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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Dignosed with Cervical Spondylosis Use Homeopathy

Homeopathy Remedies for Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis is spinal degeneration and deformity of the joint(s) of two or more vertebrae that commonly occurs with aging. Often there is herniation of the pulposus of one or more intervertebral discs and/or formation of osteophytes.
When the space between two adjacent vertebrae narrows, compression of a nerve root emerging from the spinal cord may result in sensory system and motor system disturbances, such as severe pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, back, and/or leg, accompanied by muscular weakness.

1. Cervical spondylosis is caused by chronic degeneration of the cervical spine, the cushions between the neck vertebrae, and joints between the bones of the cervical spine.
2. A previous neck injury can predispose to a person to cervical spondylosis.
3. Carrying loads on your head (for example, carrying a heavy surfboard down the beach to the waves)
4. Professional dancing.
5. Professional gymnastics.
The following methods are used to diagnose arthritis of the neck:
1. mris – particularly useful for viewing the condition of the spinal nerves, mris take pictures from many angles.
2. ct scans provide good views of the encroachment on nervous tissue caused by the remodeling/reshaping of bones.
3. myelogram – this imaging technique enhances the visibility of x-rays. they are especially good for seeing problems located at nerve roots.
do’s & don’ts
1. wheat is better than rice, maida and suji.
2. exposure to cold is avoided.
3. sour things, particularly curd, etc. are strictly prohibited.
can cervical spondylosis be treated?
yes. However, in mild cases, no treatment is required. when treatment is required, it is aimed at relieving pain and preventing permanent spinal cord and nerve root injury. Treatments include neck brace, anti-inflammatory medication, neck traction, bed rest, and cortisone injections. In some cases, surgery is necessary to remove bone and disc tissue.

• Neck or shoulder pain, stiffness of the neck and difficulty turning or bending the neck from side-to-side are also symptoms of cervical spondylosis. the symptoms of cervical spondylosis may get worse with turning, extending, or bending the neck. Pain that shoots down the arm, and numbness, weakness or pains in the arm are also symptoms of cervical spondylosis.
• Numbness or a feeling of weakness in the shoulders or in the arm area.
• Muscles spasm and popping sound near the neck.
• Sometimes the pain moves to head
• Symptoms of cervical spondylosis are caused by imposition on the spinal cord or the nerves as they exit the spine, or both. eck and shoulder pain are the most common symptom.
• A stiff neck is most often one of the very first signs. Neck stiffness tends to grow progressively worse over time
• Radiating pain to the bottom of the skull and/or to the shoulder and down the arm. This radiating pain may seem like a stabbing or a burning or it might present itself as a dull ache.
• Along with pain, cervical spondylosis can be accompanied by parathesias and muscle weakness in the neck, shoulders, arms and hands, and a syndrome called numb,clumsy hands
Cervical Spondylosis symptoms usually refer to various medical symptoms as:
  •  Neck pain (usually worse on arising in the morning), pain in back of head, shoulder blades or down the arms
  •  Neck stiffness, painful and difficult movement of neck
  •  Pins and needles (paraesthesia), arm weakness and clumsiness


The list of complications that have been mentioned in various sources for Cervical Spondylosis includes:   
·         Cervical myelopathy
·         Neck pain
·         Upper motor neuron lesion
·         Dizziness
·         Spondylosis
·         Lower motor neuron lesion
·         Diaphragmatic paralysis
·         Neck stiffness
·         Headache.

Homeopathy Remedies-

1. Cimicifuga. [Cimic]
This remedy is especially adapted to the reflex form of spinal irritation arising from uterine complaints, and where the lumbar region is most affected. There is sensitiveness to pressure on the upper and lower cervical vertebrae; the patient cannot lean back in a chair; pains change about from one part to another. The pressure also sometimes causes nausea, and there is weakness of the lower extremities and aching in the lumbar region. Amenorrhoea may be associated with these symptoms. Sulphur has spinal irritation from suppression of the menstrual flow; jarring causes pain in the spine. Dry heat in spine. 
2. Natrum muriaticum. [Nat-m]
With this remedy there is great sensitiveness between the vertebrae, which is relieved by lying on the back upon something hard, thus giving pressure which relieves. Paralysis from weakness of the spine, morning aggravation, vision clouded, restlessness and debility. Pulsatilla. Body feels stiff, small of back feels as if tightly bandaged, joints weak. Lathyrus sativus pictures lateral sclerosis and spastic paraplegic conditions with excessively exaggerated reflexes. No pain, but motor paralysis of the lower extremities, absence of atrophy. The writer has had remarkable success with this remedy in the 3rd potency and also the 30th and Boyd reports a cure of a typical spastic paralysis with it.
3. Physostigma. [Phys]
This drug pictures spinal irritation; it has burning, twinging sensations referable to the spine; every nerve seems irritated; numbness of the feet and hands; crampy pains; muscles of the back rigid, and like Sulphur, pains is caused by pressure between the vertebrae. Theridion. Pain in spine; has to sit sideways to avoid pressure.
4. Agaricus Muscaris [Agar]
Tingling and burning in the spine as if frost bitten are symptoms characteristic of this remedy, and no less so are the muscular twitchings in various parts of the body, especially of the eyelids. The sensations are described as resembling needles of ice thrust into the skin. There are fugitive pains along the spinal nerve; in fact, all the symptoms of the drug in the nervous sphere point to spinal irritation. Sensitiveness of spine to touch; lumbago; worse walking in open air.
5. Zincum Metallicum [Zinc]
This remedy has an irritable spine; there is aching, especially at the last dorsal vertebrae; worse from sitting rather than from walking. Burning along the spine, with trembling of the limbs. Zincum valerianate. Spinal irritation from reflex causes. Sepia has pain at the last dorsal vertebrae, but not the same aggravation. Phosphorus. Spine sensitive to touch; weakness of spine; limbs weak; patient stumbles. Progressive muscular atrophy. Tellurium. Great pain and sensitiveness of the spine.  Spinal irritation, with great sensitiveness of the spine in the dorsal region. The last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae are sensitive to pressure.
6. Cocculus Indicus [Cocc]
Paralytic aching in the small of the back; empty gone feelings in the abdomen; stiffness of neck; headaches; sleeplessness and hyperaesthesia of all the senses; frequent giddiness; trembling of limbs; tenderness of spine. Secale. Tenderness over the spinous processes. Argentum nitricum has been used with marked benefit in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
7. Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
Spinal irritation from sexual excesses; sudden loss of power in the legs in the morning; hands and feet go to sleep easily; stiffness in knees; numbness and formication in spine and in extremities. Spinal irritation and backache from sexual excesses. Staphisagria. Spinal irritation reflex from sexual causes. Strychnia phosphorica. Aching and tenderness along the spine; tired bruised feeling of extremities. Tarentula. Anaemia of spine, with spasmodic pains; there are contractions;; chilliness, with a sensation of burning all over the body and convulsive movements. Ignatia. Spinal irritation, with hysteria, headache and weight at back of head. Kali carbonicum. Spinal irritation ; pressure in small of back as of a heavy weight; burning in spine, with bearing down in uterine region. Backache worse when walking. Oxalic acid pictures spinal irritation, pains at the roots of the spinal nerves, pains in spots, hyperaesthesia.
8. Gelsemium [Gels]
Gelsemium. Stiffness in neck and nape, with weariness and depression. Deep seated muscular pains, numb feeling as if feet were going to sleep. Hypericum. Spinal affections from injury; parts tend to atrophy, pains, spasms.

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