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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Homeopathy remedies for Anemia

Homeopathy remedies for Anemia

Anemia is a medical condition when the level of concentration of hemoglobin in the bloodstream falls below average. It can happen in if the number of the Red Blood Cells decreases or when the quantity of hemoglobin in each RBC falls below average. Causes for anemia 

Both of these forms of anemia may develop as a result of different initiating factors. For example, a decrease in the number of RBC may follow a severe bleeding (menstrual bleeding, trauma, labor, and delivery, etc.). In those cases, a body losing RBCs and it needs some substantial time to produce new. Also, this form of anemia may happen if bone mare does not produce enough RBCs and this is usually a sign of some malignant blood disease. From another hand, lower than normal concentration of hemoglobin in each RBC (erythrocytes) often happens in response to a deficit of some essential chemicals in the human body. Hemoglobin is the pigment that makes RBC red. It works as a vehicle for oxygen in our body.
Although there are over 400 different forms of anemia, this web site will only address the three most common: iron-deficiency anemia, vitamin B12 anemia and folic acid deficiency

Different types of anemia.
There are numerous of the various types of deficiency based anemias, and the most common forms are:
  • Iron-deficiency;
  • Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12); 
  • Folic acid (Vitamin B9) deficiency.
  • Ascorbic acid aka Vitamin C deficiency
  • Vitamin E aka d-alpha-tocopherol and Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6) deficiency
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption
  • Lead Toxicity
  • Chronic Infectious illnesses

Except the above-listed deficiencies, a decrease of hemoglobin concentration in the blood stream can be a result of some chronic medical conditions such as pregnancy, stomach ulcer, and drug addiction, some viral and bacterial infections, etc.
Each form of anemia has its symptoms and patients report dissimilar complaints depending on a type of hemoglobin deficiency.


The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia (if any) are:
1.      Paleness
2.      Weakness
3.      Tiredness
4.      Chest pains (in severe cases)
5.      Shortness of breath (in severe cases)
6.      Heart palpitations (in severe cases)

The symptoms of vitamin B12 anemia are similar to those of iron deficiency anemia but can also cause

1.      Jaundice
2.      Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
3.      Equilibrium difficulties
4.      Confusion
5.      Personality changes and depression
The symptoms of folic acid deficiency are similar to vitamin B12 anemia.
1.      Back, maroon or bloody stool
2.      Abdominal pain
3.      Weight loss
4.      Fatigue
5.      Chest pain


1. Anemia diminishes the capability of individuals who are affected to perform physical activities. This is a result of one's muscles being forced to depend on anaerobic metabolism. The lack of iron associated with anemia can cause many complications, including hypoxemia, brittle or rigid fingernails, cold intolerance, impaired immune function, and possible behavioral disturbances in children.
2. Hypoxemia resulting from anemia can worsen the cardio-pulmonary status of patients with pre-existing chronic pulmonary disease. Brittle or rigid fingernails may be a result of abnormal thinness of nails due to insufficient iron supply.
3. Cold intolerance occurs in one in five patients with iron deficiency anemia, and becomes visible through numbness and tingling. Impaired immune functioning leading to increased likelihood of sickness is another possible complication.

Homeopathy Remedies-
1. Ferrum metallicum [Ferr]

Iron is the great allopathic remedy for anaemia from almost any cause. It is also a great homoeopathic remedy, but it will not cure every case of anaemia; careful dividualization is necessary. When the patient has an appearance of full bloodedness or plethora, which is followed by paleness or earthiness of the  
face and puffiness of the extremities, then Ferrum will benefit. It is not the remedy for the anaemia resulting from loss of fluids; that is Cinchona, or perhaps Natrum muriaticum. When Ferrum is indicated the mucous membranes are pale, more so than with Cinchona, and there is apt to be an anaemia murmur in the veins of the neck. The patient is easily exhausted. Vomiting of food after eating may occur. The patient is constantly chilly and perhaps has an afternoon or evening fever simulating hectic fever. In very stubborn cases sometimes Ferrum phosphoricum may serve better than Ferrum metallicum By giving the indicated preparation of Iron it removes the underlying dyscrasia giving rise to the anaemic or chlorotic conditions and cures the trouble.
2. Pulsatilla [Puls]
Pulsatilla is the great antidote to Iron, and hence is indicated in the anaemic condition produced by large or continued doses of it. The system is relaxed and worn out; the patient is chilly and suffers from gastric and menstrual derangements. Thus the symptoms resemble closely those calling for Ferrum. The cause of the anaemia must be sought for, and if the case comes from allopathic hands it is safe to infer that much Iron has been given and Pulsatilla will surely be the remedy. The Pulsatilla patient feels better in the open air. Dizziness on rising, absence of thirst, and the peculiar disposition will lead to the remedy. Cyclamen, which is similar in many respects, differ from Pulsatilla in dreading the fresh air. Cinchona is the chief remedy for anaemia resulting from loss of fluids, as in lactation or haemorrhage, or from all exhausting discharges, such as menstrual flow, long-lasting diarrhoea, and sexual excesses and loss of semen. The quality of the blood is actually poorer in cases calling for Cinchona. Special symptoms are heaviness of the head, loss of sight, fainting and ringing in the ears, pale sallow complexion, sour belching, poor digestion and bloated abdomen. The patient is sensitive to draughts of air yet wants to be fanned.
3. Calcarea carbonica [Calc]
Almost any of the deeper acting constitutional remedies may be of use in anaemic and debilitated conditions, and especially are the Calcareas useful. Thus we have Calcarea phosphorica as the remedy for the "green sickness," chlorosis of young girls, with a complexion like wax, alabaster lips and ears, a bright eye, and when they smile or laugh it is a sickly one. The face sometimes has a true greenish hue or a sallow one. In such cases the menses are apt to be too early and then calcarea phosphorica is well indicated for this condition. Calcarea carbonica is indicated by the psoric, scrofulous or tubercular diathesis and the general symptoms of the drug, by disgust for meat, craving for sour and indigestible things, swelling of abdomen, vertigo and palpitation; on going upstairs. The patient is in a state of worry. Constantly imagining calamities. Alumina is also a remedy for chlorosis due to the scrofulous diathesis and from improper nourishment, such as occurs in some children brought up on artificial foods. Nux vomica, too, may be indicated in anaemic conditions when due to gastro-intestinal derangements. Plumbum has been recommended for inveterate chlorosis with obstinate constipation. Alumina also, being an antipsoric, is the remedy for anaemic conditions about puberty, with abnormal craving for indigestible substances, such as slate pencils, chalk, etc.
4. Arsenicum [Ars]
This being a direct poison to the red blood corpuscles takes first rank in cases of pernicious anaemia or in anaemias due to a malarial of ;toxic influence. It does not correspond to simple anaemias so well. It indications are excessive prostration considerable oedema, violent and irregular palpitation, marked appetite for acids and brandy, extreme anxiety and rapid emaciation. There is irritable stomach and intense thirst.
5. Helonias [Helon]
An excellent remedy in anaemia and chlorosis. It suits especially anaemia from prolonged haemorrhage in women enervated by indolence and luxury, or such as are worn out with hard work; they are too tired to sleep and the strained muscles burn and ache A characteristic modality is that the patient is better when the attention is engaged, hence better when the doctor comes. This anaemia is associated with disturbances in the urinary and sexual organs. Tired, anaemic, backache in females, "It is one of the best blood makers that we have
6. Aletris [Alet]
Chlorosis. "The
China of the uterine organs." Tired dull, heavy, confused. Debility of females from protracted illness; no organic disease. Power and energy of mind and body are weakened.

Secale [Sec]
This remedy produces a progressives general anaemia. It is shown by the peculiar cachexia of anaemia, pale, bloodless, jaundiced color. By its effect on the blood corpuscles it produces a general anaemia, threatening not only the life of a part, but vitiating the whole life of the bodily economy. It is a sort of a mechanical anaemia.
8. Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m]
This is one of our best remedies in anaemic conditions. There is paleness, and, in spite of the fact that the patient eats well, there is emaciation. There are attacks of throbbing headache and dyspnoea, especially on going up stairs, constipation ands depression of spirits, and consolation aggravates. With these symptoms there is much palpitation, fluttering and intermittent action of the heart. The hypochondriasis in these cases is marked. Scanty menstruation is frequently an indicating symptom. Kali carbonicum is one of the most important remedies in anaemia, weak heart, sweats backache, especially with female complaints.
9. Picric acid.[Pic acid]
The extreme prostration of pernicious anaemia, with a heavy tired feeling all over the body, burning pains along the spine and aggravation from excitement indicate this remedy.

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