
Monday, May 8, 2017

Homeopathy works effectively for Molluscum contagiosum

Homeopathy works effectively for Molluscum contagiosum 


Molluscum Epitheliae, Molluscum Sebaceum, Epithelioma Molluscum, Epithelioma Contagiosum, Acne Varioliforme(Bazin)
The word Molluscum contagiosumcomes from the Latin word named MOLLUSCUS means SOFTcharecterized by pea sized semiglobular pearl like lesion with minute central depression. It is a viral skin infection that causes raised, pearl-like papules or nodules on the skin.
Etiology :
It is caused by a large DNA Pox virus.
Incubation period:
The incubation period ranges from weeks to months (14-50 d).
Transmission :
  • Direct spread: Through Skin-to-skin contact.
  • Through Fomites (clothes, towels)
  • Sexual transmission: Case studies of vertically transmitted molluscum contagiosum describe a relatively short incubation period, with infections appearing on infants between ages of a few days to 6 weeks following maternal exposure
Presentation :
Two forms of infection are recognized:
  • Childhood variety, spread by skin-to-skin contact.
  • Adult variety, which is sexually transmitted.
Incidence :
  • Age: Molluscum contagiosum primarily affects children and young adults. It appears to have a bimodal age distribution. The first is in childhood, while second is in early adulthood (age 15-29 y).
  • Sex: It affects both sexes equally.
  • Habitat: Epidemiological studies suggest that transmission may be related to poor hygiene and climatic factors, such as warmth and humidity.
Clinical presentation :
  • Pearly white or skin coloured, firm, smooth, dome shaped papules with well defined depressed centres known as umbilication. On using a hand lens, many of the papules have a mosaic appearance. On piercing the umbilicated center, a white cheesy material can be expressed from the lesion.
  • Usually multiple. May be present in groups or may be widely disseminated on the skin and mucosal surfaces. The papules are about 2 - 5 millimeters wide.
  • Pseudoisomorphic lesion: Due to autoinoculation, can give rise to lesions arranged linearly along line of trauma.
Sites of predilection:
  • Any part of the body but commonly face and genitals are involved.
  • Anogenital region: When sexually transmitted.
Widespread and several lesions are seen in atopics (due to scratching and extensive use of topical corticosteroids) and in immunocompromised patients (HIV infection) due to defective cell mediated immunity.
Course :
Molluscum is a Self-limiting disease. Individual lesions usually disappear within about 2 - 3 months. Complete disappearance of all lesions generally occurs within about 6 - 18 months. Lesions usually clear spontaneously in about a year usually without any scarring). Some cases which do not resolve spontaneously are:
  • Large solitary lesions.
  • Persistent, extensive lesions.
  • Lesions in immunocompromised individuals and in patients with atopic dermatitis.
Complications :
Secondary infection.
Differentials :
Molluscum needs to be differentiated from Warts (Verucca) which are also viral in origin but caused by human papilloma virus.Verucca are present with characteristic warty appearance or flat topped or elongated in appearance. Neither do they have central umbilication. Another point of interest is that MC is occasionally found on palms and soles.
Investigation :
Usually not done but cytological examination of expressed material reveals large eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies.
- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can also be done to confirm lesions of MCV.
Management/Prevention :
  • Patients with Molluscum contagiosum should avoid scratching to prevent autoinoculation.
  • Patients with Molluscum contagiosum should avoid sharing of personal items (eg, razors, bath towels) and contact with other fomites.
  • Obstetricians should be aware of the risk of vertical transmission of Molluscum contagiosum, and they should take precautions to prevent transmission during vaginal delivery.
  • Since MCV is an STD it is necessary to be checked for other STDs like hepatitis,herpes,gonorrhoea and syphillis as diseases follow each other.And if MC is diagnosed that has been sexually transmitted frank HIV test should be done.
Treatment :
Conventional treatment of Molluscum contagiosum usually involves mechanical destruction (expression), chemical cauterization or cryotherapy.
Miasmatic interpretation :
Molluscum is predominantly Sycotic disease. So it requires an Anti-sycotic medicine to cure the case.

Homeopathic therapeutics :
Molluscum contagiosum is a self limiting disease but in cases with large lesions and in weak patients homeopathy can bring about effective cure. It requires a thorough case taking and picking out the characteristics of the case. After the correct dose of medicine, the lesions start disappearing following an inflammatory reaction with erythema and itching.
Some homeopathic medicines found to be efficacious in cases of Molluscum contagiosum are:
Silicea: Umbilicated eruptions with offensive pus. Itching only in daytime and evening. Scrofulous, rachitic children, with large head, open fontanelles and sutures, distended abdomen. Patient chilly wants plenty warm clothing.
Thuja: Wart like eruption especially on anogenital region. Perspiration sweetish and strong. Eruptions only on covered parts and worse after scratching. Left sided and chilly medicine for those who have emotional sensitiveness and fixed ideas.Suitable for molluscum contagiosum especially of the genitals

Tuberculinum also has a good role in establishing cure if given as intercurrent.

Hepar Sulph  Indicated in molluscum contagiosum with secondary infection.