
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Homeopathy Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathy Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cronic systemic disease, primarily of the joints, marked by inflammatory changes in the synovial membranes and articular structures, widespread fibrinoid degeneration of the collagen fibers in mesenchymal tissues, and by atrophy and rarefaction of bony structures; etiology is unknown, but autoimmune mechanisms have been implicated.
The list of signs and symptoms for Rheumatoid arthritis includes:
·         Joint pain.
·         Joint swelling.
·         Joint stiffness.
·         Morning joint stiffness.
·         Joint stiffness with inactivity.
·         Joint tenderness.
·         Warm joints.
·         Ankle, foot, finger arthritis etc?
·         Symmetrical joint pattern - both sides of the body afflicted.
·         Morning stiffness.
·         Weight loss.
·         Fatigue.
·         Decreased appetite.
·         Occasional fever.
·         Malaise.
·         Episodic flares with remissions
·         Variable symptoms - different people experience different effects
·         Skin bumps (rheumatoid nodules)
·         Anaemia
·         Neck pain.
·         Dry eyes.
·         Dry mouth.
·         Tiredness.
·         Afternoon fatigue.
·         Afternoon malaise.
The list of complications that have been mentioned in various sources for Rheumatoid arthritis includes:
·         Joint deformity
·         Anemia
·         Serious debility - less than 10% of cases
·         Pulmonary fibrosis
·         Scleritis
·         Aseptic necrosis of bone
·         Synovitis
·         Cryoglobulinaemia
·         Lymphadenopathy
·         Pleural effusion
·         Atlantoaxial subluxation
·         Aortic valve incompetence
·         Pure red cell aplasia
·         Vasculitis
·         Dysphonia
·         Pericarditis
·         Subcutaneous nodules
·         Spondylolisthesis
·         Coin lesion (chest x-ray)
·         Immunoglobulin levels raised (plasma or serum)
·         Stridor
·         Pyrexia of unknown origin
·         Carpal tunnel syndrome
·         Osteoporosis
·         Mitral valve incompetence
·         Arthropathy
·         Pyoderma gangrenosum
·         Mononeuritis multiplex
·         Episcleritis
·         Genu valgum
·         Raynaud's phenomenon
·         Uveitis
1. Rhus toxicodedron. [Rhus-t]
Suitable especially to rheumatism affecting fibrous tissues, sheaths of muscles etc., Rheumatism from exposure to wet when overheated and perspiring.
From the earliest homoeopathic times Rhus has been the great rheumatic remedy of the school, comparing only with Bryonia; and the difference between these remedies must be repeated once more. Restlessness and desire to move about continually, on account of the relief it to the aches and pains. All Rhus rheumatic symptoms are relieved by motion. They are worse from sitting and worse from rising from a sitting position, or on first commencing to move; continued motion, however, relieves. Warmth also relieves the Rhus rheumatism. Damp weather and the approach of storms aggravate. Cold also aggravates. Rhododendron is similar, in that change of weather aggravates. The character of the Rhus pains is first a stiffness and soreness. There are also tearing pains, drawing, paralyzed sensations and even stitches. The sudden pain in the back known as "crick" is met well with Rhus. Rhus has an especial affinity for the deep muscles of the back. It is perhaps the most often indicated of any remedy in lumbago. It is also, it may be mentioned in passing, a remedy for the effects of overexertion such as sprains, wrenches, etc., being to fibrous tissues what Arnica is to the softer structures. The rheumatism keeling for Rhus may appear in any part; of the body; the lower extremities seem to have suffered most in the provers. The great keynotes of Rhus are the following: 1. Relief from continued motion; the lumbago, however, being sometimes worse from motion. 2. The stiffness and soreness. 3. The aggravation when first beginning to move.4. Aggravation from damp weather and cold. Cold air is not tolerated; it seems to make the skin painful. 5. The relief of all the symptoms by warmth. Rhus will not cure every case of rheumatism, but it will cure a good many.
2. Bryonia [Bry]
Disposition to keep perfectly still, since moving causes an aggravation of all aches and yet sometimes pains force patient to move.
Suitable to rheumatism of the joints and of muscular tissues itself. This is not especially the case with Bryonia, though a Bryonia rheumatism from these causes.
The rheumatism of Bryonia attacks the joints themselves, producing articular rheumatism, and it also inflames the muscle tissue, causing muscular rheumatism. The muscles are sores and swollen, and the joints are violently inflamed, red, swollen, shiny and very hot. The pains are sharp, stitching or cutting in character, and the great feature of the drug should always be present, namely the aggravation from the slightest motion. Touch and pressure also aggravate. There is but little tendency for the rheumatism of Bryonia to shift about like that of Pulsatilla or Kalmia. It is not liable to be mistaken for any other remedy. Ledum has some points of similarity. It would come in articular rheumatism, where there is a scanty effusion, while Bryonia tends to copious exudation. Bryonia seems to suit well the acid condition of the blood, which gives rise to rheumatism; it has a sour sweat; also, Kali carbonicum has stitching pains, but absence of fever will distinguish it from Bryonia. Bryonia, Ledum, Nux and Colchicum are the four chief remedies having aggravation from motion. General constitutional symptoms will most likely be present in cases calling for Bryonia. Excessive tenderness of the soles of the feet in rheumatism may suggest antimonium crudum.
3. Causticum. [Caust]
The restlessness of this remedy occurs only at night. Rheumatism caused by dry, cold frosty air. Pains impel constant motion, which does not relieve.The symptoms calling for Causticum are a stiffness of the joints. The tendons seem shortened and the limbs are drawn out of shape. It is a sort; of rheumatoid arthritis. As with Rhus, there is relief from warmth. There are drawing muscular pains sand soreness of the parts of which the patient lies. It has been found useful in rheumatism about the articulations of the jaw. Rhus has a cracking of the lower jaw when chewing. Colocynth has stiffness about the joints and is also a useful remedy in articular rheumatism. Causticum, like Guaiacum and Ledum, has gouty concretions in the joints. There is much weakness and trembling with Causticum, as with all the preparations of potash, and it is ;of little use in arthritic troubles if fever be present. Weakness of the ankle-joint, contracted tendons and a sprained feeling in the hip-joints are some of its important symptoms.
4. Ledum. [Led]
Ledum is one of our best remedies for rheumatism ands gout, especially the latter. The great symptom which has always been regarded as the distinctive characteristic is the direction the pain takes, namely, going from below upwards. Like Caulophyllum and some others, Ledum seems to haves a predilection for the smaller joints. Nodes form in them and the pains travel up the limbs. The pains are made worse from the warmth of the bed. the effusion into the joints is scanty and it soon hardens and forms the nodosities above mentioned. Ledum, like Colchicum, causes acute, tearing pains in the joints; weakness of the limbs and numbness and coldness of the surface. Kalmia also has pains which travel upwards, but the character of the pains will distinguish. It may also be mentioned that Ledum is an excellent remedy in erythema nodosum, which is of rheumatic origin. Ledum produces and cures in certain cases an obstinate swelling of the feet. Wine aggravates all the symptoms of this drug. The characteristics of
Ledum may be thus summed up: 1. upward extension of the pains 2. Tendency to the formation of nodes in the small joints. 3. Aggravation; by the warmth; of the bed. 4. Aggravation by motion. It is useful, too, after the abuse of Colchicum in large doses.

5. Pulsatilla. [Puls]
Pulsatilla is usually brought prominently to mind when there is a tendency for the rheumatism to shift about, wandering rheumatic pains being one of its red strings. But other remedies have this symptom also, prominent among them being Kalmia, Bryonia, Colchicum, Sulphur, Kali bichromicum and that member of the tissue family most resembling Pulsatilla, namely, Kali sulphuricum. There is little trouble in distinguishing Pulsatilla from any or all of these remedies by its general symptoms. Kali sulphuricum, however, will give the most trouble, but it is not a well-proven remedy and need only be thought of to try when Pulsatilla seems the remedy yet fails. Other characteristics of the Pulsatilla rheumatism are the aggravation from warmth, aggravation in the evening, and the relief from cold. The knee, ankle and tarsal joints are the most usual seat of the trouble when Pulsatilla is indicated. There is, too restlessness with the remedy, the pains are so severe that the patient is compelled to moves, and slow, easy motion relieves, as also with Lycopodium and Ferrum. A prominent use for Pulsatilla is in gonorrhoeal rheumatism. The joints are swollen and the pains are sharp and stinging, with a feeling of subcutaneous ulceration. Kali bichromicum is also a remedy for gonorrhoeal rheumatism, as well as for wandering rheumatic pains; it has relief in a warm room, which at once distinguishes it from Pulsatilla. Thuja is another remedy for gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Rheumatism dependent on disturbance of the liver or stomach is apt to find its remedy in Pulsatilla.
6. Formica rufa [Formica r]
An arthritic medicine. Gout and articular rheumatism; pains worse, motion; better, pressure. Right side most affected. Chronic gout and stiffness in joints. Rheumatism comes on with suddenness and restlessness. Sweat does not relieve. Relief after midnight and from rubbing. Worse from cold and cold washing, dampness, before a snowstorm. Better from warmth, pressure, rubbing.

7. Radium Bromatum [Radium brom]
Severe pain in all the limbs, joints, especially in knee and ankles, sharp pains in shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. Legs, arms and neck feel hard and brittle, as though they would break on moving. Arms feel heavy. Cracking in shoulder. Pain in toes, calves, hip-joint, popliteal spaces. Muscles of legs and hips sore. Arthritis, aching pains, worse at night.

8. Lilium Tigrinum [Lil tig]
Pain in back and spine, with trembling, but oftener in front of a pressing-down character. Pricking in fingers. Pain in right arm and hip. Legs ache; cannot keep them still. Pain in ankle joint. Burning palms and soles. Rheumatic arthritis.

9. Nat Mur [Sodium Chloride]
Nat mur is one of the most famous cell salts for digestion, arthritis, and water distribution problems. The key is dryness of the mucus membranes or excessively watery discharges. Emotionally one sees grief and personal isolation. The person is very sensitive; prefers to be alone (for a defense). There may be malnutrition, constipation, anemia, and thin salty watery discharges from the body.
Facial signs are seen in a gelatinous appearance in the lower eyelid border. The hair line is often red and greasy. Large pores are a sign, as well as dandruff, puffy cheeks and a bloated appearance. This biochemic remedy is usually prescribed in 6X potency.