
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Homeopathy for EATING DISORDERS(Anorexia Nervosa )

Homeopathy for  EATING DISORDERS  

Eating disorders are a group of conditions characterized by abnormal eating habits. These may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake to the detriment of an individual’s physical and emotional health. An eating disorder is not a disease in and of itself. It is always the symptom or consequence of an inner core disease. Therefore it cannot be truly cured from the outside or with superficial treatments; the cure must come from within. And homeopathic treatment does just that. The most commonly witnessed examples of eating disorders are binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa.
Anorexia Nervosa:
Description – a psychological eating disorder wherein the individual refuses to eat adequately, in spite of hunger. He/she eventually loses enough weight to become emaciated. Anorexia Nervosa usually beings with a normal weight-loss diet. The person begins to continually lower his/her food intake and refuses to stop dieting after reasonable weight-loss. This disease most commonly affects female adolescents and young adults.
Causative Factors – clinically unknown. However, all patients suffering from Anorexia Nervosa acquire it while in the midst of fighting internal battles in the form of familial, sexual or emotional conflicts. The risk of the disease increases greatly from peer and societal pressure to be thin. Most patients were at one time in their lives slightly overweight, and have perfectionist, compulsive or overachieving personalities. Psychological stress thus becomes the overarching cause of Anorexia Nervosa.
Signs and Symptoms – loss of at least 25% of body weight without physical illness, high energy levels despite wasting body, intense fear of obesity, depression, appetite loss, constipation, a high intolerance of cold, refusal to maintain a minimum standard weight for age and height, distorted body image, the delusion of being fat even when emaciated, cessation of menstrual periods.
Description – also known as Bulimina, Binge-Eating Syndrome, Binge-Purge Syndrome or Bulimarexia. A psychological eating disorder characterized by abnormal constant craving for food and binge eating, followed by self-induced vomiting or laxative use. Highly damaging to the brain, central nervous system, kidneys, liver, endocrine system and the gastrointestinal tract. Most commonly affects female adolescents or young adults.
Causative Factors – clinically unknown. The disease usually begins during or after stringent dieting and is often caused by stress or insufficient food intake. The risk of the disease is increased in those who previously suffered from Anorexia Nervosa, are dealing with depression or stress, are subject to severe lifestyle changes such as moving or starting at a new school/job or have a neurotic preoccupation with being physically attractive.
Signs and Symptoms – recurrent episodes of binge eating (rapid consumption of a large amount of food in a short time, usually less than 2 hours), plus at least three of the following: preference for high-calorie, convenience foods during a binge, secretive eating during a binge, awareness of abnormal eating patterns and fear of not being able to stop eating, termination of an eating binge with purging measures, such as laxative use or self-induced vomiting, depression and guilt following an eating binge, repeated attempts to lose weight with severely restrictive diets, frequent weight fluctuations greater than 10lbs from alternately fasting and gorging, no underlying physical disorder.
Eating disorders can be very deep seated. Sometimes the source of the eating disorder begins at birth or early childhood. Therefore, healing these deep cases may take some time. Although patients will see some response fairly early in treatment, monthly follow-ups are necessary for a period of time to monitor the state of the patient and ensure long term healing.

                                                 Homeopathy remedies  IN CASES OF EATING DISORDERS 

                          LIQUID  DILUTIONS
Acts as a fat Producer corrects tissue waste. Disorders characterized by malnutrition are mainly within its therapeutic range, for example, neurasthenia, splanchnic blues, nervousness, insomnia, nervous indigestion, etc. Appetite impaired, but chiefly increased even to bulimia. He must eat frequently, so that he cannot wait for regular meals; hungry in forenoon. (B).
Has a selective action on brain and nervous system , favorably influencing their nutritive function. Best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases . (B).
Hepatic torpor, lassitude and other evidences of incomplete metamorphosis; stimulates all glands and improves nutrition. (B).
Its chief action is centered in the vegetative sphere, impaired nutrition being the keytone of its action, the glands, skin, and bones, begging instrumental in the changes wrought. Loss of appetite when overworked.(B).
Calc. phos. corresponds to defective nutrition , whether of childhood, puberty, or of old age.(C).
Bulimia .Hunger immediately after nursing.(B).
Wasting of the body ,also with hectic fever, anorexia, constipation.(C).
Anorexia. The condor plant was introduced into medicines as a cancer remedy by Dr. Bliss, of Washington. (C) Stimulates the digestive functions and thus improves the general health.(B).
That iron is what may be called a ‘nutritive’ remedy in certain defective blood conditions, having an organopathic relation to the blood, I have no doubt. in the anemia of cancer and syphilis it is often of great service as an accessory, and need not interfere with more specific  remedies .But it is not suited to all cases of anemia and choruses, or even to a majority of them, and should never be given without discrimination and careful watching.(C).
Bulimia, cannot be satisfied thirst not market. Eructation of flatus and food with acidity sensation of fermentation, or of a noise or movement like purring of a cat in region of stomach. (C).
Acts as a tonic increasing appetite.(B).
Anorexia with uneasy feeling at scrobiculum at time of menses. (B).
Anorexia then strong appetite aversion to tobacco- smoking . Eructation frequent; acid .Loathing of food.(C).
Children who from time of birth can swallow solids with ease , yet choke every time they try to drink, thirst intense with dry mouth .Appetite- Anorexia, foul breath, white tongue, involving edges as well as dorsum and not necessarily furred; great languor; violent headache; loathing vomiturition or vomiting of mucus ; saltiest taste in mouth.(C).
Bulimia; hunger disappears by drinking water. Fatty or rich food causes indigestion.(B).
Violent oscillation of symptoms- ravenous hunger to anorexia . All favor the production of intestinal parasites and all are therefore anthelmintic. Excessive indulgence in smoke meats and fish is very injurious to the health.(C).
Lecithin has a favorable influence upon the nutritive condition and especially upon the blood hence its use in anemia and convalescence, neurasthenia and insomnia. Increasing the number of red corpuscles and amount of hemoglobin.(B).
Bulimia , with much bloating .After eating ,pressure in stomach, with bitter taste in mouth. Eating ever so little creates fullness.(B).
Bulimia, Hunger with speedy satiety. Anorexia . Uneasiness during digestion, after almost every kind of food, however  little may have been eaten .Repugnance to meat and fat, also to hot and cooked ailments; egg. by eating cabbage .After a meal; obscuration and vertigo; nausea; heaviness and pressure at stomach ; sleep; or colic, with eructation; or sour risings, congestion in head, cramp in chest & c.(C).
Phos; profoundly affects the nutrition and function of every tissue, notably the hardest (bone) and the softest (nerve and blood). (C).
Anorexia .Appetite , without hunger , 4 a.m. in bed. During the anorexia, longing for boiled milk. Repugnance to tobacco (in the case of one habituated to its use). (C).
Anorexia , with dislike to food and drink. Risings, with taste of food; empty.(C).
Anorexia in palate and throat with empty feeling at stomach, and at same time ravenous hunger, which goes off after sitting for some time. Anorexia with repugnance to all food, esp. bread, meat, coffee, and wine. Want of appetite with unquenchable thirst.(C).
Alternating; canine appetite and disgust for meat and sour thing; thirstlessness and bulimia with aversion to food. Gastric symptoms egg. morning.(C).
General and sexual debility. Promotes nutrition and tissue building.(B).
Anorexia in morning (with white-coated tongue).Hunger at night. Dislike to salt things, Frequent desire for brandy.(C).
SENEGA in. morning. Gnawing hunger, with sensation of emptiness in stomach. Metallic taste in mouth, or taste of urine. (C).
Too salt taste of food . Adipose or excessive thirst, and in evening, sometimes with anorexia.Putrid or sour taste . Bulimia with sensation of emptiness in stomach.(C).
Constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition due to lack of assimilating power; oversensitive physically and mentally. Ravenous hunger; morning; evening; with collection of water in mouth,-Is very hungry; eats as usual , and then complains that everything seems to be u in the throat. Loss of taste .(C).
Complete anorexia and dislike to food, principally to meat, rye bread , fat, and milk . Dislike to sweet and acid things, or craving for such things, with anorexia. Taste bitter or too salt or insipidity of food.(C).
                        HOMEOBUZZ   MAY 2014          Compiled by:
                                                                                                           DR. Guneet  Walia