
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Homeopathy Medicines for Weight loss & Fat reduction ( publish in Spanish Homeopathy magazine “Revista Homeopatica De Salud” in June July 2014)



my this Article publish in Spanish Homeopathy magazine “Revista Homeopatica De Salud” in June July 2014

Obesity should not be taken lightly. Obesity means you are 20% or more above the recommended weight for your sex, age, height and bone structure. Extra pounds beneath the 20% mark simply mean you are over-weight.

Obesity can occur both in male and female at any age. However, it is more common in female.
Some of the following factors may contribute to the development of obesity:
1. It is common in those who take excess of food with little physical work or exercise.
2. Excessive eating habits is also one of the factors.
3. Obesity is rarely seen amongst active persons and it is more common in those with
sedentary habits.

1. Obesity reduces the life expectancy.
2. Obesity produces the following physical disabilities:
a. Abdominal Hernias
b. Varicose Veins
c. Flat Feet
d. Bronchitis
e. Osteoarthritis of Knee, Hips and Lumber Spine
3. Due to poor reflexes, liable to fall down on slippery floors.
4. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
It leads to greater wear and tear of the entire vascular system and consequently it doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke. It may also cause damage to kidneys.
5. It also produces metabolic disorders such as:
a. Gout
b. Cholesterol in Arteries
c. Stone in Gall Bladder
d. Diabetes Mellitus
It is needless to add that 'Excess Weight' (Obesity) is linked to a higher risk of heart diseases and therefore it increases the overall risk of death particularly to persons with Diabetes or Cardiovascular disease.

It is estimated that an active person will burn about 12-13 calories a day per pound of body weight. Therefore, a person having weight 140 pounds will need roughly 1700-1800 calories a day to maintain that weight, and less to reduce it. This can be used as a guideline for planning weight loss programme, by reducing calorie intake.

It is already stated that obesity is caused by intake of excess calorie and furthermore the lack of physical work or exercise is also one of the contributory factors. Thus, reducing weight means one has to reduce calorie intake by reducing his high-calorie diet. It may therefore be suggested to an obese adult to stick to his daily diet providing 1300 kcal (calorie) which may help in reducing about 0.5 - 1 Kg. a week. The reducing diets should contain adequate amounts of Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals. Once the body weight comes to the standard level according to the height, the weight maintenance diets (adequate in Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals) should be taken to keep weight constant i.e. between 1700-1800 kcal (calories). Therefore, daily diet should contain balanced amount of cereals, pulses, green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, roots and tubers, fruits, milk, fats and oils, sugar and jaggery, groundnut (roasted); meat /fish /eggs (to be excluded by vegetarian).

1. You may not eat or drink the following:
a. Bacon, Fatty Meats, Sausages
b. Beer, Liquor, Wines
c. Butter, Margarines
d. Cakes, Cookies, Crackers, Doughnuts, Pastries, Pies
e. Candy, Chocolates, Nuts
f. Creams - Sweet and Sour, Cream, Cheese, Non-Dairy Cream
g. French Fried Potatoes, Potato Chips
h. Pizza, Popcorn, Snack Foods
i. Gelatin Desserts, Puddings (Sugar-Sweetened)
j. Gravies and Sauces
k. Honey, Jams, Jellies, Sugar and Syrup
l. Ice Cream, Ices, Ice Milk, Sherbets
m. Milk Whole
n. Muffins, Pan Cakes, Waffles
o. Olives
p. Soda (Sugar-Sweetened)
q. Yoghurt (Fruit-Flavoured)
2. Buy a reliable scale to weight yourself and a kitchen scale to weight your food.
3. Set a long term weight loss aim.
4. Cut down on salt.
5. Eat from a small plate.
6. Do not skip meals - else being hungry you will overeat at the next meal
7. Do not eat while you are out.
8. Weigh yourself quite often.
9. Do not be tempted by prohibited foods.
10. Do not eat while reading, watching TV, Video or games etc.
11. Keep tempting foods out of sight.
12. Try to relax.
13. Control your urge to eat.
14. Control the amount you eat.
15. Do not finish everything on your plate.
16. Eat little at dinner.
17. Shop only after eating.
18. Eat in the same place invariably.
19. Chew your food completely, never gulp it.
20. When you are angry, drink water.
21. Do not eat between meals except raw carrots.
22. Remove skin or visible fat from meat.
23. Do not use butter or sauce on vegetables.
24. Drink 7-8 glasses of water a day.
25. Do not eat fried foods.
26. Walk after night meal.
27. Be vegetarian to lose weight.
28. Use skim milk instead of cow or buffalo milk.
29. Walk daily in the morning.
30. Avoid foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol.

As a matter of fact, the Author of this article (Dr. Sayeed Ahmad) was also one of the victims of obesity. Control over diets, doing daily light exercise and taking of Homoeopathic Medicines greatly helped him to win over this problem. A few years ago, his weight was 84 Kgs with an height of 5 feet 6 inches and consequently he was obese and over-weight and presently his weight is about 64 Kgs and only due to his own homoeopathic treatment he could reduce about twenty Kgs and he is now fit and fine.

Fat patients with weak heart. For women who are tired and weary and take cold easily and lead a sedentary life. Dry coryza and stoppage of the nose, chiefly at night, with danger of suffocation. With long continued coryza, can only breathe through the mouth. Women with premature and too copious menses, with emission of black and acrid blood. Sadness, with disposition to weep. Timidity of character. Disgust with life. Heedlessness. Great absence of mind and weakness of memory. Vertigo, on reading in a sitting posture. Chilly patient with great sensitiveness to cold open air, <> by warmth.

In case the body is fat and legs are thin. With large buttocks. Full of grief, but cannot weep. Irritability and disposition to be angry.Very severe ulcerative pain in the heel, > by rubbing. The feet get very cold in the evening in bed.

Children and young person with tendency to grow fat with coated moist white tongue. The subject needing this remedy may belch a great deal, and the eructations may taste of the ingesta. Bloating after eating. <> From heat is the most important modality.

Its chief fame has been gained by its action on the liver, and in the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Sensitiveness to cold air; great liability to take cold. Sweats more easily. > In open air; on motion. The breath smells offensive, the tongue is white and feels furry. The patient is self-satisfied, very talkative and uncommondly good-humoured. Discouraged and anxious about domestic duties. Absent-minded; heedless; forgets names.

One of the great fat reducers. May be alternated with Phytoline. Both remedies should be used in mother tincture.

Obesity with anaemia, face puffy with pitting of flesh. This remedy is recommended to children also. Delicate girls, fearfully constipated, with low spirits. The pulse of the patient is full and yielding. <> in warm air. Great lassitude and general weakness. Great need to lie down.

It is given when Calcarea Carbonica fails. It should be given in drop doses of mother tincture. It is very effective in cases of indigestion, obstinate constipation and flatulence. It is suitable to people with enlarged thyroid glands. Goitre has been cured with it.

Obesity in females with delayed menstruation. Indicated for fair, fat, chilly, constipated people who have skin trouble. Helpful to those who have lost desire for sex.

It is especially suited to fair-haired, fat persons, especially fat, chubby children; fat, sluggish people. Gastrtic symptoms supersede rheumatic symptoms. Liability to take cold in the open air. Great debility, with desire to lie down.

This remedy is especially good for older fat people who are characterized by sweat, backache and weakness. This remedy should be used cautiously in Bright's disease and Tuberculosis. This remedy is for dark haired persons of lax fibre and inclined to be fat.

One of the effective weight and corpulence reducing remedies.

This remedy is a great fat reducer. It is recommended if the patient is having difficulty in walking, sitting, palpitation, dyspnoea on least exertion, nausea, eructations. It is used in mother tincture.

In excessive obesity, it acts better in pale patients rather than those of high colour. This remedy is a powerful diuretic and is very useful in myxodema and various types of edema.

few more from repertory side 
CALC-CARB., FERRUM MET., GRAPH., PHYT., THYR., ANT-CRUD., FUCUS, PHOS., Ant-c., Phyt., Thyr., Amm. mur., Calc-ar., Kali-bi., Kali-c., Lac-d., Phos., Puls., Sep., Senega.
Calcarea carbonica 
A constitutional remedy for reducing fat. The patient is FAT, FAIR AND FLABBY. Great anti-psoric remedy with increased general and local perspiration and swelling of glands, scrofulous and rachitic conditions. Persons who take cold easily, grow fat, are large bellied, with large heads and pale skin. Craving of eggs is marked with heat as well as coldness of single parts of body. Obesity in children.
The patient feels worse by exertion, (mental /physical), ascending, cold (in every form), water, washing, moist air, wet weather, standing. The patient feels better in dry climate, lying on painful side.
Ferrum metallicum
Obesity with anemia, face puffy, with pitting of flesh. Best adapted to young, weakly persons, anemic and chlorotic, with pseudo-plethora, who flush easily and have cold extremities, suffer from weakness even on speaking or walking though looking strong. Pallor of skin, mucus membranes and face.
Worse by - night, rest, sitting quietly and during menses.
Better by slow motion, walking slowly and in summer.
Ammonium muriaticum   
Especially suited to those who are fat and sluggish and whose bodies are large and fat with large buttocks, fatty tumors and thin legs. All mucus secretions are increased and retained. Generally suffering from respiratory troubles and associated affections of liver. Obstinate constipation accompanied by much flatus. Hard, crumbling stools require great effort in expulsion; crumble from the verge of anus.
It produces anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, and sweating, tingling and increased heart rate. It exerts great influence over goiter and excessive obesity and acts best in females with paleness and uterine fibroids or mammary tumors.
Antimonium crudum
Obesity in young people with excessive irritability and fretfulness together with a thickly coated white tongue. All the conditions aggravate by heat and cold bathing. Tendency to grow fat. For children and young people inclined to grow fat, for the extremes of life. Old people with morning diarrhea suddenly become constipated or alternate diarrhea and constipation, pulse hard and rapid. Sensitive to the cold. < After taking cold. Child is fretful, peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked at, sulky, and does not wish to speak or be spoken to, angry at every little attention. Great sadness, with weeping. Longing for acids and pickles. Gastric and intestinal affections: from bread and pastry; acids, especially vinegar; sour or bad wine; after cold bathing; over-heating; hot weather.
Worse - After eating; cold baths, acids or sour wine; after heat of sun or fire; extremes of cold or heat.
Better - In the open air; during rest; after a warm bath.
Tendency to obesity in females with delayed menstruation. The patients are stout, of fair complexion and tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly and costive. Take cold easily. Tendency to obesity and swollen genitals with indurations of tissues.
An important remedy for obesity. Reduces fat and false growths. It is pre-eminently a glandular remedy with glandular swellings –heat and inflammations. Helps to reduce fat and thus reduce weight. It is useful in rheumatism of syphilitic origin where the pains are wandering, shifting and shooting. Burning in throat as from coal fire and cannot swallow hot liquids.
General soreness, lameness, bruised feeling over whole body causes the patient to groan. Intense prostration, sitting upright makes him faint and dizzy.
Mother tincture is used for weight reduction.
A good remedy for obesity and non-toxic goiter (also exophthalmic). Digestion is improved and flatulence diminished. Obstinate constipation. Thyroid enlargement in obese people.
Calcarea arsenicum
Complaints in fat women around climacteric or women approaching climaxis. The females tend to become fleshy and obese around menopause. Chilliness with dropsical affections. Cancer of uterus, affections of spleen and mesenteric glands are often found associated. Great mental depression. The slightest emotion causes palpitation of heart
Suits nicely those people who are of lax fibers, weak, diminished vital heat, fat/obese, indolent and have no vital heat or no reactive force. General uncleanliness of body and opposed to physical exertion. Burning pains and general chilliness with marked tendency to suppuration in every inflammatory process are found.
Persons of waxy, translucent skin, half anemic, young people growing too rapidly, fair, blondes, quick and hemorrhagic diathesis. It affects the nutrition and function of every tissue of body. It causes pseudo-hypertrophy of muscles. Adapted to tall slender persons of sanguine temperament, fair skin, delicate eyelashes, find blond or red hair, quick perceptions, and very sensitive nature. Young people, who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop who are chlorotic or anemic; old people, with morning diarrhea. Hemorrhagic diathesis; small wounds bleed profusely from every mucous outlet.
Longs for: cold food and drink; juicy, refreshing things; ice cream > gastric pains.
As soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is thrown up.
Worse - Evening, before midnight, lying on left or painful side; during a thunderstorm; weather changes, either hot or cold.
Cold air relieves the head and face symptoms but aggravates those of chest, throat and neck.
Better - In the dark; lying on right side; from being rubbed or mesmerized; from cold food, cold water, until it gets warm.
Lac defloratum
Useful in obesity and where diseases are associated with faulty nutrition. Sick headaches with intense throbbing, nausea and vomiting, prostration and all complaints aggravated during menses.
Kali bichromicum
It is specially indicated for fleshy, fat, light haired complexioned people with scrofulous or syphilitic history. Symptoms tend to increase in the morning and all pains migrate quickly with rheumatic and gastric symptoms alternating. Catarrhal stage of all mucus membranes.
It is pre-eminently a female remedy with tendency to obesity in mild, gentle, yielding females who are sad, cry easily and weeps when talking. The symptoms are changeable and contradictory. The patient seeks the open air and feels better in it. Thirstlessness and chilliness in fat females. Aversion to fatty foods, still grows obese. Adapted to persons of indecisive, slow, phlegmatic temperament; sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, easily moved to laughter or tears; affectionate, mild, gentle, timid, yielding disposition - the woman's remedy.
Weeps easily: almost impossible to detail her ailments without weeping. Especially, in diseases of women and children.
Women inclined to be fleshy, with scanty and protracted menstruation.
Worse  - In a warm close room; evening, at twilight; on beginning to move; lying on the left, or on the painless side; very rich, fat, indigestible food; pressure on the well side if it be made toward the diseased side; warm applications; heat.
Better - In the open air; lying on painful side, cold air or cool room; eating or drinking cold things; cold applications.
Obesity in females with weakness, yellow complexion and bearing down sensations. Pains extend down to back and patient chills easily. Obesity in menopausal females with hot flushes and perspirations.
Particularly sensitive to cold air, "chills so easily;" lack of vital heat, especially in chronic diseases.
Anxiety: with fear, flushes of heat over face and head; about real or imaginary friends; with uterine troubles.
Great sadness and weeping. Dread of being alone; of men; of meeting friends; with uterine troubles.
Indifferent: even to one's family; to one's occupation, to those whom she loves best.
Greedy, miserly.
Worse - In afternoon or evening; from cold air or dry east wind; sexual excesses; at rest; sultry moist weather; before a thunderstorm.
Better - Warmth of bed, hot applications; violent exercise.
Especially suited for persons of lax fibers who tend to become obese and also to children who are chubby in appearance. These children usually suffer from repeated respiratory catarrhal affections where rattling cough and profuse mucus but difficult raising are characteristics.

Article publish in Spanish Homeopathy magazine “Revista Homeopatica De Salud” in June July 2014 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Doctor: This is a very interesting formula for weoight loss.
    Question please: Where can I find the ESCULENTINE or the Phycoline ?
    Are they being marketed under different names ?
    Thank you for your help.
    Edward Loussinian


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