
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Moringa Olelifera(DRUM STICK) It's Homeopathic Uses

 Moringa oleifera belonging to the family of Moringaceae is an effective remedy for malnutrition. Moringa is rich in nutrition owing to the presence of a variety of essential phytochemicals present in its leaves, pods and seeds. In fact, moringa is said to provide 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, 9 times more protein than yoghurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas and 25 times more iron than spinach . The fact that moringa is easily cultivable makes it a sustainable remedy for malnutrition. Countries like Senegal and Benin treat children with moringa . Children deprived of breast milk tend to show symptoms of malnutrition. Lactogogues are generally prescribed to lactating mothers to augment milk production. The lactogogue, made of phytosterols, acts as a precursor for hormones required for reproductive growth. Moringa is rich in phytosterols like stigmasterol, sitosterol and kampesterol which are precursors for hormones. These compounds increase the estrogen production, which in turn stimulates the proliferation of the mammary gland ducts to produce milk. It is used to treat malnutrition in children younger than 3 years . About 6 spoonfuls of leaf powder can meet a woman's daily iron and calcium requirements, during pregnancy. This study provides an overview on the cultivation, nutritional values, medicinal properties for commercial use and pharmacological properties of moringa. There are no elaborate reports on treatment of diabetes and cancer using moringa. This study aims to bridge the gap.

 Moringa Olelifera(DRUM STICK): It's Homeopathic Uses.

A brief description of Moringa Olelifera and its uses are as follows:
Common Name: Moringa, Horse radish tree, Drumstick tree, Sahijan
Parts Used: Roots, seeds, leaves
Moringa oleifera is an extensively available Indian herb, with each part of the tree having amazing therapeutic properties including mainly leaves, root barks, roots etc. The Moringa tree grows in several sub-desert and tropical areas around the world. It has been used by natives for thousands of years to treat water, help prevent malnutrition, and aid in fighting a number of ailments and diseases. Unfortunately, up until the last couple years, the Moringa tree, with its amazing health properties, has been unknown to most of the world. Scientific research has found that Moringa Oleifera is packed with vitamins, minerals and essential proteins. In fact, the leaves of this humble tree offer a powerhouse of nutritional value.

Uses: The roots are acrid, digestive, anthelmentic, anodyne. They are useful in paralysis, inflammations, fevers, cough, cold, bronchitis, pectoral diseases, epilepsy, hysteria.
Leaves: The juice of the leaves of Moringa oleifera is given as an emetic. In the Indian indigenous system of medicine, the leaves of Moringa oleifera are described to remove all kinds of excessive pain, useful in eye diseases, cure hallucinations, also useful in scurvy.
The seeds are acrid, bitter, anti-inflammatory, purgative, and are useful in neuralgia, inflammations and intermittent fevers.
Root-bark yields two alkaloids: moringine and moringinine. Moringine which is identical with benzylamine and Moringinine belonging to the sympathomimetic group of bases acts as cardiac stimulant, produces rise of blood-pressure, acts on sympathetic nerve-endings as well as smooth muscles all over the body, and depresses the sympathetic motor fibers of vessels in large doses only.
A decoction of the root-bark of Moringa oleifera is used as fomentation to relieve spasm. The root and bark are abortifacient.
The bark and the roots of Moringa oleifera are considered rubefacient and they are used as vesicants. The ground roots are mixed with salt and applied as a poultice to tumors.
The expressed juice of the fresh roots, bark, and leaves of Moringa oleifera is poured in the nostrils in stupor and coma, the bark and the leaves ground together are applied on head for neuralgia.
The Drug Picture of MORINGA OLEIFERA

Desire to be alone does not want company Does not want to speak nor to be spoken to , does want to be disturbed Irritablilty when spoken to, gives rude answers, short tempered Weeping when questioned, better after crying Irritability during headache. Melancholic. Pessimistic. Delusion :There is a mouse or a animal like dog in the room Some shadow that is moving outside the room
Vertigo on climbing stairs Headache pain in supra orbital region < right side < thinking about it, < morning < 7-8pm Straining eye < warm room,> open air, sleep after , combing hair sensation of something loose in the head Headache left half of forehead congestive type < as day progresses > evening Heaviness of head < bending < after sleep , evening Headache occiput and vertex closing eyes>dark > >washing face (mj)
pimples on face painful eruption at the tip of nose
Heaviness of eyes > keeping them closed Dryness and itching on eyelids, < washing after, burning followed by rubbing Pain in eyes < evening
Aversion to noise Pain and dryness in left ear
Sneezing < sitting in front of fan < morning, evening > covering nose continuous watery discharge from nose with sneezing < exposure to cold air lying down, warm drinks later thick yellow discharge , crust formation < morning < morning on waking Dryness of nose, Pain at the root of nose
Blocked nose,< night < left nostril.> evening Sensation of tingling over nose, formication
Increased salivation < morning with dryness throat < 8am –9am Sensation of tingling over hard palate, irritation of palate resulting in cough hot drinks
Dryness in throat >drinking cold water Pain throat ailments after cold drink soreness in throat < swallowing (liquids and solids) hoarseness of voice > warm drinks plug like sensation in throat < swallowing
Appetite: increased, (at night wakes up for food) Appetite reduced Complete loss of appetite decreased in morning Aversion to food does not want to eat.
Thirst increased at night with chilly feeling Desire for cold water & icy cold water Desire to drink large quantities of water at long intervals Thirst increased for small quantity of water at small intervals Thirst increased while eating
INCREASED DESIRE FOR SWEETS ESP. SUGAR followed by nausea after eating sugar Craving for chilies Craving for spicy food Craving for raw onion Burning in epigastrium drinking water Burning in the stomach followed by diarrhoea All gone sensation in morning > eating but eating causes burning epigastrium
Flatulence abdomen distended walking >sitting>standing
Desire for stools absent Flatus passed with noise at night > passing stools Constipation < after drinking milk Constant urge to pass stools, unsatisfactory, stools 7-8 times a day ( normal consistency) stools passed with much straining, Dry hard and small in quantity with burning anus Itching in the anus< sitting Loose stools, pale yellow , < after dinner burning at the anal sphincter
Pain right lower side of chest rest, warmth, lying on rt side Dry cough Cough with expectoration clear, thick sticky FEELING OF WEIGHT OVER CHEST. DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING WITH BACKACHE. DYSPNOEA WITH TREMBLING AND WEAKNESS IN LEGS AND INCREASED THIRST < SITTING > LYING DOWN, FANNING, OPEN AIR
Burning sensation at the tip of urethera. Tip sensitive to touch. < after micturition sensation remains for 4-5 minutes after urination Pricking sensation tip of urethra < While urinating after sleep Pain behind pubic symphysis extending upwards to umbilicus walking>micturition
Pimples on face, forearm and chest Pimples tenderness, hard to touch, burning pain after washing with water eaves dark red pigmentation on healing < while sweating, being covered > washing with cold water, uncovering, gentle rubbing Dry whitish eruption on shoulders, forearm and legs fanning. Bleeding on scratching Itching left forearm with redness and heat washing with cold water Dryness of skin around toes. Pigmentation of skin.
Itching with dryness in the right forearm and around the angle of mandible below right ear SEXUAL ORGANS:
MALE: Sensitivity tip of penis
FEMALE: Increased menstrual flow with clots. Leucorrhoea: Sticky offensive white discharge with itching washing with warm water
Weakness of lower limbs < Standing >stretching., evening Pain felt more in the thighs and upper limbs followed by weakness . Trembling of lower limbs . Unsteady gait due to weakness Numbness in thighs while sitting. Pain in scapular region with sensation of heat extending downwards < rt side < lying of back <10-11am > pressure, movement Stiffness in neck, shoulder and ankles.
Drowsiness though out day < morning, 3-5 pm
Fever ailments after taking cold drinks < rising from bed < afternoon Increased sweating even under fan, increased thirst but drinks only few sips Dryness of lips Coldness of body trembling of limbs unable to stand. Vertigo on standing <11-1pm warm drinks >lying down Desire for hot drinks

Tiredness,Sleepy, BODY COLLAPSING AT NIGHT Chilly sensation at night, body ache < motion > rest BROKEN DOWN FEELING. Malaise >evening, Body ache < fanning > covering or wrappings up WEAKNESS WITH TREMBLING OF LOWER LIMBS LETHARGIC Not able to stand more than 5 or 10 minutes <11am INABILITY TO MOVE WHILE CONSCIOUS OF SURROUNDINGS (SEMI CONSCIOUS) Stiffness of body. DESIRE FOR OPEN AIR
Modalities: Better in open air, evening Worse morning, exposure to cold air

as describe by Dr H majumdar