
Monday, August 3, 2015

Homeopathy for white discharge problem ( Leucorrhoea)

Homeopathy for white discharge problem ( Leucorrhoea)

White discharges are cloudy secretions from the female reproductive tract especially from the vagina or cervix or both. Leucorrhoea is a medical term for white discharges which is an excessive secretion of the vagina. It is very common in females nowadays, i.e. more than 30 per cent of girls suffer from leucorrhoea and feel discomfort and pain. It may be mild to severe, and varies from person to person.
Physiological leucorrhoea - is an excessive discharge or secretions of a normal vagina. They are slimy in nature. They occur commonly in teenage girls due to hormonal imbalance during puberty, at the time of ovulation period of the menstrual cycle, before periods, etc. In case of adults, in addition to the ovulation time and before periods, it occurs also during early days of pregnancy and during sexual excitement. It is just like the mouth watering at the sight of delicious eatables. Here only the amount of secretion is increased and all the other nature of secretion is the same. Also, you cannot notice any leucocytes, pus cells, bacteria or blood. This type of leucorrhoea also occurs in newborn female babies for a week or two which is due to the oestrogen hormone in the blood of the baby which had entered through her mother?s placenta before delivery. If it is a male newborn, it has prominent nipples for some time due to the presence of the same estrogen hormone.
By physiological I mean that it is a natural discharge produced by the female body due to some metabolic, hormonal or other changes within the body itself. This is normally seen in females who are in their child-bearing period.
1. It occurs normally at the time of puberty in girls due to hormonal changes.

2. White discharge occurs during the phase of ovulation in the menstrual cycle of most women.

3. Pregnancy is another condition in which leucorrhoea is quite common.

4. A woman's body naturally releases vaginal fluid during sexual excitement.

5. Sometimes this discharge may be seen in newborns for about a week. This occurs under the influence of maternal oestrogen.

6. Emotional stress can trigger this white secretion.

In physiological leucorrhoea the discharge is normally sticky, whitish but not offensive or foul smelling. It has a similar appearance and consistency as that of a nasal discharge. It may just dampen the underwear and does not normally stain. There might be a feeling of weakness and fatigue but there is no burning or redness.

Pathological leucorrhoea - is a discharge occurring due to disease or malfunction of the female reproductive tract. It is the alarming sign for requirement of cleanliness and treatment. If you ignore this alarm, the infection will go inside to rob your uterus or fertility. The nature of discharge varies from slimy to thick bloody discharge with foul odour. This condition is commonly present both in case of vaginitis or cervicitis.
Pathological Leucorrhoea

This type of white discharge occurs when there is an infection present. Women are especially susceptible to acquiring infections in this area as the openings for the urinary tract, vagina and anus are all located very close to each other and this area tends to remain moist and covered most of the time.
Infection of this area can be caused a number of organisms like bacteria, fungus, parasites etc… The most common infections are Candidiasis and Trichomoniasis.


This is a fungal infection caused by Candida albicans. The vaginal area in normal conditions has flora, which consists of yeast and bacteria. These keep the growth of each other under control and a balance is maintained. However if due to some reason the balance is disturbed and the yeast allowed to multiply then the female suffers from candidiasis. This imbalance can be caused by pregnancy, usage of oral contraceptive pills, repeated antibiotics, conditions like diabetes. Also if the person's immunity is low due to stress or illness then it makes her more susceptible to this infection. Wearing synthetic underwear can cause an increase in vaginal moisture making the person more prone to getting candidiasis. This infection is not normally transmitted sexually.

Here the discharge appears more curd like, thick, whitish in colour. There is an inflammation of the labia and vulva and it may appear swollen and red. The area becomes very sensitive and intercourse can be very painful. Itching can be moderate to severe causing discomfort.


This infection is caused by a parasite known as Trichomonas vaginalis. Trichomoniasis can be transmitted either sexually or by poor hygienic habits. Both males and females suffer from this infection and hence can be transmitted from one to the other during sexual intercourse.
It can also be spread by using someone else's clothing or washing towels, bathing suits, under garments all together.

Here the discharge is more yellowish white in colour and has a distinct odour. The smell can be offensive and cause embarrassment. There may be a foamy consistency of the discharge. Even in this infection there will be redness and itching especially in and around the vagina.
Sometimes however the person carrying the infection may have no visible symptoms of it.

Pathological leucorrhoea can also be caused by threadworms and other sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea. Weak anaemic women or those who have just given birth are more prone to developing inflammation of the pelvic organs and leucorrhoea.
In some cases, the accompanying symptoms are:
1.Lower abdominal pain
2.Painful sexual act
3.Backache and pain in the leg, especially thigh and calf muscles
4.Intense itching with odema of vagina
5.Soreness and burning in the genital tract
6.Burning urination and frequent urge to pass very little urine
7.Irritability and lack of concentration in work due to consciousness of discharges
8.Digestive disturbances like constipation or diarrhoea or vomiting
9.General tiredness due to loss of vital fluids as discharges
Normal physiological white discharge occurs during the child bearing age in any females life and does not cause problems. It is the pathological leucorrhoea that we need to prevent.
The most effective way of preventing these infections is by taking care of your immunity. Keep yourself both mentally and physically fit and find ways to deal with your stress like exercise, yoga, meditation etc…In this way you will build up your resistance to catching infections.
Avoid repeated use of antibiotics, this not only kills the harmful bacteria but also the natural bacteria present in the vaginal region causing the yeast to multiply. Also bacteria become resistant to the antibiotic, which loses its effectiveness.
Maintain a high level of hygiene. Always change your underwear daily and wash yourself properly after using the toilet. Clean yourself from front to back and not the other way round as the anal region contains infective material. Use toilet paper if possible to dry yourself so that no moisture remains.
Teach your child the importance of hand washing and cleaning the area after passing stool or urine.
If someone is suffering from a vaginal or other related infection wash the clothes and keep the towel separate.
If you are having sexual intercourse with someone who may have the infection ask him to use a condom. It helps in preventing sexually transmitted diseases.

Homeopathy Remedies-
1. Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]
Indicated by its general symptoms and these are always the more important in this affection. More prominent of these are morning hunger, acidity of the stomach, cold and damp feet. It corresponds especially to scrofulous persons with enlarged cervical glands. The leucorrhoea is profuse, milky, persistent or yellow and accompanied by itching and burning. It suits leucorrhoea in infants and young girls often recurring before puberty, leucorrhoea before menses or in recurring attacks between the menses. Calcarea phosphorica is a fine remedy in the scrofulous diathesis; it has a profuse milky bland leucorrhoea. Sulphur is another remedy suitable to scrofulous subjects; it has a leucorrhoea which makes the parts sore. It is rather indicated by the general than the local symptoms. Caulophyllum has leucorrhoea in little girls which is very profuse and weakens the child very much.

2. Pulsatilla [Puls]
Pulsatilla produces a cures a milky leucorrhoea which becomes watery, acrid and burning from being retained in the vagina. It is a mucous, thick, creamy, white leucorrhoea sometimes replacing menses, with chilliness, disposition to lie down and lowness of spirits. It corresponds to a disposition to leucorrhoea and suits leucorrhoea in chlorotic subjects. In anaemic sallow patient with much prostration and general debility, worse from slight colds and exertion, it is a most useful remedy.

3. Sepia [Sep]
Cures a leucorrhoea which is yellowish green color, somewhat offensive and often excoriating, due to pelvic congestion of a passive type. It is milky, worse before menses with bearing down; there are pains in the abdomen and pruritus. The patient has a sallow, pimply face, and it is most suitable to those of dark complexion who are feeble and debilitated and who have a sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach. It leads all other remedies in leucorrhoea of little girls, though Mercurius pro-iodide should not be forgotten if the discharge be yellow.
This is an excellent remedy in cases of problems relating to the female genital tract. There is a peculiar sensation that the Sepia patient experiences, she feels as if all the pelvic organs will escape through the vulva. This bearing down sensation is so apparent that she has to cross her legs and sit in order to feel comfortable.
In Sepia the discharge is greenish yellow in colour. There is a lot of soreness, redness of the labia and the surrounding areas. The patient has no desire for intercourse which is painful.
Sepia should also be thought of in cases of white discharge in young girls. Here the discharge is whitish, lumpy curd like in nature.

4. Lilium tigrinum [Lil Tig]
Lilium tigrinum  has an excoriating, watery, yellowish or yellowish brown leucorrhoea, which is profuse and is accompanied by a depression of spirits and bearing down in pelvic region. Hydrastis suits a tenacious,thick, ropy leucorrhoea with erosion of the cervix; a mucous leucorrhoea which is profuse and debilitating corresponds to Hydrastis.

5. Kreasote. [Kreos]
Few medicines have the same power in leucorrhoea as Kreasote. It cures a profuse watery, sometimes a yellowish leucorrhoea. The acridity is marked; it causes excoriating of the parts which come in contact with it, causes soreness and smarting and red spots and itching on the vulva, always with great debility; leucorrhoea preceding menses. It is so acrid that it causes the pudenda and thighs to swell and itch .

6. Borax [Bor]
Borax suits a clear, copious and albuminous leucorrhoea having an unnatural heat to it. Leucorrhoea midway between menses with great nervousness, white as starch, perfectly bland without pain. Graphites cures a leucorrhoea associated with pains in the lower abdomen and weakness of back in pale young girls. It is profuse, very thin, white mucus, occurs in gushes; the menses are delayed, scanty and pale. Leucorrhoea more profuse in morning when rising especially indicates Graphites.
When the discharge appears like the white portion of an egg think of this remedy. The leucorrhoea is pasty in consistency and feels hot. She says that there is a sensation as if warm water was flowing.
There is severe itching of the vulva, which causes a lot of discomfort. In Borax the symptoms normally come on or are worse either before or after the period. The desire for sexual intercourse is greatly reduced.
Borax is also an excellent remedy in cases of membranous dysmenorrhoea.

7. Alumina. [Alum]
Leucorrhoea in chlorotic girls which is transparent or of yellow mucus, which is very profuse and ropy, and greatly exhausting, as it is very rich in albumen. It occurs chiefly in the daytime; the great profuseness is its characteristic. It is apt to be acrid.
Here the discharge is acrid, so profuse that the person feels as if it will run down to the feet. Leucorrhoea is transparent in colour, ropy in consistency. There is lot of burning in the genital area due to the corrosive nature of the discharge.
The affected areas are inflamed and so painful that even walking becomes difficult. The patient will complaint of a constant desire to itch the area.
All these symptoms are worse during the daytime and after her period. The only thing that gives relief is washing the genital area with cold water.

8. Mercurius. [Merc]
Acrid excoriating leucorrhoea smarting and burning, swelling of external genital organs. Purulent greenish yellow leucorrhoea worse at night; heat, tenderness and pain involving nabothian glands, form good indication for Mercurius. Scrofulous and syphilitic subjects with yellow and thick leucorrhoea also indicate the remedy.

9. Belladonna
Belladona corresponds to recent or acute attacks of leucorrhoea dependent upon pelvic inflammation and congestion; oftentimes bearing down in pelvis. Thin, odorless, bland leucorrhoea. Sensitive cervix and bearing down pains. Stannum. Profuse bland leucorrhoea, yellowish, with great debility, backache; patients are weakened and sallow.

10. Arsenicum. [Ars]
Leucorrohoea from exhausting diseases; cancer, etc. It is best suited to weak persons, old women, especially the chronic form with much weakness; the discharge is acrid, corrosive and yellow

11. Graphites is one of the most effective remedies in treating cases of leucorrhoea. Here the discharge is pale, white, thin in nature. It is excoriating and acrid. Sometimes this discharge comes instead of the actual period. The discharge comes in gushes day and night. All these symptoms are aggravated either before of after the menses. The patient also complains of backache along with this discharge.
Graphites is also useful in cases of skin problems like eczema of the vulva and herpetic eruptions in this area.