
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Homeopathy for Wrist Pain

Homeopathy for Wrist Pain 



Our wrist is made up of 8 small bones (carpal bones).  These bones are held together by ligaments.
In addition to the many small muscles in your hand, nerves, tendons and blood vessels pass through the wrist to supply your hand. The nerves for your arm and wrist leave your spinal cord at your cervical spine (your neck). Compression of the nerves any where along their course can cause pain/ tingling/ numbness/ burning. Tough bands of ligament connect our wrist bones to each other and to our forearm bones and hand bones. Tendons attach muscles to bone. Damage to any of the parts of our wrist can cause pain and affect our ability to use our wrist and hand.
Causes of wrist pain

  • Sudden impacts. The most common method of injuring your wrist is when you fall forward onto your outstretched hand. This can cause sprains, strains and even fractures.
  • Repetitive stress. Any activity that involves repetitive wrist motion — from hitting a tennis ball or bowing a cello to driving cross-country — can inflame the tissues around joints or cause stress fractures, especially when you perform the movement for hours on end without a break. De Quervain’s disease is a repetitive stress injury that causes pain at the base of the thumb.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome – caused due to compression of median nerve which passes through the wrist joint. Carpal tunnel syndrome develops when there’s increased pressure on the median nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel, a passageway in the palm side of your wrist.
  • Sprain or overuse – causes injury to the muscles and tendons causes wrist pain.
  • Fracture – fracture of lower end of radius or ulna can cause severe wrist pain.
  • Infection – infection like tuberculosis may lead to wrist pain.
  • Ganglion of the wrist – swelling which often occurs over the back of wrist which often causes wrist pain. These soft tissue cysts occur most often on the top of your wrist opposite your palm. Smaller ganglion cysts seem to cause more pain than do larger ones.
  • Osteoarthritis. In general, osteoarthritis in the wrist is uncommon, usually occurring only in people who have injured that wrist in the past. Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear on the cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones. Pain that occurs at the base of the thumb may be caused by osteoarthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. A disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues, rheumatoid arthritis is common in the wrist. If one wrist is affected, the other one usually is, too.
Tests and Diagnosis:
In some cases, your doctor may suggest imaging tests, arthroscopy or nerve tests to help pinpoint the cause of your wrist pain.
  • General examination – include examination of history of injury or trauma, of pain, swelling, tenderness, movements etc
  • Specific test – mainly include X – ray, MRI, CT scan, bone scan, blood test including complete blood count and rheumatoid factor.
  • X-rays. Using a small amount of radiation, simple X-rays can reveal bone fractures, as well as evidence of osteoarthritis.
  • Computerized tomography (CT) scans. CT scans can provide more-detailed views of the bones in your wrist. A CT scan takes X-rays from several directions and then combines them to make a two-dimensional image.
  • Bone scan. In a bone scan, a small amount of radioactive material is injected into your bloodstream. This makes injured parts of your bones brighter on the resulting scan images. Bone scans are particularly useful in detecting stress fractures.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRIs use radio waves and a strong magnetic field to produce detailed images of your bones and soft tissues. For a wrist MRI, you may be able to insert your arm into a smaller device, rather than have your entire body slide into a full-size MRI machine.
If imaging test results are inconclusive, your doctor may perform an arthroscopy, a procedure in which a pencil-sized instrument is inserted into your wrist via a small incision in your skin. The instrument contains a light and a tiny camera. Images are projected onto a television monitor.
Nerve tests
If your doctor thinks you have carpal tunnel syndrome, he or she might order an electromyogram (EMG). This test measures the tiny electrical discharges produced in your muscles. A needle-thin electrode is inserted into the muscle, and its electrical activity is recorded when the muscle is at rest and when it’s contracted. Nerve conduction tests also are performed as part of an EMG to assess if the electrical impulses are slowed in the region of the carpal tunnel.

Treatment of Wrist Pain

Treatment of wrist pain depends upon cause and medical condition
Allopathic treatment - Treatment is available by medication especially analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, cortisone injections. Surgery is also applicable in specific conditions.
Other methods of treatments include – Hydrotherapy, Ayurveda, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Naturopathy etc.

Homeopathic treatment of wrist pain – Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach.
Some specific medicine for wrist pain is given below:
Benzoic Acid, Arnica, Rhus Tox, Agaricus, Hypericum, Calcaria Flour, Silicea, Actea Spicata, Ruta, Medorrhinum, Brynoia, Eupatorium Perf, Calcaria Carb, Sulphur, Symphytum, and various other medicines.

Homeopathic Remedies
Calcarea phosphorica: Soreness, cramping, pain in the wrist, which is made worse by moving or using the wrist. Cold, damp weather, especially snowy weather, aggravates. Exposure to cold and drafts also aggravates the wrist pain. There may be a sensation of weakness about the wrist.
Causticum: The right wrist is most often involved when this remedy is indicated. A sprained feeling, weakness and stiffness of the wrist is characteristic. Numbness and paralytic weakness, often coupled with contraction of the flexor tendons of the finger (palm). Cold and cold, dry weather aggravates. Warmth and dampness ameliorates. Cramping of the hand when writing is typical.
Guaiacum: Left-sided carpal tunnel syndrome. Tearing, burning pain; shooting pain from the elbow to the wrist. The muscles of the hand feel too short, causing the sufferer to stretch the hand. Heat aggravates while a cold cloth or ice pack provides relief.
Rhus toxicodendron: Overuse injuries are the common cause of Rhus-tox carpal tunnel syndrome. The wrist is stiff and achy. The patient has the desire to continuously move and stretch the wrist, which brings some relief. The wrist is especially painful on beginning motion. Cold, damp weather aggravates. Hot applications, hot bathing ameliorates.
Ruta: Sore, bruised, sprained feeling with stiffness of the wrist after injuries. Shooting pains and numbness and tingling of the hands after use. Lifting objects is especially aggravating. Cold, damp weather aggravates. Restless. Motion and rest can aggravate. Warmth ameliorates.
Viola odorata: Carpal tunnel syndrome of the right wrist, especially in women. Motions, such as those involved in playing the violin, are a common causation. The pain in the wrist may extend to involve the shoulder. Motion aggravates.
Actea spicata: Tingling pain of the wrist and marked tenderness. Unable to move the wrist at all. Very sensitive to touch. Weakness.
Bellis perenis: Strain from repetitive motions. Soreness and swelling of the wrist. Pain like a band around the wrist. Touch aggravates. Moving and rubbing the wrist ameliorates.

 article homeopathy medicine taken from Dr Shweta s