous form of pimple and contains pus. If we neglect this condition, the inflammation goes into the sebaceous gland and hair follicles, forming cystic mass which may be very painful. These cysts may rupture and become scar.

Tyeps of Acne 
*      Acne-Vulgaris (Acne-Simplex- pimples)– most common in adults with papule, comdones, nodules, and pustules.  
*      Acne Indurata – deep seated infection which occurs mostly in back.
*      Acne-Fulminans – highly inflammatory pustule usually accompanied with fever
*      Acne-Cosmetica – low grade acne in teenagers who continously uses cosmetics
*      Acne-Rosacea- an extensive form occurs in hot climate especially in the nose. It mostly occurs in old people with hypertrophied tissue
*      Acne-Varioliformis- deep seated reddish leision which leaves a depressed or puckered skin like variola
*      Acne-Artificialis-which occurs due to intake of salts of iodide or bromide or drugs which contain these substances or contact with tar or petroleum products.
Causes of Pimples - Science is not so much developed to pin point the exact cause and to rule out the same. But it is noticed in various circumstances why pimples erupt favourably. They are as follows
A) Hormonal changes- occurring during puberty, menstrual periods, pregnancy, and while start using and stop using birth control pills will mostly aggravate the pimples. The male sex hormone testosterone (also found in women) triggers the sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum, making the skin greasy which in turn causes pimples.
  • Period of Puberty- Is Pimple a sign of puberty? It occurs in both sexes due to excess sebum production, but predominately occurs in females.
  • Premenstrual symptom- Is Pimple an indicator of periods?  Mostly in women, pimples are more frequently worsened at the time of menstruation.
B) Bacteria - The most common Bacteria’s which causes pimples are Propionibacterium acne, Corynebacterium acne, Staphylococcus albus & Pityrosporon ovale
C) Foods and intakes - Oily, fatty, pastry, spicy and fast foods, chocolates, nuts, and milk produces more sebum, leading to more pimples.
Bromine and iodine salts intake or medicines containing these substance, which are mainly used for cold, sedative, and analgesic will also cause pimples.
D) Environment - Increased exposure to ultraviolet rays (sun exposure) and also environmental irritants such as pollution and high humidity will also cause pimples.
E) Hereditary factors - it is often found to be run in families
F) Physical and mental stress- may aggravate the condition for a flare up.
G) Cosmetics-Greasy cosmetics stick to the skin and form a plug in pore causing pimples
H) Infection- Dental sepsis and Sinusitis sometimes cause pimples
Medication- in Allopathy, mostly medicines are not prescribed, but in extreme cases antibiotics are used to control the infection. But prolonging the course of antibiotics, often manage the situation temporarily and usually recurs after stoppage.
External applications
·         Antibacterial cream –acts as a bactericidal, germicidal and also opens pores
·         Cleansers- a mixture of oil and water which cleans and moisturizes dry skin
·         Cortisone (steroid) cream- temporarily vanish the symptoms of the pimples
·         Exfoliating cleansers of salicylic acid peels the outer layer of the skin as flakes to open pores. This will cause redness and soreness.
·         Skin toner of diluted alcohol, water and glycerine will be useful in oily skin.
·         Applying Vitamin A – retinol – helps in promoting skin peeling. It often produces hypersensitiveness to sunlight
Hormone treatment – Birth control pills (containing an oestrogen and a progestrone) can improve acne symptoms. Dryness of the skin and headaches may come as adverse effects

Homeopathic approach
Homoeopathic treatment can give permanent relief to recurrent pimples. The early you treat, you get speedy and complete cure with out any scar.  All forms of pimples are due to an internal disorder, so the usage of external application does not yield permanent results, since it usually suppress the condition and prone for skin thickening. Tendency to eruption or pimples is in the body, not in face itself to cure with ointments, so always it is better to avoid topical applications as much as possible. You can notice this with people often using face fair creams which maintains the skin during the time of use only. If they discontinue the usage, it will become worse than before.
Some people  relate pimples with heat cause, sleep, hairy constitution, more sweat, more sebum secretion and they try to eliminate it and treat for that. But What ever may be the reason or reaction, if we get energized or immunity, disease will not affect us. 
The Internal Homoeopathy Medicine is often the best natural option to stop the recurrence of acne by raising natural resistance towards acne without side-effects. The correct direction of cure is not like shutting off. It will slowly come down in occurrence, size, intensity and duration. If we suppress it with ointments or external applications or steroids, it goes off immediately but will again flare up after gaining force. After taking homoeopathic medicine, the disease will not go off, all of a sudden, but recurs with less intensity and short duration with out pain and much disturbance. It will also heal fast and finally fade to cure. This is Right direction of safest and permanent cure.

Antimonium crudum Small red acne on the face, acne in drunkards with gastric problems , thirst and white layered tongue.

Antimonium tartaricum

 Obstinate cases, with Inclination to pustulation, are curable with this medicine.

Arsenicum album

 When there is great burning and debility.

Arsenicum iodatum 

 Especially useful in severe obstinate cases. According to Dr. W.A.  Dewey -Acne rosacea yields to Arsenicum  Iodatum or Sulphur Iodide.

Arsenicum sulphuratum rubrum

 Is indicated in acne when accompanied by eczema or psoriasis.

Asterias rubens

 Is the head remedy for acne on the face at the age of puberty. " If it fails in that case follow Kali Brom and  Radium Bro 30-J.N.  Shinghal. "

Aurum arsenicum

 Acne, pimples on the face and forehead, pustules. Lupus.


 Acne punctata in young persons; bright red pimples; and in plethoric persons with scarlet flushings.

Berberis aquifolium

 Pimples on the face of girls. It is especially useful where the skin is rough and the acne persists.

Borax veneta

 Pimples on the face, nose and lips,; red papulous eruptions on cheeks.                                                                     

Bovista lycoperdon

 Acne due to the use of cosmetics, specially in summer.

Calcarea carbonica

 When there are menstrual disorders and congestion to the head.

Calcarea phosphorica

 Acne in anaemic girls at teenage years, with vertex headache and flatulent indigestion, relieved by eating.

Calcarea sulphurica

 Being the chief blood purifier it proves an indispensable remedy in all stages of the disease. It is especially  indicated where the acne suppurate.

Carbo vegetabilis

 Varicose veins on nose or when the causative factor is the gastric derangement.


 It is of benefit in cases which have not been improved by Sulph., Hep. Sul. or Ars. Persons with old warts on  the nose or eyebrow. 


 Rash on the face before menses.

Hepar sulphur

 Pimples of the size of a pea in different area of the body, the least scratch or injury inclines to ulceration or  gathering; styes on the eyelids.

Hydrocotyle asiatica

 Especially useful when connected with uterine derangement. There is great dryness and desquamation of  epidermis.

Kalium bromatum

 This remedy is especially adapted to tha acne simplex and the indurata, especially in hyperaesthetic, anxious  females, and in epileptics who have been badly treated by bromides. Dr. J.H.  Clarke speakes high if this  remedy and says, "I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in case of simple acne as Kali Bromatum  30.  " Similarly, Dr. E. Harris Ruddock says, " Kali-Brom. has great medicine over this affection and the  medical Journals report cases in which log continued Acne has disappeared while this drug was being taken  for other diseases. 

Lachesis mutus

 Bluish redness.

Ledum palustre

 Red pimply eruptions on face and forehead.

Mercurius solubilis

 Small itching pimples that ulcerate, dry up and desquamate; swollen spots on which a flat, grey scurf  forms.

Nitricum acidum

 Pimples on face in syphilitic subjects. 


 Especially useful at the commencement when the vessels are not yet injected. 


 Acne worse during menses, from fats, sugar, coffee, meat.

Pulsatilla pratensis

 Females with usually cold, pale face, menstrual irregularities.

Rhus toxicodendron

 Red spots, the size of lentils, with vesicles in the centre; red shinning swellings, with soreness; they  are tender to touch. 

Sanguinaria canadensis

 Acne on the face which is worse at the time of the menses.

Sepia officinalis

 Itching pimples; herpetic brownish spots on the body, attended with chilliness, sadness, scanty  menses and leucorrhoea.
 Silicea terra
 Obstinate cases, in scrofulous persons with aggravation from cold and amelioration from warmth;  fetid sweat feet; constipation.


 Acne, which is aggravated by taking eggs and during winter. Frontal headache, better by cold air. 


 Acne with blepharitis, from indulgence in high living or fat food. Great itchiness and bluish color of  the face. According to Rai Bahadur Dr. Bishambar Das, " this medecine should be given in 200th  potency to get better results ".

Thuja occidentalis 

 Acne of the face and nose and nasal dermatitis (inflammation of the skin).