
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Irregular Menstrual Disorder Gets Regular with Homoepathy

Menstrual irregularities and homeopathy

A menstrual disorder is an irregular condition in a woman's menstrual cycle.
Menstrual disorders consists of following disorders:
·         Oligoovulation- Infrequent or irregular ovulation (usually defined as cycles of >/=36 days or <8 cycles a year) is called Oligoovulation.
·         Anovulatio- Anovulation is absence of ovulation when it would be normally expected (in a post-menarchal, premenopausal woman). Anovulation usually manifests itself as irregularity of menstrual periods, that is, unpredictable variability of intervals, duration, or bleeding. Anovulation can also cause cessation of periods (secondary amenorrhea) or excessive bleeding (dysfunctional uterine bleeding).
·         Polymenorrhea-Polymenorrhea is the medical term for cycles with intervals of 21 days or fewer.
·         Oligomenorrhea -Oligomenorrhea is the medical term for infrequent or light menstrual periods (frequency exceeding 35 days).
·         Dysmenorrhea-Dysmenorrhea (or dysmenorrhoea), cramps or painful menstruation, involves menstrual periods that are accompanied by either sharp, intermittent pain or dull, aching pain, usually in the pelvis or lower abdomen.
·         Amenorrhea -Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. Physiologic states of amenorrhoea are seen during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding). Outside of the reproductive years there is absence of menses during childhood and after menopause.
·         Menorrhagia- Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period. Causes may be due to abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods or disorders of the endometrial lining of the womb. Depending upon the cause, it may be associated with abnormally painful periods (dysmenorrhoea).

Related Problems

·         Premenstrual syndrome(PMS)
·         Stress and anxiety
·         Pelvic inflammatory disease
·         Adenomyosis
·         History of sexual or physical abuse
·         Fibroids
·         Ovarian cysts
·         Endometriosis

What causes irregular menses?
Every woman will experience an irregular period from time-to-time, and though, in most cases, they aren’t dangerous, it’s important to figure out the reason for the irregularity. Here are a few common causes stating why you may be experiencing an abnormal flow.
Hormonal Irregularities:
Despite the fact that many hormones play a part in menstruation, progesterone and estrogen are the leading causes.
Estrogen –> thickens the uterine lining before ovulation –> levels of estrogen constantly change, the uterine lining is often shed irregularly and this is one of the causes of irregular periods.
Progesterone –> responsible for triggering the shed of the uterine contents after ovulation when fertilization hasn’t occurred.
Progesterone –> also controls the intensity and duration of menstrual bleeding.
Any irregularity in the production of the above hormones leads to irregular menses.
When pregnant, the female body produces different levels of hormones that cause menstruation to stop. In some cases, however, women will experience lighter-than-normal flows or late periods before menstruation ends altogether.
Stress is the most common cause of irregular periods. Cortisol, the stress hormone, has a direct impact on how much estrogen and progesterone, is produced by the body. Too much cortisol in your bloodstream, will cause the time and flow of your cycle to change.

Another common reason is the food you eat. If you eat a diet that’s rich in unhealthy carbohydrates or if you’ve gained weight, your body will produce varying levels of certain hormones, shifting your ovulatory date. The same goes for women as they lose weight.

Birth control pills:
It can take several months for your body to get used to the dose of hormones birth control pills deliver.
Drinking too much alcohol:
The liver helps regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle by metabolizing estrogen and progesterone. Excessive drinking can cause damage to the liver and may interfere with how well it metabolizes both period-normalizing hormones.
Polycystic ovary syndrome:
A fairly common complication, this condition causes cysts to form on the ovaries, interfering with regular ovulation. Other symptoms of the condition include hair growth, weight gain, dandruff and infertility. Complications include endometriosis, ovarian cancer and heart disease.
As with pregnancy, this time of life happens when hormone levels in the body begin to shift. The production of both estrogen and progesterone begins to decrease prior to menopause, thus making periods irregular. Irregular periods can start as early as 10 years before menopause sets in (usually when a woman is in her late 40s or early 50s).
Taking medications:
If you were recently sick and had to take medication, your period may show up a day or two late. That’s largely because most medications interfere with the way your body produces oestrogen and progesterone.
Gynaecological problems:
In cases like uterine fibroids and polyps, there is severe prolonged bleeding.

The investigations that are usually done to determine the causes of irregular menses are as follows:
  • Free T3 , Free T4, TSH
  • Serum Prolactin
  • Serum Testosterone – Free & Total
  • DHT
  • FSH
  • Serum Insulin – Fasting & Post Prandial
  • CBC
  • USG – Pelvis

Most cases of irregular menses are often associated with a psychosomatic cause and Homoeopathy helps in treating such causes and removing them from the root level. The stress levels for every woman are so high that, in turn it leads to the hormonal imbalance thus causing irregularities in their menstrual cycles. There have been many researches made with regards to menstrual complaints and homoeopathy and it is a well proven fact that homoeopathy is highly suggested in treating menstrual irregularities.
Irregular menses treated in the conventional method is usually with the help of hormonal supplements etc which have a temporary effect as long as the medicines are being taken. Homoeopathy helps in targeting the root cause of the problem and thereby treats the causes for menstrual irregularities from within. The main aim and objective of Homoeopathy has been to treat a person individually and relieve her of her symptoms from within.
Since it is known that the root cause of all menstrual irregularities is the disturbed hormonal functioning of the body, it can be easily perceived that this constitutional disorder will require a constitutional approach towards its correction and eventually cure.
The homoeopathic treatment for irregular menses is based on an extensive case study of the patient with regards to her characteristic symptoms, genetic predisposition, and her mental state. The total time taken for the treatment differs from person to person depending on the duration, intensity and frequency of the suffering, maintaining causes, susceptibility and general health of the patient.
Whatever is a core emotional issue for you tends to worsen around your period or during hormonal changes. For example, if you have occasional feelings of low self -confidence and depression or carry around resentment or anger, you may notice them heightening around the times of your hormonal changes. Your hormones may be intensifying these feelings during these times. Homeopathy not only addresses the imbalance of your hormones, but heals the underlying mental or emotional pain that you may be harboring underneath. This phenomenal system creates a sense of equilibrium by healing on a deep level, rather than just treating or suppressing outward symptoms. With the correct homeopathic remedy, the body and mind will regain the vitality and balance it once had without the use of chemicals or guesswork on our systems. Homoeopathic medicines act at the root level and thus bring back deviations of hormonal system back to normalcy and in many cases abolish the need for conventional hormonal supplements, thereby avoiding their side-effects.
It is therefore advisable to choose Homoeopathy for treating your menstrual irregularities, because it treats the illness from within and removes it at its root level with a long term relief and without any side effects.

1.Pulsatilla. [Puls]
Pulsatilla is one of the first remedies thought of in affection peculiar to women. Its essentially feminine disposition of gentleness timidity, mildness, docility - "excellent thing in woman" - is most characteristic of the drug; even tearfulness, another feminine attribute, strongly points to Pulsatilla. Then, too, we have fickleness, indecision and changeableness, which are certainly characteristic of Pulsatilla and of some women. On the female organs Pulsatilla exerts a decide action; first let us note its effect on menstruation. It has a scanty menstrual flow with severe griping pains which are very severe at times, so severe that the patient can hardly bear the pain, it doubles her up. Thus, Pulsatilla becomes a useful remedy in dysmenorrhoea. Dark menses which are delayed and accompanied with this severe menstrual colic and the characteristic temperament will be the indications; Chamomilla has dark menses and intolerance of pain, but temperament will distinguish. Aconite is also a useful remedy in dysmenorrhoea, but the discharge is bright red, the patient is plethoric and the whole picture indicates the congestive form which may have a distinct cause back of it, such as getting the feet wet; while Pulsatilla at the same time is rather a lymphatic remedy. The menses of Pulsatilla, besides being scanty, are quite apt to appear too late. There are few combination which might be mentioned here with profit. Thus we have menses as follows:
Late scanty: Pulsatilla, Conium, Dulcamara, Phosphorous and Sulphur Late and profuse: Causticum and Iodine.
Early and scanty: Conium, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorous and Silicea.
Early and profuse: Ammonium carbonicum, Belladonna Calcarea carbonica and Platinum.
This scantiness of the menses as well as the delay in their appearance suggest at once the use of Pulsatilla in amenorrhea, and it is a very useful remedy, but it must be closely indicated, Where the menses flow by fits and starts, and when due to wetting of the feet, it is indicated, as also in delayed first menses in chlorotic girls. It must be distinguished from Dulcamara, which has menstrual suppression from getting the feet wet, but the temperament is not that of Pulsatilla. Then, too, Dulcamara has characteristically an eruption on the face which precedes menstruation; The leucorrhoea of Pulsatilla is chlorotic in nature and is apt to accompany the delayed and scanty menstruation; it is usually thick, creamy or milky, but it may be thin, acrid and associated with swelling of the uvula. A general distinction between Pulsatilla and Sepia is that Pulsatilla is worse during menstruation and Sepia before menstruation. 

2 Sepia [Sep]
Sepia is a remedy acting especially on the female organs and is a most valuable one; it produces in its provings venous congestion, which accounts for many of its symptoms. The general symptoms in a case calling for Sepia are of the utmost importance. Thus we have characteristically the weakness and want of tone, in the whole system, the yellow complexion, the yellow saddle over the nose, the sunken dark-ringed eyes, the relief fro violent motion, due probably to the toning up of the venous system by such, and the amelioration in the middle of the day. These are all ground characteristics of the remedy; when they are present the other symptoms will be found to correspond with the drug most beautifully. The menstruation of Sepia may be of almost any combination, late and scanty being the most frequent. They may be early and scanty or early and profuse - discolorations of the skin attending menstruation are characteristic; the flow is apt to be dark, the menses are preceded by aching in the abdomen and by colicky pains. Amenorrhea in those of distinct Sepia temperament where there is extreme sensitiveness to all impression. The leucorrhoea of Sepia is yellow - green in color and somewhat offensive. It may be milky; it is worse before the menses and is accompanied by bearing down. On the uterus itself Sepia exerts a decided action; the uterus is found to be enlarged and the cervix is indurated. Thus Sepia becomes a useful remedy in displacements, especially prolapse or retroversions. There is irritability of the bladder and leucorrhoea. There is often present a sensation as if the womb were clutched and suddenly released. Bearing down pains are grandly characteristic of Sepia; the patient feels as if everything would protrude from the vulva and this sensation is relieved by sitting with the limbs crossed. There is also with this a severe lumbo-sacral backache. It has great dryness of the vulva and vagina; painful to touch. On the ovaries Sepia produces some action; it is useful for chronic ovaritis, with dull, heavy pains and the general characteristic of the remedy.

3. Lilium tigrinum. [Lil-t]
This remedy, as has been seen, resembles Sepia in one particular, and it has some similarities in others; for instance, it has a similar leucorrhoea and it is similarly used in displacements; still, as we shall see, they diverge considerably. Lilium does not have much effect on menstruation that is characteristic. The leucorrhoea, however, is marked; it is watery, yellow or yellowish-brown and excoriating. The Sepia leucorrhoea is rarely excoriating. Kreosote is the fist remedy to be thought of in acrid excoriating leucorrhoea. There is much nervousness and aimless hurrying with the remedy; the mind and body are weak and patients lack confidence in themselves; restless weakness is characteristic. Lilium is a remedy especially useful in uterine symptoms following pregnancy and labor, when the uterus is heavy, has not regained its normal size nor returned to is normal position; hence there is present this heavy dragging in the hypogastric region. Patient seems impelled to stand or to keep on the go, as sitting or reclining does not relieve this dragging. There is often present with Lilium urging to urinate and urging to stool, a rectal, pelvic and vesical tenesmus, and sexual excitement may also be present. A remedy resembling both Lilium and Sepia in many of its symptoms is Murex; under this drug sexual excitement is very marked and there is a sore spot somewhere in the pelvis, or rather a sensation of one. The symptoms of Lilium are worse in the afternoon. Sepia is better at that time.  

4. Platinum. [Plat]
Leading up to this remedy we always have the mental symptoms, though it is not clear why the mental symptoms are more important in the case of Platinum than with other drugs. The mental symptoms of Platinum are, however, very characteristic and recall the drug at once whenever found; the pride, the haughtiness, the self-esteem, and the belittling of everyone are found accompanying female complaints quite often. Then, too, remember the strange feelings, in which home objects seem unfamiliar; also the melancholy. The menstruation of Platinum is profuse and clotted and occurs too early, with much sensitiveness about the genital organs. There is constant irritation about the sexual organs, both internally and externally. There are often present symptoms of nymphomania. There is always accompanying menstruation much bearing down in the uterine region. The menses of Chamomilla are very similar to those of Platinum, the mental symptoms distinguishing. Platinum is also a remedy for induration and prolapse of the uterus, where there is continual pressure in the groin and back, with sensitiveness of the parts to the touch.

5. Palladium [Pall]
Has a similar symptoms and seems especially to affect the right ovary. In both remedies hysterical symptoms are prominent and further indicate them.

6. Cimicifuga racemosa. [Cimic]
A point Cimicifuga should always be remembered- that is, it has a distinct rheumatic basis, and it will be doubly indicated in those who are rheumatic. The mental condition of gloom and dejection are quite sure to be present. There is an irritable weakness about Cimicifuga and mental symptoms of a sensation as if she would go crazy, and with the uterine symptoms there is much headache. The menstruation of Cimicifuga is premature and profuse, attended with wandering pains in the back; in fact, it is one of our good remedies in dysmenorrhoea, especially rheumatic dysmenorrhoea, with an irritable, sensitive, bruised uterus and pains flying across the hypogastrium from side to side. Displacements of the uterus where there are cutting pains from side to side call for Cimicifuga. Leucorrhoea sometimes finds its remedy in Cimicifuga when the general symptoms of the remedy are present-nervousness, neuralgic pains and hyperaesthesia. The uterus is engorged and the pelvic organs are very sensitive, with a sensation of weight in the uterus. In the ovaries Cimicifuga produces sharp pains, which shoot up the sides and are accompanied with a bearing down sensation. Ovaritis and ovarian neuralgias from rheumatic metastasis call for this remedy. Facial blemishes, acne, rough skin in young girls at menstrual period cause mental unrest and nervousness. Cimicifuga is the remedy for both conditions.

7. Cyclamen [Cycla]
Cyclamen has menses which are profuse, black, membranous, clotted, and early, with labor-like pains from back to pubes. Flow less when moving about. Menstrual irregularities with megrim and blindness, or fiery spots before eyes.

8. Ustilago Maydis [Ustilago]
Ustilago has profuse menstruation. Ovaries burn, pain and swell. Profuse menses after miscarriage; discharge of blood from slightest provocation; bright red; partly clotted. Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black strings.

9. Viburnum Opulus [Vib Op]
Menses too late, scanty, and lasting a few hours, offensive in odor, with crampy pains, cramps extend down thighs. Bearing-down pains before. Ovarian region feels heavy and congested. Aching in sacrum and pubes, with pain in anterior muscles of thighs.

10. Natrum Muriaticum [Nat mur]
Menses irregular; usually profuse. Vagina is dry. Leucorrh?a is acrid, watery. Bearing-down pains; which are worse in morning. Suppressed menses. Caused by ill effects of grief, fright, anger etc?