
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Homeopathy for Endometriosis

 Homeopathy for Endometriosis

A condition in which functional endometrial tissue is present outside the UTERUS. It is often confined to the PELVIS involving the OVARY, the ligaments, cul-de-sac, and the uterovesical peritoneum. Endometriosis is a difficult condition to diagnose, often starting with no symptoms or only mild symptoms.
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Endometriosis includes:
No symptoms - many cases cause no symptoms

Menstrual symptoms
·         Period pain - but severity may be mild in some people or severe in others
·         Heavy periods
·         Excessive menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea)
·         Pain after sexual activity (dyspareunia)
·         Severe pelvic pain - note that pain is a poor indicator of disease severity
·         Pelvic pain between periods
·         Abnormal vaginal bleeding
·         Bleeding between periods
·         Intestinal pain - less common
·         Lower back pain
·         Leg pain
·         Fertility issues:
·         Infertility
·         Subfertility
·         Anovulation

Digestive symptoms - can occur in some cases
·         Diarrhea
·         Constipation
·         Painful defecation
·         Rectal pain
·         Abdominal bloating
·         Pain with flatulence
The list of complications that have been mentioned in various sources for Endometriosis includes:
·         Internal scarring
·         Adhesions
·         Pelvic cysts
·         Chocolate cysts
·         Ruptured cyst
·         Infertility - occurs in about 30-40% of cases.
1. Vitex agnus-castus is also known as Chasteberry
Chasteberry and is a useful hormone-balancing herb. Recent studies have shown that compounds in Vitex are effective in adjusting female hormones that are out of balance and regulating menstruation. Vitex has also been proven to be effective in the treatment of endometriosis, PMS and dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). Chasteberry helps the liver to process and excrete estrogen which is important for women with endometriosis as excess estrogen in the system has been linked to the development of this condition.

2. Angelica senensis [Angelica]
Angelica senensis acts as a hormone balancer and is an indispensable herb for treatment of female reproductive disorders. A very highly regarded medicinal herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Don Quai acts as a tonic herb for the reproductive system and will address the overall health of your reproductive organs. It is especially useful in treatment of irregular periods, polycystic ovarian syndrome, estrogen dominance and endometriosis. Don Quai is also a well-known liver tonic and blood pressure regulator.

3. Silybum marianus [Silybum]
This herb has been used since ancient times for treating a wide variety of ailments, but is particularly effective in the treatment of liver problems. Studies suggest that this herb protects the liver from damage by viruses, pollution, stress and toxins. Milk Thistle is a potent antioxidant and laboratory studies indicate it may have useful anti-cancer properties.

4. Dioscorea villosa [Dios]
Dioscorea is an excellent natural liver and nervous system tonic. It is also known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties and will decrease menstrual pain as well as inflammation associated with endometriosis that leads to scar tissue.

5. Viburnum opulus [Vib Op]
Viburnum opulus  is a homeopathic remedy known for its effectiveness in treating painful menstruation, especially backache.

6. Natrum Muriaticum [Nat mur]
In Natrum mur menses are  irregular; usually profuse. Vagina is dry with acrid and watery leucorrhea. Bearing-down pains; worse in morning  with cutting in urethra. Suppressed menses  Hot during menses.

7. Sepia officinalis [Sep]
In sepia Pelvic organs are relaxed. Bearing-down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva must cross limbs to prevent protrusion, or press against vulva. Menses Too
late and scanty, irregular; early and profuse; sharp clutching pains. Violent stitches upward in the vagina, from uterus to umbilicus.

8. Pulsatilla [Puls]
Puls is one of the chief remedies for suppressed menses from wet feet, nervous debility, or chlorosis. Tardy menses. Too late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable, intermittent. Menses painful and flow intermits. Leucorrh?a acrid, burning, creamy. Pain in back; tired feeling.