
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Homeopathy for Foot Blister

Homeopathy for Foot Blister 

Blisters on feet and toes are a common problem and cause of foot pain.  A foot blister is a small, fluid filled bubble-like pocket that develops on the upper layers of skin. They can vary in size depending on the cause.
In most cases, blisters are caused by friction, but they can also occur due to things such as infection, burns and chemical exposure.  They usually contain clear fluid known as plasma, but can sometime contain blood or pus.
Here, we will look at how they develop, the different types of blisters and common causes of each and then we'll look at the best treatment options and prevention strategies for blisters on toes and feet.

 Blisters on feet develop when the skin on part of the foot is damaged, most commonly from friction.  In an attempt to protect itself from further damage, fluid collects under the injured skin to provide cushioning and allow healing. This fluid forms a small pocket, known as a blister.

Types of Foot Blister

Usually, blisters are filled with clear fluid, known as serum (aka plasma).  Serum is one of the components found in blood, alongside red blood cells and clotting factor.  It is made up of proteins, antibodies, hormones, antigens and electrolytes. 
Sometimes, they may also appear red or black which indicates that they contain blood.  This happens when some of the small blood vessels are damaged as well as the skin.  They are known as blood blisters.

If blisters on feet become infected, pus forms and collects giving them a whitish or yellow tinge.

Common Causes

 1)  Friction

The most common cause of blisters on toes and feet is friction.  They tend to develop when walking or running long distances or when wearing new or poor-fitting shoes (too tight or too loose) which rubs on the skin, causing fluid to accumulate under the top layer of skin.
Blisters on toes are more common when the skin is moist and warm rather than when it is dry or soaked.  This is one of the reasons people are often caught out – they may not be walking/running any further than normal but if they are going faster, the weather is warmer or wetter or their footwear is warmer material, their feet may perspire more, increasing the likelihood of blisters on feet. 

There is often a misconception that blisters on toes develop from repetitive friction, however, it actually tends to be sudden, brief, intense friction or rubbing on the skin that causes blisters on feet.  Prolonged, repetitive, less intense friction on the skin is more likely to result in foot corns or calluses. 

2)    Heat

Sunburn can cause blistering on the skin
They can also develop in response to intense heat:
a)  Burns: First degree burns will often blister after a couple of days as they are healing.  Second-degree burns usually blister immediately

b)  Sunburn: Excessive exposure to UV light leads to sunburn which can result in painful blistering of the skin

3)  Cold

Frostbite blister on foot, 3 days after exposure
Tissue damage from frostbite can also cause blisters on feet.  When we are exposed to temperatures below freezing, blood vessels contract pushing blood away from our extremities, particularly the hands and feet in an attempt to keep us warm.  This can lead to skin tissue damage and even death.
Frostbite can be categorized in four stages.  Blisters on toes are usually associate with second-degree frost bite.

4)  Chemicals

Effects of blister agent contact with skin
Skin may also develop blistering when in contact with certain chemicals, solvents, detergents or cosmetics.  It is always advisable to wear gloves when using any chemicals to prevent skin irritation.

5)  Medical Conditions

Chickenpox blister
There are also a number of medical conditions which can cause blistering of the skin such as chicken pox, shingles, herpes, impetigo, cold sores, scabies and some forms of eczema.  This picture shows the classic blisters associated with the varicella zosta virus aka Chickenpox.

Treatment for Blisters on Feet

Most blisters on toes and feet will heal naturally, without requiring medical care.  When possible, you want to avoid breaking them to reduce the risk of infection.  Always wash your hands or wear gloves before touching a blister to reduce the risk of infection.

1) Unburst Blisters

If possible, avoid bursting blisters on feet.  Leaving the skin intact provides a natural barrier, reducing the risk of infection.  As it heals, the skin will naturally harden and fall off.  Ideally, leave blisters on feet uncovered and avoid wearing any shoes that rub.  If necessary, you can cover them with either a plaster or gauze pad depending on their size or try using a product such as a Compeed dressing pad to prevent further friction on the area.
Burst blister on toe.  Avoid removing the dead skin when possible to help reduce the risk of infection

2) Burst Blisters

Most large blisters on toes will break on their own.  Don’t be tempted to remove the broken skin, instead, allow the fluid to drain and then cover the area with a sterile dressing which should be changed daily until it is fully healed.

3) Draining Blisters

If a large blister is causing considerable discomfort, you may need to drain it.
Wash your hands before you start and use a clean, sterile needle to make small puncture holes around the edge of the blister, rather than the centre.
Gently press over the area so the fluid drains out, then wash the area, pat dry and cover with clean gauze.  Change the dressing daily.

4) Footwear

If your blisters on feet are the result of wearing new shoes, avoid wearing them again until the foot is fully healed.  Then break the shoes in by wearing them for short periods until they soften.

Homeopathy approch

Belladonna – when the abscess is red in color during the stage of inflammation, blood boils, there is throbbing pain without formation of pus.
Hepar Sulph – it acts well in early stages of pus formation, it stops formation of pus or aborts pus in very less time period. It is indicated when the pus starts coming out from an abscess, when the pus is thick, yellow and the patient is sensitive to touch.
Silicea – it acts better when there is low healing power. The character of pus is thin and watery in indolent ulcers which are hard to heal. The patient is chilly; better in dry and warm weather and worse in wet and cold weather.
Materia Medica of Silicea says: “Silica can stimulate the organism to re-absorb fibrotic conditions and scar-tissue. Ripens abscess since it promotes suppuration. Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies from tissues. In phthisis, it must be used with care, for here it may cause the absorption of scar-tissue, liberate the disease, walled in, to new activities.”
“Re-absorbing of fibrotic scar tissues, ripening, opening up and healing of abscesses by promoting suppuration, expulsion of foreign bodies from tissues”- these clinically well established homeopathic properties of  SILICEA have assigned it a honorable title- “homeopathic scalpel”.
Chamomilla – when the pain is unbearable we can think of this medicine.
Merc Sol – it favors rapid formation of pus, useful for glandular abscess with throbbing pain, worse from warmth of bed.
Fluoric Acid – to form healthy granulations after Silicea
Calcaria Sulph – excellent remedy for abscess which is slow to heal after rupture, with a continues discharge of yellow pus. Patient desires open air but sensitive to drafts. Tendency to the formation of abscess
Allium cepa : Blisters on feet or heels due to excessive walking or from pinching of shoes.
Anthracinum : Black and blue blisters.
Apis mel : Blisters due to insect bites.
Baptisia : Blisters in typhoid fever.
Cantharis : Blisters due to excessive walking or bums.
Graphites : Burning blisters.
Hypericum : Blisters from scalding with hot water, etc.