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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Homeopathy is Very Effective in Burn

Homeopathy Very Effective in Burn 

i always think being as Homeopath what we can offer in burn cases ,but when i started seeing cases it give me strong boost up to handle burn cases , i am sharing my small work to my friends homeopath here i hope you also start giving me feedback after reading it

A burn is a tissue injury from thermal heat or cold application or from the absorption of physical energy or chemical contactCommon causes of burns include exposure to fire, hot metals, chemicals, electricity, and radiation. The first-aid treatment of burns depends on the severity of the injury. Burns are classified, in order of increasing severity as:
  1. First Degree, which involves only the surface of the skin, is characterized by reddening.
  2. Second Degree, which involves reddening of the injured skin and blistering.
  3. Third-degree: The injury has a white or charred appearance.

The danger from burns depends more on the extent of the burns than on the degree. Superficial burns over a large area are more dangerous than complete charring of a part of a limb. On any one person, different parts of the body may show varying degree of burns.
To calculate the extent of burns the "Rule of Nines" is used. The figure below explains the "Rule of Nines".
The object of first aid in burns is to prevent shock, contamination of the burned tissue, and pain.

Burns are classified as follows.
Scalds – Result from partial-thickness or deep dermal skin loss.
Fat burns – Usual full-thickness skin loss.
Flame burn – Patches of partial and full thickness.
Electrical burns – Full thickness with deep extensions.
Cold injury – Ice formation, tissue freezing, vasospasm.
Friction burns – Heat plus abrasion.
Ionising radiation – Early tissue necrosis, late or tissue dysplastic change.
Chemical burn – Inflammation, tissue necrosis, systemic effects.
Burn depth depends, in thermal injury upon:
-The temperature of the burning agent.
-The mode of transmission of heat.
-The duration of the contact.
Superficial burns :
The have the ability to heal themselves by epithelisation above. Epidermal burns look red, are painful, blisters are not present, and they heal rapidly without sequel. Superficial dermal burns are, blistered and painful they should by epithelisation within 14 days without scarring, but sometimes leave long-term pigmentation changes.
Deep burns :
These have lost all adnexal structures and if left can only heal by second intention
with scarring they may be blistered and have a blotchy red appearance with no capillary return on pressure and absent sensation on pinprick.
Effect of burn injury :
Local effects
Tissue damage – cell necrosis or direct cell rupture.
Inflammation – cellulitis
Infection – by Beta haemolytic streptococci, Septicemia, Bacteremia.
Regional problems in burns :
Circulation – Damage to limb vessel in high tension electrical burn causing oedema and leads to venous obstruction.
Systemic Effects :
Fluid loss
Multiple organ failure of renal or hepatic function or heart failure.
Inhalation injury – inhalation of products of combustion or a hot gases causes thermal burn to various part of upper respiratory track and chemical burn to the bronchial tree and lungs.
Systemic complications – occurs in association with burns such as Curling’s (gastric or duodenal) ulcer that may result in acute haematemesis, urinary tract infection, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, septic complications.
Clinical Features / Effects of Burn Injury :
Pain – immediate, acute and intense in superficial burns. Little pain in deep burns.
Acute anxiety – severe at the time of injury.
Fluid loss and dehydration – tachycardia from fluid loss
Local tissue oedema – superficial burns with blisters and deeper burns develops oedema in subcutaneous spaces.
Special sites – Eyes may be involved in explosion injury or chemical burns and nasal airway, mouth and upper airway in inhalation injury.

Management of Extensive Burns

  1. Keep the patient quiet and reassure him.
  2. Wrap him up in a clean cloth. 
  3. Do not remove adhering particles of charred clothing. 
  4. Cover the burnt area with a sterile or clean dressing and bandage. In the case of burns that cover a large part of the body it is sufficient to cover the area with a clean sheet or towel. 
  5. Keep the patient warm but do not over heat. 
  6. If the hands are involved, keep them above the level of the victim's heart. 
  7. Keep burnt feet or legs elevated. 
  8. If the victim's face is burnt, sit or prop him up and keep him under continuous observation for breathing difficulty. If respiratory problems develop, an open airway should be maintained (See Artificial Respiration). 
  9. Do not immerse the extensively burnt area or apply ice water over it because cold may intensify the shock reaction. However a cold pack may be applied to the face or hands or feet. 
  10. Do not open the blisters on the victim's skin. 
  11. Treat for Shock
  12. Seek medical assistance, especially if:
    • Burns cover move than one body part 
    • Burns are on the hands, feet, or genitals
  13. Remove quickly from the body anything of constricting nature like rings, bangles, belt and boots. If this is not done early, it may be difficult later on as the limbs begin to swell. 
  14. If medical help or trained personnel cannot reach the scene for an hour or more and the victim is conscious and not vomiting, give him a weak solution of salt and soda (one level teaspoonful of salt and half a level teaspoonful of baking soda to each quart of water, neither hot nor cold) at home and en-route to the hospital. Allow him to sip slowly. Give about four to five ounces to an adult over a period of 15 minutes, two ounces to a child between one and twelve years of age and one ounce to an infant below one year. Discontinue the fluid if vomiting occurs. Do not apply ointments, grease or any other material over the wound.

Management of Minor Burns and Scalds

  1. Clean the area gently with clean water.
  2. Submerge the burnt area in cold water.
  3. Do not apply cotton wool directly over the burnt area.
  4. Do not apply any greasy substance.
  5. Give the patient warm drinks.

Homoeopathic Remedies for First and Second Degree Burns

Apply Cantharis Q or Urtica Uren Q (mixed with water 1: 4 parts of water) as lotion and kept it wet without being removed. Internally Cantharis 30 along with Mixture of Kali Mur 3x or 6x & Nat. Mur 3x or 6x at frequent intervals. Biochemic Nat Phos 3x or 6x mixed in water can be applied locally to prevent blisters with great success.
Later on if there are occurrences of secondary infection in wounds apply Calendula Q mixed with Water or cream.
For post burn CICATRICES: Causticum 30C, 200C, 1M

Management of Chemical Burns

Management of Chemical Burns

  1. Wash off the chemical with a large quantity of water by using a shower or hose if available as quickly as possible. This flooding with water will wash away much of the irritants. Wash the injury for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Cut out contaminated clothing. 
  3. Do not touch the burnt area. 
  4. Treat as for Burns.
  5. Take the victim to a physician immediately. 

Homeopathic Remedies

Cantharis Q for local application(1:4 water ratio). Carbolic Acid 30C, Picric Acid 30C, and Causticum 30C internally. From X-Ray & Radium: Radium Bro 30C, Sol 30C.

Management of Electric Burns

Burns that result from exposure to electricity should be treated in the same manner as burns from exposure to fire.

Homoeopathic Remedies

Same as for First & Second Degree Burns.

Management of Sunburns

Sunburn, in most cases, is a first-degree burn. Extremely deep sunburn may cause second-degree burns, with blistering. Do not open any blisters. Apply cool compresses to relieve pain. Consult a physician in cases of severe sunburn.

Homoeopathic Remedies

Belladonna 30C, Pulsatilla 30C, Urtica Uren Q, 6C, 30C; Calendula 30C, Nat. Carb 30C, Ant Crud. 30C,1M, & Sol 30C.

 someuseful Homeopathy Remedies


Cantharis is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for burns and should always be the first choice of medicine for the treatment of burns. The reason for selecting this Homeopathic medicine in the very initial stage is because of its remarkable tendency to provide relief from burning pains and preventing blister formation. Cantharis helps in the speedy recovery of burnt skin and can be given in all those cases of burns arising out of dry heat, wet heat (hot drinks) or burns from sun. The person needing Cantharis has an acute burning and smarting pain in the burnt area. Along with burning, the skin is markedly red and inflamed. The person also appears very restless in addition to these symptoms. Although Cantharis possesses the tendency to prevent blister formation, but even in cases of burns where blisters form,Cantharis is of great help. For using Cantharis in burns with blisters, the burning-smarting pain is the key symptom. So, first and second degree burns can be very effectively handled by Homeopathic remedy Cantharis.If used early it will prevent the formation of blisters. This is the most used remedy for scalds, burn and sunburns with vesicular character, blisters and superficial ulceration. Small blisters coalesce to form large blisters. Burns and scald with rawness and burning > by cold applications, followed by undue inflammation. Tetanic or epileptiform convulsions followed by coma. Extensive burns cause a renal complication. Patient is < by touch, approach and > rest. Use internally and externally in lotion.

Urtica Urens:

Urtica Urens is another very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for burns. It is mostly used in first degree burns confined to superficial skin. The redline symptom for using Homeopathic remedy Urtica Urens is burning and stinging pains in burnt skin. The skin is intensely red, swollen with burning and stinging pains. Urtica Urens helps in providing relief from the burning-stinging pains very promptly and helps in quick recovery.Urtica Urens is considered one of the top Homeopathic medicinesfor the treatment of first degree burns.For simple burns involving the skin, superficial burns. Intense burning and itching. Useful is chemical burns caused by poisonous plants use internally and externally


Causticum is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for burns that are very slow to heal. Causticum is of great help in hastening the healing process in burns cases. Persons who can greatly benefit from natural Homeopathic medicine Causticum have a major complaint of rawness, excessive soreness and pain in the burnt area. Causticum also helps to speed up the recovery of burns and soothen the soreness and pain in the affected area. Another important field for using Causticum in burns is reopening of burns that had occurred long ago. Causticum is also the best Homeopathic medicine for all those cases where the person complains of soreness and pain in old healed burns. Causticum thus can be used in two fields of burns cases: when the burns are slow to recover and when old burns surprisingly freshen up, leading to pain and soreness.

Calendula  – This remedy is useful for minor superficial burns caused by fire or the sun. Calendula also prevents gangrene and promotes granulation as well as prevents disfiguring scars. Prevents loss of blood and excessive pain. It is a good remedy to use to promote healing after specific acute remedies have removed the shock, pain and immediate symptoms. Use this remedy internally in potency and externally as a lotion.

 Repertorium :
BURNS, in general – Acon, Arn, ARS, calen, CANTH, Carb-ac, Caust, Rhust, Sol, URT-U.
Ailments from burns – Carb-ac, Caust, Pic-ac.
Black, deep burns turns gangrene – ARS.
Blisters :
Bullae (large blisters) – Rhus-t.
Prevent from arising – CANTH, Kali-m.
Small vesicles colesce to form large blisters-canth.
Chemical burns – Caust.

 Source : From Dr Pawan Chandak, Dr Sahani .

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